AOC: Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures

  1. Sí.

  2. No muy bien, aún se están pensando el ruleset.

  3. Cuando empiezas no estás en single player, al final lo que pasa es que estás con mucha gente pero no con toda la gente de tu servidor sino que la isla entera está instanciada y hay mucha menos gente, digamos que es un multiplayer "grande". Durante el día hay gente y si pasas a la noche al dormir en la taberna (cosa que sólo puedes hacer hasta nivel 19, cuando sales de Tortage ya es un MMO normal) sales de noche y esa parte sí que es totalmente single-player ya que sólo puedes hacer acciones de la quest de destino del personaje hasta que vuelves a pasar a día.


Es decir que puedes jugar online o solo? O lo he entendido mal yo.. que cosa más rara esto para un MMORPG la verdad :O


yo eh leido que al principio del juego empiezas jugando solo luego ya juegas con la gente
un lio :s
Hombre +18.. cortando cabezas os parece poco xd
saben que valdran las mensualidades?


yo creo q Shock se refiere a que sera como el wow.. q estaras con gente en todos lados pero solo estaras tu solo o con tu party en instances no ? sino es así, aver si nos lo puedes explicar mejor xD.


A ver...

Los 19 primeros niveles estás en una isla, esa isla durante el dia juegas con más gente pero no con toda la gente que podría haber sino que estás en una instancia de la isla, digamos que es un multiplayer muy gordo. En esa isla hay una taberna en la ciudad de Tortage (única ciudad del lugar) a la cual te puedes ir a dormir y cuando despiertas es de noche, durante la noche estás completamente solo y sirve exclusivamente para realizar la quest de destino de cada uno.

Si quieres volver al dia vuelves a utilizar la taberna y listo, una vez sobrepasas el nivel 19 y sales de la isla ya entras en el continente de Hyboria y empieza el MMO, una vez aquí los ciclos de día noche duran 6 horas me parece.


pues valla.. yo pensaba ke iva a ser como el wow, tiempo real..

y otra cosa.. se sube de nivel a una velocidad similar a la del wow? o más lenta?


Un consejo: deja el WoW.


#576 si esperas que sea como el wow, no te vengas a este....


Yo creo que no se puede subir mas rapido que en el WOW :x


WoW por aqui...WoW por alla..que si es igual que el WoW...que si esto e distinto al WoW...joder...¿QUE SI EL WOW ES EL PRIMER MMORPG DE LA HISTORIA???!!!
Se hable del mmorpg que se hable siempre esta el WoW por en medio para comparativas, joder si quereis que sea igual que el WoW, un consejo...JUGAD AL WOW, pero no busqueis similitudes en otros juegos. Es que parece que quereis cambiar de juego por que ya os asquea el WoW pero luego solo buscais similitudes en otros juegos, joe...q aprender a jugar no es pecado eh? que el tema de las barritas de habilidades que por cierto se añadio por primera vez en el EQ y no en el WoW como muchos creen, esta ya mas q gastado.

#581 He estado apunto xDDD, pero me gusta cambiar la version de vez en cuando, esta es la 4.1 beta, ire editando hasta que deje la version oficial xDDDD. Estate atento a mi proximo post, prometo novedades, correcciones literarias y añadidos a mi criticas a la comunidad WoWfan _


#580 Me has decepcionado tio. Es tu primer post en el que no hablas del sistema de buzones xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


Quien jugara en los servers españoles (si hay)?


Propongo a los moderadores del foro RPG a los que tengo en alta estima, que prohiban hablar del wow definitivamente, que ya tiene su foro.

Venga, venga, venga!


#583 Apoyo tu propuesta.


Yo ire con mis colegas al server donde mas Pvp exista, y si encima es de Rol, pos las 2 juntas. Y demosle una oportunidad a los españoles... Como haya mucho mamon suelto, al ingles de cabeza.

