Ronda de análisis de Splatoon 2


La secuela de una de las mayores sorpresas de Nintendo durante la etapa de Wii U ya ha sido analizada por la prensa especializada. Aprovecho para recordar que en Mediavida tenemos hilo oficial para estar al tanto del juego.

OpenCritic - 83

Ars Technica - Sam Machkovech - No Verdict

Splatoon 2's basic gameplay has clearly benefited from a full two years of patching and examination of the original title's uneven launch. This is all we've wanted from Nintendo for years: to come up with wild new ideas, then actually adjust and respond to player demands for a better experience.

Attack of the Fanboy - Kyle Hanson - 4.5 / 5 stars

Giving players more of the same isn't always a bad thing, and Splatoon 2 gives Switch owners another fantastic game to add to their lineup. Taking the formula from the Wii U original and tweaking it here and there, the game might not surprise all that much, but it will deliver a fantastic and unique shooter experience from start to finish.

Cerealkillerz - Gabriel Bogdan - German - 8 / 10.0

Splatoon 2 presents itself as a classic sequel and misses the opportunity to add some changes to the gameplay and multiplayer that make an impact. The game is still a must-have for shooter fans on the Nintendo Switch, even when there's not enough new content for Splatoon Veterans.

CGMagazine - Phil Brown - 8.5 / 10.0

Splatoon 2 delivers everything that made the original great and tosses in a few improvements for good measure. The Switch library just keeps getting better.

COGconnected - Michael Chow - 85 / 100

While hard to compare gritty first-person shooters with Splatoon 2, it's equally hard to argue against the aesthetically pleasing visuals, smooth framerate, polished gameplay, and pure fun of the game.

Critical Hit - Alessandro Barbosa - 8 / 10.0

Splatoon 2 is a far more robust, polished game, with heaps more content than its debut ever had, but still sadly retains some of its biggest shortfalls. An absurdly addictive formula of gameplay that remains unique and inviting, but with an encompassing online infrastructure that's sometimes at odds with itself.

Destructoid - Chris Carter - 8.5 / 10.0

If you're the type of person who tried Splatoon for a little while and gave up, Nintendo hasn't done a whole lot to change your mind outside of adding a horde mode. But with more concessions for higher-level play and a deeper meta, veterans will be jumping ship from Wii U to Switch in an instant. Here's hoping that Splatoon 2 gets even more long-term support and Salmon Run is free of the shackles of a "once in a while" event for those of you who don't have multiple Switches at your disposal.

Eurogamer - Martin Robinson - Recommended

An improvement in nearly every way on one of Nintendo's finest games in years, Splatoon 2 is only let down by a lack of big new ideas.

FNintendo - Henrique Pereira - Portuguese - 8 / 10

Splatoon 2 fully deserves to be a sequel to its original, as it builds up and improves on several elements that made the first game so memorable. The gameplay mechanics remain fun and unique, the Salmon Mode is outstanding, the improved audiovisual components work wonders and the local multiplayer increases its appeal, Splatoon 2 just needs to work on some of the elements of its online multiplayer component to reach an even higher threshold.

Gameblog - Thomas Pillon - French - 8 / 10

Splatoon 2 keeps everything that worked in the first episode to deliver a strong but somehow light sequel. Fortunately, the Salmon Run mode seems new enough to bring back the fun, as this cooperative option took us by surprise. Fans will love, haters gonna hate, but Splatoon should benefit from the Switch phenomenal success to increase its fanbase.

GameSpace - William Murphy - 9 / 10.0

Now, if you missed the original Splatoon, which most people did because not many really owned a Wii U, you owe it to yourself to pick up Splatoon 2. Not only is it better than its forebear in every way, it’s simply one of the best shooters released so far in 2017. It’s a must buy.

GameSpot - Kallie Plagge - 8 / 10

Splatoon 2 is a fresh, vibrant sequel that introduces smart updates to the original's unique formula.

