BF: Nuevo gran parche para Battlefield 4


Hoy ha salido un nuevo parche con opciones interesantes como una mejora para el audio de los pasos de otros personajes. Mejoras en el modelado de los mapas, vuelven a toquetear el funcionamiento de los botiquines y otras muchas cosas.

En este PDF tenéis una explicación de las cosas más importantes con imágenes.

Aunque yo juraría que el cono de visión con más tickrate (netcode) es de hace varios parches. De hecho no aparece en el changelog:

- Added Squad Obliteration game mode
- Added support for New player servers (rank 10 and down)
- Added support for matchmaking into ranked servers (in addition to standard official)
- Various anti-cheat improvements implemented
- In combat system now temporarily disables squad spawning when squad mate is in combat
- In combat system now temporarily disables Medic Bag healing based on damage taken and incoming suppression increase
- In combat system now temporarily disables First Aid Kit healing based on damage taken
- Decouple vehicle aiming from turning option added
- Added Mastery Dog tags for several weapons that were previously missing
- Added 3 new Premium playlists: 'Large Scale Battles', 'The Battlefield', and 'Close Quarters'
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause an error about stats not fetching, if connecting to a session after immediately being disconnected
- Fixed an exploit related to CTF/Obliteration exploit using M224 Mortar/MAV/EOD Bot
- PC - Several AMD Mantle optimizations
- PC - Various graphical performance improvements
- PS4/XBOX ONE - Fixed a case where the Battledash would not show after signing out of a profile while in the rent-a-server section
- PS4/XBOX ONE - Fixed naming inconsistency with the server browser and quick match for Conquest Large
- Xbox One - Fixed an issue where the user would sometimes not enter friends online session when joining through 'Friends List'
- Xbox One – Fixed an issue where Digital Premium Edition did not give premium access on Battlelog
- X360 - Fixed an issue where performing a sign-in change during game would sometimes result in endless black loading screen
- X360 - Fixed an issue where multiple users in the same squad would crash if the squad leader disconnected from a full server
- Added option for player to separately toggle the slowdown and auto rotation components of aim assist. Server admins can now enforce a disable of the auto rotation component on ranked servers
- All consoles - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to join a rented server that had a password set

- Footsteps: Significantly improved audio of footsteps for enemies and friendlies so that they can clearly be heard. Also fixed an issue where grenades explosions or other loud sounds would mute footstep sounds
- Fixed an issue where EOR music would not play in CTF
- PC - TDM/SQDM: 'Tension music' now correctly playing for all teams in TDM and SQDM

- Updated the shading for many of the Dog tag country flags to make them more accurate
- Animation: Cleaned up fast side to side movement of the character in third person
- Fixed an issue where tracers would incorrectly show up on bullet impacts

- Fixed an issue where the soldier camouflage selected would change to default between rounds
- Fixed the cropped "Ready" status on the F-35 and J-20 fighter jets so that it is now fully visible
- Fixed a HUD related issue that would sometimes occur when players on the same server would use the FLIR/IRNV
- Dog tags will now display stats both in game and in menus
- Several hit indicator and crosshair improvements
- Fixed an issue where a player's health is displayed incorrectly when they get hit while regenerating health
- Updated HUD Logic for several weapons so that they show "overheat" messages correctly
- Tweaked Jet HUDs to be more clear
- Improved scout helicopter crosshairs
- All consoles - Removed an incorrect reference to parachute in the customization screen
- Deploy screen - Added deploy screen advanced options to show vehicle passengers, more details on occupants and squad mates
- Deploy screen - Improved squad mate selection when in vehicles

- All helicopters have new more agile physics applied (you can do both barrel rolls and loops!)

- Animation updates for m412 and sw30
- Fixed an audio bug where the air missiles or TV guided missiles would play multiple times for one shot
- Fixed an audio bug where the FAC boat cannons would loop indefinitely
- Adjusted the graphics for the Kobra red dot reticle to make it longer to more closely match the actual reticle
- Removed small animation played when going into sprint for any weapons that have a fore grip
- Adjusted QBZ95 fore grip position in first person
- Fix for RPK74 bolt cycle during fire animation
- Improved HUD clarity for red dot sights against snowy/bright backgrounds - AND improved PS3/Xbox360 look as well
- PS3/PS4 - Fixed an instance where a player would be unable to switch back to the bow from a secondary weapon if spawning as a passenger in a vehicle
- X360 - Fixed an issue where Vehicle IRNV would not detect infantry on equal elevation properly

- PS3/PS4 –Fixed an issue where a user would get stuck when descending the ladder that leads to the lower Hangar
- Fixed a sound bug that would cause the titan engine audio to become distorted
- Fixed various smaller sound issues

- Fixed an issue where user would encounter snowing VFX inside of the hallway west of objective B if spawning on squad mate.