Sobre lo del wow,es inevitable decir que es uno de los grandes, tiene muchas buenas ideas juntas en el... y este tb esta empapado de muchas de esas ideas y otras nuevas. Pero ciertamente, a mi me llaman mas las nuevas :)


#585 espero que no creen esas super tarjetas de esas del wow por que si no se petara de niñitos correteando XD


#586 "tarJetas"

Yo tambien lo espero, sinceramente no me molaria ver un juego de esta indole y adulto, lleno de chavalines corriendo y gritando lamer por todos lados. Por suerte aqui no tienen Gnomos... xDD


aver yo ya deje el wow hace tiempo porke me aburria y al final acabo siendo para mi la basura, solo digo q el tiempo real es mejor q tener 6 horas de dia y 6 de noche no? .. y pregunto la velocidad solo comparandola con el wow.. nose q hablais de ke me vaya el wow ni ke poyas, nose q problema le veis a q alguien me pueda comparar la velocidad de subir de nivel con el wow para que yo pueda hacerme a una idea..

aqui hay mucha mente corta.. la verdad

y salcord o como te kieras llamar, menciono el wow porq es del unico q me acuerdo mas o menos de la velocidad a la q se sube porq es el ultimo al q he jugado, ya que he jugado a otros mil, como lineage, GW, UO..

#586, por cierto seguramente habrá niñatos igual que en cualquier otro juego como el WOW xD, ya que yo por ejemplo soy MENOR y el juego me lo compro con la tarjeta de mi hermano y las mensualidades igual xdd.. para eso no hay problema... lo que si espero esq no haya tanto tonto como en otros mmorpgs..

y quiero aclarar q me paso del wow al aoc porque alli me aburria de mascarme el high end con dr no porq sea un niñato q no tiene ni puta idea de esto y busca un juego "mas facil" como el q dijo por ahi arriba.


yo en cambio prefiero eso de 6 horas de dia y 6 horas de noche, por que jugar todos los dias de noche, durante 1 mes(pork mi horario solo me permitia jugar x las noches)... Prefiero poder ver como cambia el sol en el cielo y demas pijerio.

aparte, aqui los Npcs, no iban a tener vidas propias? en plan, a lo mejor de noche no encuentras a tal Npc xk se fue a dormir y cosas asi?


Pues estaría bien, aunque sería putada si (por el horario) nunca pudieras jugar de noche o de día:
-Mata a 20 tortugas. No salen por la noche.



a todo esto si el juego es tan completo se puede dormir y todo mi pregunta es que pasa si al tio no le das de comer?
se puede morir de hambre?


la gente es tonta o que? que se habla del wow?
simplemente el wow es el mmorpg mas jugado el primero para muchisima gentem, simplemente se pone el wow como guia, para comprarlo con el sistema de rapidez en subida de lvl, ami tambien me gustaria saber como se sube de rapido, y para saberlo nada mejor que comprarlo con el wow.

haceis unas pajas mentales terribles y veis cosas donde no las hay.......


El Wow, es el MMo mas rapido de todos los que he jugado/visto en subir level al maximo...

El conan segun he leido (ojala hubiese probado) se sube tambien a buena velocidad... habra que ver la release. Pero vamos, agradezco subir level rapido (wow no me molesta siendo el mas rapido que conozco) pero que tenga buen high end, me es esencial...


oh alguien q comprende a lo que me referia xdd, a algunos parece q os ofende q se mencione el wow..


Como que quien jugara en los españoles? xd me imagino que todo el mundo..
Hombre si sabes ingles perfectamente seguro que son mejores los servidores americanos o ingleses..
pero una tonteria habiendo españoles XD
80 euros guardados*
el juego lo venderan en corte ingles? o game

@el wow y el l2 ya ralla un poco ay que ver cosas nuevas y diferentes..
up age of conan!


la q no es ediccion coleccionista llevara ya tambien 1 mes gratis o todavia no se sabe ?


Yo ire al servidor europeo con mas jugadores, es decir al de habla inglesa, paso tremendamente de los españoles.