GamingBolt - Pramath - 7 / 10.0

Splatoon 2 comes with all of the original game's strengths and weaknesses. It remains incredibly fun and addictive to play, and newcomers especially will fall in love with it. But if you're like me, you will mourn that Splatoon 2 failed to heed its predecessor's advice to stay fresh.

GamingTrend - Matt Welsh - 85 / 100

Splatoon 2 adds some great new weapons and decent new modes, but an over-reliance on the its familiar formula keeps it from feeling like a full-blown sequel.

Hardcore Gamer - Kirstin Swalley - 4.5 / 5.0

Splatoon 2 recaptures every moment of enjoyment of the original while finding room to add even more.

Hobby Consolas - David Martinez - Spanish - 89 / 100

It deepens in every aspect of Splatoon. The Addition of a coop mode, Salmon Run, the new levels in Hero mode and the original maps and weapons in online 4 v 4 battles complete a superb shooter. On the downside, we miss split screen multiplayer, more maps, and the voice chat system feels too complicated.

IBTimes UK - Ben Skipper - 4.5 / 5 stars

It's quite literally everything the first game was and more, which might not mean more revolutionary features but does mean a greater depth and variety of options for the new players it is sure to ensnare. With free updates promised for the best part of a year, the game will only improve, and this time it'll have the audience it deserves.

Metro GameCentral - GameCentral - 9 / 10

It barely classifies as a sequel, but even if you've played the original this is still one of the best online shooters ever made.

Nintendo Enthusiast - Eli Pales - 9 / 10.0

Those that played the original Splatoon will find the sequel feeling familiar. The intuitive mechanics are still as addictive as the first time around, but a larger number of maps and the addition of Salmon Run cements Splatoon 2 as an excellent standalone value. Moreover, the addition of competitive features and promise of ongoing support will ensure players will stick with the game for a while. After all, it was hard enough for me to stop playing online long enough to recommend the game to you.

NintendoWorldReport - Neal Ronaghan - 8.5 / 10.0

Salmon Run is brilliant, but only being able to play it at specific times is downright awful, and the local form of it requires a wealth of systems and games to work optimally. Still, even with those woeful limitations, Splatoon 2 is the best online game on Switch and with more updates coming down the road, could stay that way for a very long time. This might not be quite as fresh as it was in 2015, but it is certainly, as Marina and Pearl say, “off the hook.

Polygon - Chelsea Stark - 8 / 10.0

What the first Splatoon did well is still built into the sequel's barnacle-encrusted DNA, and now it's on a system that you can stuff in your bag or play on the couch. It's baffling that Splatoon 2's best feature is held back by a frustrating lack of proper online support, and in many ways, it's the same game with some new tricks. But there are still enough imaginative additions for anyone who played the first game to death, especially via its strange, captivating supporting cast. It may be much more of the same, but the same is still pretty fresh.

SA Gamer - Dawid Venter - 9 / 10.0

Splatoon 2 is the perfect shooter on the perfect console, and it’s an incredible amount of fun. If you’ve been looking for something competitive on the Switch then look no further. This is the splash of colour you need in your life.

Slant Magazine - Jed Pressgrove - 3 / 5 stars

Like the first Splatoon, Nintendo's sequel to their smash hit isn't your average multiplayer online shooter.

Spaziogames - Matteo Bussani - Italian - 8.5 / 10.0

Splatoon 2 is a clear evolution of the first chapter but isn't as innovative as it has to be.

Stevivor - Steve Wright - No Verdict

Hero Mode is alright, but the real meat and potatoes of Splatoon 2 are in its multiplayer offerings.

The Digital Fix - Rob Kershaw - 7 / 10.0

A few extra bells and whistles keeps Splatoon 2 relevant and fun on its new platform, but Nintendo plays it a little too safe for hardened Splatters.

