Trameos en la ProLeague [Apuestas]


El sitio web de apuestas Pinnacle ha anulado todas sus apuestas en relación al partido de la ProLeague del 20 de Enero entre Dark y San debido a sospechas/trameos varios.

Pinnacle al respecto:


As a result all bets on this match have been voided. We apologise for the inconvenience this causes for anyone betting on this match in good faith, but hope you will appreciate that protecting the integrity of eSports is of paramount importance.



Espero que al final sea cierto lo que dicen los jugadores, estas cosas hunden mucho los e-sports y el sc2 en particular.


Y la primera partida de MKP anteayer no esta bajo sospecha? porque mother of god


#1 Cómo te atreves a poner a mi Dios en un thread de nonames


Trameos en un ded gaem, R.I.P.


Cuando lo vi me pareció rarísimo el blinkeo que hace (12:50) hacia adelante cual noob, perdiendo un huevo de stalkers innecesariamente, pero tampoco podía imaginar esto :S


Es divertido porque en parte lo de las tramas de apuestas se "investigan" con algoritmos que evaluan como cambian las apuestas.

Si lo que dice San de que fue al médico es cierto, y los que apuestan lo sabían, no me parece nada raro que apuesten por el otro. Al contrario.


(Z)EffOrt recently dropped some major bombshells in a broadcast with former teammate (T)Iris. The two got very drunk (and the stream was restricted to ages 19+).

Part 1: After (Z)EffOrt beat (T)Flash to win the Korean Air OSL, he was planning to sign if CJ offered him a contract for 100,000,000 KRW/year. However, CJ was not as interested in making (Z)EffOrt happy after the merger with Hite (yet another fallout of the match-fixing scandal). Eventually, they agreed to a figure of 90,000,000 KRW/year. However, then CJ went ahead and leaked an article to the press that (Z)EffOrt was retiring. It is unclear if this was a negotiation tactic, but (Z)EffOrt's first retirement was at least semi-forced upon him as a cost-cutting measure. This reminds me of what happened to (P)JangBi when he was given a low-ball contract offer and went on a long losing streak at least in part because he was depressed and angry.

Part 2: (Z)EffOrt says that his second retirement (SC2) was because he was unjustly suspected of match-fixing. He was apparently doing poorly against SC2 Protoss. The coaching staff and the scrubs on the team started suspecting both (Z)EffOrt and (Z)Hydra of match-fixing. (Z)EffOrt says they denied suspecting him but he knew what they were saying behind his back. It was serious enough that our man (T)XellOs, retired from pro-gaming but still a CJ employee at the time, vigorously came to their defense. (Z)EffOrt says that his mother's health played a role, but the main reason that he retired was because he couldn't stand being suspected of match-fixing like that. (Z)EffOrt said that he was absolutely furious at Coach Park (formerly of SKT) for doing this to him and said that Coach Park shouldn't touch him if he had any sense. Apparently, (T)XellOs immediately quit his job at CJ when (Z)EffOrt retired and (Z)Hydra left. The day after this broadcast, a sober (Z)EffOrt said that he was embarrassed to have shown himself getting so drunk, but that he doesn't take back anything he said about Coach Park. (Z)EffOrt said that Coach Park is an SOB and that he would stab him to death if he could.

My Analysis: These are the far-reaching consequences of the match-fixing scandal. CJ was never a team that was super interested in winning. CJ had a team because CJ owns Ongamenet and Ongamenet needed to fill Proleague with enough teams. Its finances were strapped because of the forced merger with Hite Sparkyz (which was itself previously sponsored by Ongamenet). It didn't really have an incentive to support stars who did not have mass appeal (code: not good looking). Also, the match-fixing scandal seems to have made every player into a potential suspect and made it possible for teams to harass players into retirement if they wanted to save money. (P)Zeus had previously told the true story of why (P)Britney was removed from Hite immediately after the match-fixing scandal. In that story, the team had budget cuts and just needed to get rid of an ugly-looking gamer who wasn't good enough to compensate for his bad looks before merging with CJ. (P)Zeus said that they internally accused (P)Britney of match-fixing in order to obtain some sort of justification for moving him to Woongjin. Effort has received a lot of criticism on Afreeca for what he said about Coach Park, who has a great reputation in Korea, but somehow I get the feeling that what Effort claims isn't too far from the truth.

The only real conclusion is this: FXXX the guys who participated in the match-fixing scandals. They ruined many careers besides just their own.

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