En cuanto a la velocidad de subida, ojala sea muy rápida, para algunos el juego "empieza" cuando llegamos al maximo lvl...

Hablando del wow, habrá instancias de 193219321 horas en las que lo mas probable sea que el item (fundamental para que tu pj sea alguien) que buscas no salga?


#596 Por norma general todos los mmorpg llevan una mensualidad gratis.



Pues anda que no mola ver el juego poco a poco y no subir como un rayo y parar de subir level porque ya no hay mas :S


Still planning to have:

  • RP PvP
  • PvP
  • PvE
    on release.
    On RP PvP Servers you will have slightly adjusted rules on how to behave and player/guild names.

-Everyone not in your Group is your enemy. (Perhaps Guild Members will always count as friends – not decided yet.
-All Itemstats have 2 different versions – 1 for PvE and 1 for PvP. The PvP Stats are used for special PvP Equipment. There will be a ranking for pvp experience – you gain experience by killing others and loose exp by dying.
-Every few months, the currently highest ranked ppl will receive a small price (ingame item)
-There will be other CTF Arenas (you’ve seen the one from stygia). The Arena is chosen randomly, not sure if the other Arenas make it into the release version
-Modes : CTF & Team Annihilation still in


  • Every Char can learn 1(!) crafting profession
  • Right now you’ve got to be lvl 40 to start crafting, perhaps will be changed to 20 – not yet decided
  • Professions: Armorsmith, Weaponsmith , Alchemy, Jewelcrafter, Architect
  • Crafting lvls are gained by doing quests, it won’t help to build the same thing 1000 times
  • Recipes don’t vanish after you used them
  • You’ll probably reach max crafting lvl within a few hours
  • Almost all Items are available in 2 versions, one version with usual resources and one version with rare resources. Crafted Items are the only items with sockets.
  • Sockets come in different sizes and there’s a max of 4 sockets per item
  • You can’t remove jewels if you’ve attached them to an Item before
  • Most (perhaps all) crafted Items won’t have stats like int or str. The crafted Items define themselves through their basic stats
  • Without jewels the crafted items will be weaker than dropped items, if you fight against enemies with special resistances crafted items with sockets probably will be more effective than dropped items
  • High lvl crafting items can only be assembled if you’re a member of a guild which owns a guild city and the needed crafting building
  • Crafting doesn’t need an anvil or sth like this next to you, you can craft everywhere.
  • Crafting itself is completely automatic and there’s no risk of loosing the resources


  • there’re 3 instanced zoned (can be copied without any restrictions – no max number of guild cities on one server) so every guild can build a guildcity. Those zones are: Lachleish Plains (Cimmeria), Poitain (Aquilonia) and Purple Lotus Swamps (Stygia)
  • A guild needs at least 30 players to start building a city. Some of those players have to be 60+
  • You can chose the desired country in the beginning, the instance and the slot are automatically chose by system though
  • All buildings need a combination of metal, wood, stone and gold
  • In the city you’ll find dozens of foundation stones of different size. A guild member with enough authorization and the profession architect can use those stones and chose the building he wants to be built. After you’ve paid for the building, construction starts automatically.
  • The first buliding you have to build always is the keep
  • Almost all buildings have different tiers (1-3 or 1-2)
  • Upgrading your buildings will raise the lvl of your city
  • Walls are also buildings. You can construct an inner and an outer wall (seems to be determined where you build them – not sure though,  my opinion). Towers and stairs can be built “relatively free”. If you build walls, there’s no way to get past them (so no climbing or walking around them).
  • Every player will be able to teleport to the guildkeep. Not yet decided if this ability will have a CD