TheSixthAxis - Stefan L - 8 / 10

A fairly straightforward sequel to one of the Wii U's best games, Splatoon 2's unique take on the online multiplayer shooter is as fresh as ever on Switch. Nintendo still have one foot in the past with online functionality, stubbornly sticking to their (paint) guns when they should be learning from others, but these flaws are easily covered up once you get into a game. At its heart, Splatoon 2 is a second helping of one of the most inventive shooters of the last decade.

ThisGenGaming - ThisGenGaming Reviews - 9 / 10.0

If you were a fan of Splatoon on the Wii U, and you own a Switch then you should already know the excitement and fun you're in for. If you're new to Splatoon, and own a Switch then what are you waiting for? You need this game because it's going to be worth it for sure.

USgamer - Caty McCarthy - 4 / 5 stars

Splatoon 2 doesn't add much to shake up the splat-paint-everywhere formula, but I wonder if it needs to at this point. Splatoon 2 is a much stronger game at launch than its original ever was through its whole lifespan, and for that, is easily one of the best games one can own on the Switch.

Wccftech - Dave Aubrey - 8.6 / 10.0

Splatoon 2 could've done more to differentiate itself from its predecessor, but ultimately what we're left with is an upgrade over the original in almost every way. Sure, returning players might be underwhelmed with the familiarity, but anyone jumping into Splatoon for the first time will be blown away. Another Switch essential, especially for those multiplayer fans – let's just hope Nintendo's smartphone app works as elegantly…


Lo esperado. Un juego que va a lo seguro y ofrece cosas chachis para los newcomers

Y lo esperado también por la parte HURRR ES COMO EL PRIMERO.


Muero de ganas por el modo zombies, que sea ya viernes por favor!


JUEGAZO.Todo correcto. Nos vemos el viernes calamares


Campaña mas larga, exigente y variada, nuevo modo zombies, y mejoras en el online. Continuista si, pero que mejora en todo a su predecesor.

2 respuestas

#5 Que no se te olvide que puedes jugarlo donde te salga del rabo :qq::qq:

1 1 respuesta

Un must have de la Switch.


#6 Tambien tambien, pero eso va implicito con la consola.



El juego tiene pinta de ser divertido no, lo siguiente. Parece que han cogido todo lo bueno del anterior y lo han mejorado.
Que pena no tener una NS, pero no me da tiempo ni a acabar los de PS4.




Debo ser de los pocos a los que no les llama el juego xD Disfrutadlo


Me gusta lo que leo, y mas siendo de los que tocamos un splatoon por primera vez.


alguien me regala una switch + splatoon? gracias xD


#5 La campaña es singleplayer ?

1 respuesta

#15 Si


Otro triple A y siguen sin stocks de máquinas, muy grandes estos de Nintendo, deben de ser lo únicos que no saben que cuando se pasa la novedad, los juegos no venden una mierda


Yo tampoco entiendo lo que esta haciendo nintendo respecto a la Switch, bueno si lo se, esta creando tal hype que en cuanto salen unas pocas a la venta y venden todas las que hay disponibles, el problema en que otros tiene algo de stock y aqui en españa ni de coña, estan haciendo lo mismo que con la nuevo SNES.


Este no el famoso caso de saco pocas y creo especulación. Eso podría ser dañino incluso haciendo que la gente pase de esperar a desesperar, sin embargo no puede ir a la fábrica y pedir 10 millones más porque la fábrica no puede dar servicio de a todas las que le piden lo mismo. La duda es saber si es por la batalla de componentes con Apple como se comentó hace unas semanas o consecuencia de no haber estimado tantas ventas y tener que lidiar con la saturación en las fábricas.

De ahí vienen todos estos problemas de stock, de lo contrario habría estado encantada de vender una a cada una de las 3000 personas por las que hacían cola ayer en una tienda de Tokyo.


Al final ni tan mal.


sabeis si se pueden dos jugadores a pantalla partida?

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