Lanzamiento de los servicios online gratuitos de EPIC


Today we are excited to launch the initial set of FREE tools and services that are part of Epic Online Services, announced in December last year. Via our new developer portal, our SDK is available for immediate download and use, currently supporting Windows, Mac, and Linux, with more platforms coming this year. With this first release, the SDK provides support for two free services: game analytics and player ticketing.


  • Player data storage (targeting May 2019): Store and enumerate arbitrary game data on behalf of authorized players.
  • Player reports (targeting May 2019): Allow players to report others for positive or negative in-game behavior. Gain valuable feedback directly from the community.
  • Achievements, leaderboards & stats (targeting September 2019): Keep track of individual and global player statistics, award in-game achievements, and rank players on leaderboards.
  • Communications (targeting October 2019): Enable in-game communication between players across any platform.
  • Overlay (targeting October 2019): Provide a unified overlay for friends and other online services that are available to players across different games and engines.
  • Parties (targeting October 2019): Enable players to form groups and play together.
  • Matchmaking (targeting November 2019): Set up game matches for individual players or predetermined groups.
  • Player identity (targeting December 2019): Enable players to log in and connect with others across different platforms.
  • Player inventory (targeting December 2019): Manage player inventories, including purchases across different game stores.


#1 joder para finales de año es cuando viene lo bueno xD

2 meses después

Alguien ha probado esto con otros lenguajes? (Vamos, crear los bindings)

Usuarios habituales

  • Lecherito
  • Jastro
  • txandy