  • there’re 4 basic resources
  • every resource is available in (6-8) different tiers (bronze, iron …)
  • if you’re harvesting resources, there’s always the chance of finding rare resources of that specific resource you’re harvesting
  • resources will be shown on (mini) map
  • most resources will be found in the three guild city zones (only few resource spots in the rest of the world)
  • at the moment it’s not planned that you’ve got to specialize on one of the resources (everybody can harvest everything)
  • next to the basic resources, there are special resources you only receive from specific enemies

Border Kingdoms

  • still 9 Keeps per server, if there are some server with a smaller amount of players the number of keeps will be adjusted (for those servers)
  • if you want to build a keep (seize a slot/take possession of a slot) you’ve got to have a player city @ lvl 3
  • a guild can only have one keep, you’re still able to attack other keeps if you own one though
  • the longer you own a keep, the bigger the received bonus for guild members will become
  • a keep also can be upgraded but not as detailed as the player cities, the keeps are something like an outpost and not a second player city
  • every guild can choose the time when their keep is attackable, there is a minimum amount of time you’ve got to make you keep attackable. The possible attack times depend on the region of your server (Europe vs USA for example)
  • the longer the attack windows are, the easier it’ll be to defend your keep
  • the max duration of a siege is 90mins at the moment, if the attackers don’t manage to win, the defenders win
  • to attack a keep, you’ve got to “build” a tent in front of the keep (while the attack window is open), guild members of the defending guild receive an ingame msg if the attackers start to build this tent
  • there are two ways to capture a keep:
  • 1. “partial victory” – the keep is destroyed within 90 minutes, the defenders loose all the bonuses they received before for “holding the keep”, but the defenders don’t loose their battle keep
  • 2. “total victory” – all buildings are destroyed within 90 minutes – the winners can take the slot and build their own keep (if they don’t already own another keep)
  • siege weapons are constructed in the playfield during the attack, they’ll cost a combination of wood,stone,gold and iron (like buildings), there’ll be (probably) 8 spots for siege weapons
  • there are siege weapons spots for the attackers and the defenders
  • walls can be destroyed very fast (in a few minutes), so if you’re hiding in your keep, you’ll probably loose the fight
  • next to the battle keeps, there’ll be other targets to fight for in the Border Kingdoms (for example towers). The rules for towers are the same as for battle keeps (attack window etc.). Those towers should encourage smaller guilds to participate in the combats of the Border Kingdoms. At the moment there is no limit on how many towers can be held by one guild
  • it’s not decided yet if the towers will be upgradeable, if they’ll be, the options will be very small

Group Play

  • groups get a small amount of bonus xp for killing enemies
  • at the moment there are three different loot options (round robin, master looter and ffa)
  • quest items will drop for all group members
  • almost all caves and smaller dungeons (the maze, acheronian ruins etc.) will support a “hero mode” to provide a challenging group play experience, because they’re usually made for smaller grps or solo play (don’t muddle this up with real dungeons)


  • there’ll be a great variety of horses (5-10 different horse and those also in different colours)
  • the mounts differ by HP, stamina, speed and mobility
  • all mounts are able to attack and do different amount of damage
  • many spells can be cast while mounted
  • it’ll be possible to be thrown off the mount while engaged in combat
  • due to balancing issues the war rhino and war mammoth are almost equal (rhino bit more mobility, mammoth more HP)
  • mammoth and rhino still are still planed to be exclusive pre order mounts
  • you’ve got to be lvl 40 to buy/use a mount
  • mounts are items in the inventory (you can have more than one)
  • mount equip will not make it into the release version but the idea still is there (-> addon/patch)
  • not yet decided what happens to your mount if you dismount
  • mammoths are big … veeery big


  • every class is able to use stealth
  • there are different elements which determine if a stealthed player will be discovered or not : 1. stealth skill (your char) 2. perception skill (other char/npc  can also be trained by every char) 3. noise: there’s a difference between a soldier in heavy armour on grit compared to a rogue in cloth armour on grass (just examples) 4. Viewcone: if you’re in front of a player you’re more likely to be discovered than if you’re on the side of/behind a player 5. “light lever”: night vs. day and also shadows of obstacles vs. open field (very complex)  there’ll be a for the current “light level” added to the interface


