Bestias estúpidas y dónde encontrarlas

BeastMin.LevelWeight"Interesting" Recipes
Saqawine Rhoa2100
Craicic Sand Spitter2100
Craicic Savage Crab2100
Craicic Squid5100
Craicic Shield Crab5100
Saqawine Retch6100Unique belt
Craicic Watcher6100
Farric Flame Hellion Alpha7100
Farric Goatman7100
Farric Chieftain13100
Farric Ape1310023q gem
Farric Gargantuan14100
Fenumal Widow15100
Farric Ursa17100
Saqawine Cobra1910023q gem
Fenumal Devourer21100
Saqawine Blood Viper23100
Fenumal Queen23100
Craicic Maw261006L rare
Farric Goliath30100Mirror map(x2)
Fenumal Scrabbler34100
Farric Taurus39100Unique flask, +Pre -Suf
Farric Magma Hound6810023q gem
Farric Pit Hound68100Mirror flask
Saqawine Vulture681006L rare, Shaper/Elder rare
Saqawine Chimeral68100Unique ring(lul), +Suf -Pre
Craicic Chimeral6810023q gem
Farric Wolf Alpha701008mod map, 6L rare
Fenumal Plagued Arachnid70100Currency, +Pre -Suf
Fenumal Scorpion70100Unique map, +Suf -Pre
Craicic Vassal70100Mirror map, Reroll numbers
Farric Lynx Alpha7075Mirror map/flask
Farric Frost Hellion Alpha70506L rare, Shaper/Elder rare
Saqawine Rhex7250Portal: Saqawal
Craicic Spider Crab7445Portal: Craiceann
Fenumal Hybrid Arachnid7740Portal: Fenumus
Farric Tiger Alpha8035Portal: Farrul

Total weight: 3395

Average number of 72-73 maps to encounter any spirit beast: 5 / (50 / 3275) = 327.5

Average number of 74-76 maps to encounter any spirit beast: 5 / (95 / 3320) = 174.7

Average number of 77-79 maps to encounter any spirit beast: 5 / (135 / 3360) = 124.4

Average number of 80+ maps to encounter any spirit beast: 5 / (170 / 3395) = 99.9

Average number of 80+ maps to encounter Farrul: 5 / (35 / 3395) = 485

Number of 80+ maps to have a 95% chance of encountering Farrul at least once: (484 / 485)x = 0.05 => X = 1451.4

The last figure also means that one in twenty players will still not have encountered Farrul once after 1451 80+ maps done in Bestiary.


Muy lógico todo.


Que es el weight? Y no me vengais diciendo que "peso" que eso ya lo se xD

1 respuesta

#3 Un peso interno con el que GGG hace los cálculos.


Parece que se han dado cuenta y han subido la probabilidad de aparición:


Se han dado cuenta? increiBLE

Usuarios habituales

  • Larnox
  • HeXaN
  • RA_MeSiAs
  • R3VIENT4
