Yellowstar abandona Fnatic


El mitico support y ex-adc de Fnatic pone fin a su trayectoria con la squad tras una carrera llena de exitos durante 3 años, incluyendo 2 semifinales mundiales, 4 LCS y mas de 150 partidos jugando para la squad. El jugador ha perdido las ganas de empezar un nuevo proyecto de 0 tras la marcha de Huni y Reignover, y jugara la proxima temporada en un equipo Norteamericano (posiblemente TSM).

Noticia completa (TL;DR al final)

As the League of Legends off-season progresses, we've taken stock of what's been an amazingly successful year for Fnatic. For some, it’s been a time of reflection on many years of Fnatic achievements. After five years of playing in Europe, and many triumphant years at the heart of our League of Legends team, Bora “YellOwStaR” Kim has decided he needs a change of scenery in order to start a new adventure. As a result, we’ve some further news to share regarding our League of Legends team.

YellOwStaR’s spent five years playing in the European League of Legends scene and the majority of his career flying our flag. He’s now chosen to experience a new environment and culture outside of the EU LCS in Berlin and his homeland of France, where he’s lived and gamed for many years, even before his League career.

As the in-game corner stone of the 2015 team, and Fnatic brand ambassador at large, we were looking at the prospect to have YellOwStaR within our organisation for many more years, not just as a player but as core member of the Fnatic organization. As our discussions continued, it became apparent that desires for different experiences and new challenges were very high on his list of priorities. Even though our offer remained higher than others and included more long term ways to be rewarded, YellOwStaR valued challenging himself and experiencing new things above all else, and we understand and respect his decision to head abroad.

YellOwStaR will make an announcement on his future plans in the coming weeks. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank him for all his hard work, commitment, success and comedy pentakill denials he’s brought to Fnatic and you, our fans.

Thank you for all your efforts Bora! We wish you all the best in your future endeavors as you explore a new land.

Declaraciones de Yellowstar

Starting today, I will no longer be part of Fnatic.
My Esports journey as a real professional player all started in 2013. It was a tough choice, a huge turn in my life to finally decide to quit university to take a lifetime opportunity to experience this amazing path and get to work with awesome people. In the first place, I want to thank the 2013 League of Legends' roster for choosing me over other players. I was joining the biggest European team and with such players, it is hard to show that you are the missing piece of the puzzle, to gain the trust from your teammates, staff and the fans. It was with a lot of pressure that I accepted to face this challenge.

Three years passed by, and i can tell you that we tried our very best every day, every minute of the time we had in front of us to train and play. I’m incredibly proud of this 5 EU LCS titles we grabbed out of 6 possible, without missing these both Top 3/4 at Worlds 2013 & 2015 !
To speak out the truth, I had a bit of a shaky year earlier this season. Being left alone in the team was not an easy task to handle, either for me of the Fnatic management, and i had a lot of thoughts about whether retiring or not. I almost gave up, i have to admit. Imagine yourself in front of the Everest mountains that you have to climb in a very short period of time, with a huge storm approaching, and you get an image of what was ahead of us. The fact is that in my inner self, i couldn’t accept to jump out from a tough situation. Fnatic gave me so much, you guys gave me so much with your support, that I had to get this team back on track.

Being grateful and loyal is a part of me, and that was the least I could do.

Here we are today: Huni & ReignOver left the team, leaving me again in a difficult position : either building a new team or considering other options. It’s never a good thing to hear, but after careful overall reflection, I had the opportunity to join a team being at my best level in North America and get the chance to experience a new lifestyle and environment.

After a careful overall reflection, i took the decision to join the North American LCS for the 2016 season.

Finally, I honestly want to thank everyone that I met and got to work with, from teammates to people involved in the Fnatic organization and all the fans that supported me throughout the years.

I hope that you will understand my decision and will continue to support me in my career!

Sincerely yours,

Bora “YellowStar” Kim

Declaraciones de Carn, CGO de Fnatic

On behalf of everyone in Fnatic, I would like to begin by thanking and congratulating Bora for his phenomenal performance and achievements over these past three years. Bora joined our ranks in 2013 and he soon established himself in a role as the team’s glue and leader, known and appreciated for his consistency and ability to adapt.

When we understood that Yellowstar had sincere interest in pursuing a new journey and chapter of his already successful career, we did everything in our power to provide him with an offer and path within our organisation that would make him reconsider. However, we soon realized what we probably already knew: that someone as determined and curious like Bora thrives from trying new things - the very same traits that made him to the player and person he is today.

Although our team’s foundation is shaken from the recent player changes, we have full faith in our team management’s ability to rebuild solid team structures, and we will communicate our 2016 line-up as soon as our internal tryouts are over.

Finally, I would once again like to thank Yellowstar for his awesome and loyal service the past years and best of luck with your future endeavours!

Patrik “cArn” Sättermon
CGO Fnatic


  • Yellowstar abandona la organizacion y se va a un equipo americano (mas que posiblemente TSM)

  • Fnatic ofrecio mejor oferta a Yellowstar, pero este quiere nuevos desafios

  • Yellowstar no se ve con ganas de seguir en el equipo para hacer uno nuevo tras la marcha de Huni y Reignover

Historia y Palmarés de Yellowstar
Fuente completa




TSM Yellowstar


Vete a la mierda tio iba a crear un post super currado sobre su marcha al igual que hice con Steelback, Yellowstar se merece mas que el tweet puesto -.-

4 3 respuestas

Pues al final era verdad, lol.

FNTC en la B.


La ostia vaya escabechina.


Joder mira que leí por aqui que dijo en frances en su stream que no se iba de fnatic


A la espera de los cambios, una pérdida enorme.


Lloro :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


No veas, Fnatic en la b.


#4 Eres libre de hacerlo, nadie te lo impide


Puffff a ver que as se saca de la manga Fnatic, porque no me creo que no tenga pasta como para mantener minimamente 3 jugadores de un año para otro.


Por favor no te vayas a TSM, no puede estar mi suport favorito en el equipo que mas odio, por favor a tsm noooooo!!!




TSM Yellowstar

"After a careful overall reflection, i took the decision to join the North American LCS for the 2016 season."


Kasing es el unico refuerzo aceptable, no tiene la mente de YS pero si más skill individual.

1 respuesta

Paseo de Origen en europa


cada uno que diga fnc mata se merece una semanita por bait
no retienen a huni van a quitarle a mata a los chinos o a korea si si..


con yellowstar la reconstrucción del equipo era mucho más sencilla.
Lo más probable ahora mismo es kasing..

Vander sería otra opción si no ha firmado por h2k todavía.


Siguen quedando Febi y Rekkles. Suficiente para llegar a playoffs en el Spring Split.


Fnatic ha muerto

4 1 respuesta

Se me va hacer raro no verlo en FNATIC.


#21 están de pique con Gambit xDDD
Que exagerados...


A tomar por culo, Ishni tocame y acaba con este sufrimiento.

Ahora en serio, gracias por todo capitán por lo menos seguiré disfrutandote en TSM.


Paul Boyer ‏@sOAZIZGOOD 3 minhace 3 minutos
dear rich people, EULCS exist too ! :)


Madre mía para NA y sus billetes. La que van a montar va a ser curiosa. Pena que esté quedándose vacía la EULCS. A ver si al menos demostramos que podemos sacar jugadores de la nada porque a este paso G2 - Gitans la final T_T



Empiezo a tenerle asquito a los millones de $ de NA


FNC Kasing incoming

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