  • even if it’s possible to reach lvl 25 due to the amount of quests and size of tortage it’ll grow because many beta testers said that they were missing the feeling of travelling, there’ll be some other “trips” for example a trip with a smuggle gang
  • you can exactly reach lvl 20 on tortage, if your 20 and still do quests etc. the xp will be lost
  • after release there’ll be more starting areas but right now it’s more important to have one very good starting area


  • even if your latency is 500 you’ll still be able to play AoC without any problems. Amongst other things FC uses an invisible “action queue” to ensure this. FC is aware of the concerns of dial up/isdn users and therefore built the engine in a way that let those players also enjoy the game.

Zoning/Travel/World Map

  • while zoning you’ll see the your travel path on the world map, the travel path is also your loading bar
  • there will be specific loading screens for all regions you’re travelling to (perhaps in the beginning some regions will have the same screen)


  • the background music available for AoC has a duration of 3hours. In combat the SIM Player will show his abilities (music mixed for combat)
  • all music tracks are composed in 5.1 surround sound
  • many tacks feature choirs and opera singers

Online Ranking and Database

  • there’ll be a online database for pvp and basic server stats, comparable to WoW’s Armory, not at release though


  • SoS got merged with the Stormcaller  new class Tempest of Set, ToS is a priest only available to stygians, his dmg mostly is electrical aoe dmg
  • The more dmg the ToS does, the better his heal abilities become  counterpart of PoM (the better the healing, the better the dmg)
  • Lich has been removed because he felt like HoX (only difference was the undead scheme) there were also problems with the lore, especially in tortage (Acheronian ruins !?  my opinion)
  • The most interesting skills of the lich have been added to the Necromancer class  necro is able to transform into the lich form (for example) via feats
  • Now there are 3 classes of every archetype (3 sodliers, 3 rogues, 3priest, 3 mages)
  • Every race has its own specific priest (ToS  stygia, Bear Shaman  Cimmeria and PoM  Aquilonia)


  • raidsize: 4 groups with 6 members each (24 players)
  • loot usually will be items  no tokens
  • raidgrps also can have a master looter
  • raids will be a big part of PvE engame
  • in the release version there’ll be 20 (!) raidencounter
  • those encounters are divided into 8 raid dungeons with different size
  • most of the dungeons should be completed in 1-3 hours (if you play good enough )
  • there are three “tiers” of dungeons, if you’re not 75+ you shouldn’t even think about getting near the easiest dungeon
  • items from the lower tier dungeons will make it easier to survive in the higher tier dungeons (it does not matter in which dungeon of the tier you start)
  • raidinstances will have a CD of 7 days (cd is for the players not for the whole guild


  • PEGI and ESRB already rated the game, USK not yet finished (only for interesting for us poor german players )
  • German (therefore also other Europeans  my opinion) will be able to receive a mammoth/rhino via pre order, the sale partners are being searched and will be announced soon (following days/weeks)
  • There’re also fatalities in the german version, some very brutal animations may be eased (don’t start to laugh, I’m going to buy the uk version :P)
  • There’ll also be a Spanish localisation, Cm already hired


  • still ingame (omg omg omfg YES ) but it got changed a little bit. Now it works like the melee combo system  with the correct line of spells you’ll start a spellweave, those will not happen as often as the melee combos and therefore will be a lot stronger
  • the possibility to kill yourself and even your team through spellweaving is still planned, there’ll be also other negative consequences
  • hell is not in game anymore, too frustrating if a caster went to hell while his grp was still in the dungeon  they had to wait for the caster to come back

Last but not least

  • Release date is fix  no more delays, the devs are working very very hard to present a preferably perfect product at release.

Usuarios habituales

  • RoBErTiTo
  • Toran
  • PiTaGoRaS
  • Darth
  • SgtOpio
  • McVeigh
  • Shock