Tráiler de State of Mind


Creo que esto no se ha puesto en el foro, y aprovechando que ha saltado la noticia que saldrá para Switch, pues lo ponemos. Aventura narrativa en tercera persona que habla del transhumanismo. Os pego la sinopsis en inglés que es más completa. Saldrá para PC, PS4, Xbox One y Switch (aunque no se sabe si para esta saldrá al mismo tiempo) durante algún momento del Q1.

State of Mind is a futuristic thriller game delving into transhumanism. The game explores themes of separation, disjuncture and reunification, in a world that is torn between a dystopian material reality and a utopian virtual future.
Employing multiple playable characters and two separate game worlds, State of Mind explores the existential drama that develops in a society on the brink of post-material existence.

You are Richard Nolan, a father and journalist from Berlin who discovers that he has been subject to an accident. As a result, he is still living with incomplete memories.

Upon realizing that he is literally a torn man, Richard sets out on a dramatic and dangerous search for salvation. He aims to reunite with his family, as well as with his own lost memories. On his way, he soon realizes that this journey isn’t only about him, but about the future of mankind.



Se ve precioso.


Espectacular el trailer


Uf, tras Soma, todo lo que sea volver sobre este tema en los videojuegos es gloria.

Lo tendré en el radar.


Inserto juego de #1


Esperemos que el juego no sea todo trailer


me encanta cuando hacen los videos para que encaje tan bien con la musica

Usuarios habituales

  • Furo
  • Fulpo
  • KillerJK
  • Acu
  • howllness
  • tute07011988
  • Astara