kNg decide dejar mibr


Thanks all,

First of all, i would like to thank God for the opportunity to bring me to here, was a child's dream to wear this jersey, and in my point of view i honored.

I had a love releationship with the fans and was a big learning for me, my adaptation was really tough. In that point i experience the real pression for high performance, something that i never had in my carrier, i wont lie and say it was easy, i had to rebuild and be resilient as individual and collectively.

I was sure finding my high level i would be able to represent my familly, my friends and all the brazilian fans.

Thank you so much for all the suport that you all given in this journey. Beeing captain and for the first time in MIBR was a dream that come true.

When i was hired for MIBR i believed it was in a team that was close to be sucess and i was there to help. But i found a team with internal and external issues and a hard way to go through, we tryed really hard as individual and collectively but unfortunately we could not make it. The damage was done.

Had to admit was a momment with alot of sinergy and we belived that we were close to evolve our collectively level and starting winning, unfortunately nothing change.
Thanks to Fallen, Fer, Taco and Dead, i learned and keep learning from you guys, all the opportunities that was pass to me. In that point i took the tough commitment to lead and rebuilt this heavy tag.

I always been a competitive guy and this time was no different, i tryed my best in this new roll, to lift trophy. With all the choose and posibility founded players and a coach with a high cs level and great personality to work together.

With all the dificults and expectations that was put on us, i took in our favor to build our union and sinergy. We never played together before and we face each other in a time that we had a week to pracc and face the best team in the world.

The rest you guys lived with us!!

To compete against the best team in the world in such a short time and we almost have that game.

That is it guy, we could not make a agreement with mibr, and the problem was never the money, lack of dialogue and low interest made us to decided to seek for a new home.

I took a lot of responsability beeing a leader, i had to build a crew to work with me, doing so i could be more focus playing, but at same time i had my social media, videos, etc, working at the same page as me! What im saying is, i was hired to do a normal player role, but at the end i was doing so much more and i give all my best to delivery a good show for all.

Analyzing the last 3 months, in my role as a captain i was Top3 in rating 2.0 and Top1 as impact comparing as others IGL'S on TOP20.

I have to consider the team performance and individually that we reach and i cant take a 75% devaluation in my new contract, it goes against what i belive and work for.
Sometimes in life things dont go as we plan, but im pretty sure this team has a victory path ahead.

Saying so, i inform you guys that im benched my self and i have a solid 6 player project with Cogu, Lucas1 and Hen1.
With love,


Hostia, que dice que tampoco estaba de acuerdo en los cambios de fer TACO y Fallen, pues a tomar por saco

1 respuesta

#2 Yo creo que la gota que colmaría el vaso sería el no seguir con el último roster que tan buen rendimiento dio.

Habrá que seguirles. Si meten a los mismos + HEN1 es un proyecto cuanto menos interesante.

Y de mibr... Pues no les queda otra que chapar chiringuito si no quieren sacar la cartera y traerse a todo BOOM.

1 respuesta

#3 hen1 + kng no lo veo. Es desaprovechar un awp, los dos a mi parecer bajan mucho su rendimiento con rifle.

Y el pobre trk? Queda el sólo en mibr XD

2 respuestas

#4 Supongo que querrán recrear aquel Immortals donde estaban los dos y Vito pillaba bastante el rifle también.

No creo que tarde en salir trk. El proyecto este de cogu serán los 5 + HEN1, imagino.

1 1 respuesta

Y son 6 porque vsm no puede jugar en cosas Valve


#5 Aque Immortals dio muchisma guerra y estaban los 2,yo no lo veo tan mal la verdad.


#4 ya se ha bencheado trk


Alencar también, pues mas o menos lo que se ve venir, el proyecto este que mibr podía haber pillado que es un equipo interesante y nada xdxd


El día 15 de anuncia equipo

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