- Fixed several collision issues based on community feedback

- Fixed a collision issue which would cause players to fall down from the big neon sign that is used as a bridge between 2 buildings
- Fixed an issue where a user could see through the game world after destroying part of a building situated near the CN base

- Fixed several collision issues that would occur after the mudslide levolution was triggered. The mudslide has also been optimized to reduce visual glitches
- Rush - Fixed issues with the EDO bot having no collision with several sidewalks around the US base first set of M-coms
- Fixed an issue with an indestructible window in the house at the center of the map
- Fixed an issue where a player could get stuck behind the pipes at Flag C and be forced to redeploy
- Xbox One - Various issues collision near the valves and between them after the levolution event

- Fixed several collision issues based on community feedback

- Made collision conform closer to render mesh for destroyed track pieces. Moved collision volume in the level to accommodate the new changes to the adjusted object collision
- Fixed several collision issues based on community feedback

- Fixed several collision issues based on community feedback

METRO 2014
- Fixed an issue where users where able to get C4 kills through the roof
- Fixed several collision issues based on community feedback

- Fixed several collision issues based on community feedback

- Fixed several collision issues based on community feedback

- Fixed several collision issues based on community feedback

- Improved collision issues on several skyscrapers

- Fixed an issue where a user is unable to deploy Radio Beacon, MAV and similar gadgets on the boardwalk located north from the water and south from objective C
- Fixed several collision issues based on community feedback

- Added collision in the ceiling of the cave so that is no longer possible to hide there with the little bird

- Lights now no longer stay intact once building is destroyed


Sacaran el 5 y seguiran parcheando el 4, y eso esta bien la verdad.


Lo que no esta bien es lo de entrar al juego ONLY via explorador... que pongan las dos opciones, a no que entonces nadie usaria la web! Pensaba que despues del feedback del BF3, harían algo al respecto... es que es simplemente patetico. A mi me gusta el battlelog pero prefiero poder moverme entre servidores desde dentro del juego... En fin.

1 respuesta

#3 No es tan cómodo como cambiar de server dentro del juego y dependiendo de tu pc puede ser lento pero si sales al escritorio y en el battlelog le das a entrar a otro servidor te cambia de servidor sin que tengas que salir del juego primero.



1 1 respuesta

Puede que sea el único pero vuelvo a morir detrás de las coberturas como antes del parche de septiembre. En 2 horas de juego me pasa una y otra vez :( El hitmarker el rojo y el no tropezar con los bordillos de lo mejor

1 respuesta

#6 Mira en las opciones si la frecuencia de refresco se te ha puesto en baja, pero no debería haber cambiado nada en cuanto a eso.

1 respuesta

Pues a mí, misteriosamente con este parche me va a trompicones cada 2 segundos de 60 fps a 34, da igual si juego con mantle o directx...gracias DICE.

PD: R9 290


#5 xDDDDDDDDD Como las clavas.

1 1 respuesta

#9 Riete, pero en la primera partida, nada mas entrar, CLONCK. Petada de las buenas. De esas que te dejan el PC muerto y toca tirar de boton.

La segunda ya ha ido bien, y la tercera no me he atrevido. Lo dejo asi y me acuesto pensando que ha sido algo casual xD

Bueno, y en los foros oficiales tanto español como en ingles, ya hay hilos con problemas varios debidos al parche.

Mi teoria de que para un amplio sector de jugadores los parches benefician a unos y perjudican a otros, lo tengo mas que claro.

Con el parche anterior me encontraba en el lado de los beneficiados, por eso temo a este parche.


yo no he notado diferencia, lo que si me he encontrado es a gente en god mode petando siempre por la espalda y haciendose barbaridad de puntos siendo rangos bajos (lvl22) y siendo lvl 140. algo no me cuadra, va raro ....


Q alguien lo traduzca q yo de ingles ni papa XD

1 respuesta

#12 Estaba esperando a la traducción oficial para ponerlo, pero visto que pasan los días y no aparece en teamplayers puedes verlo.


#7 pues parece que si hay una mejoría


Pues a mí desde el parche se me peta. Y no se me petaba desde que salió prácticamente. BF4 dejó de funcionar y al escritorio...


A mi solo me ha petado una vez. Pero han aparecido demasiado bugs.

Por ejemplo al ir en avion, sin saber el motivo de vez en cuando se oye como si disparases un rpg.
En helicoptero ayer oia tiracos de sniper como si disparasen desde dentro del heli, y me da la sensacion que los tiros venian desde Cuenca pero se oian pegados a la oreja.

Otro bug, es que le meto dos c4 en todo el costado a un tanque, y 0 de daño. solo me ha pasado una vez.
En el minimapa el movimiento de los barcos se ve a golpes, como si el que lo lleva fuese lagueado.

Palmar, y resucitar en otro punto del mapa como si me hubiesen revivido pero con teletransportacion.

Y algun que otro fallo mas que ahora no recuerdo.


Yo ya desisti de btf4 me instale el 3 pero no juega nadie o por lo menos a mi solo me salen 2/o 3/servers de conquest o team deathmatch

1 respuesta

#17 Algo pondras mal en los filtros porque a mi a horas normales me siguen saliendo aun bastantes :s

Usuarios habituales

  • zarkand
  • vinilester
  • Crisis
  • ToRA
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  • zErOx
