Terraria 2 anunciado


Andrew "Redigit" Spinks, uno de los creadores de Terraria, ha anunciado en RockPaperShotgun que está trabajando en Terraria 2.

Unas citas sustraidas de la noticia:
“I’m super excited about starting Terraria 2,” he said, voice suddenly ringing with a pointed intensity. “It’s a ways out, but it’s gonna have a lot in common with the original. It’s gonna be quite different as well. I really want to expand on the whole Terraria universe.”

“There’s a lot of stuff I’m locked into with Terraria. The way loot works, the way character progression works. In Terraria 2, I really want to have infinite worlds so you’re not just stuck to one world. You can travel anywhere. I want more biome diversity in that, too. There’s a lot of stuff .”

“It’s a tricky question, though. When do you stop working on one game and start working on something new? I honestly have no idea. Right now, I’m having a lot of fun with it. Everyone on my team is really enjoying working on Terraria 1. But I have looked into maybe hiring another small team to continue updates while I move onto Terraria 2. So that’s also an option.

Al parecer, Redigit está pensando en contratar a más gente para el equipo de desarrollo para que sigan actualizando Terraria mientras el se pone manos a la obra con Terraria 2.

Fuente: Rockpapershotgun.com


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#3 Espero que no, quiero algo que si pueda jugar.


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