HoN: Heroes of Newerth


Algun alma bondadosa puede mandar un invite a gR33NNNNN@gmail.com



Dear *****,

You have 2 Beta invites available.



#1152 pues yo a un puppet me parece mucho mejor con un orchid o co una MKB la verdad xD rusheas midas, botas pata palo y orhid xD


Hervas ya te he mandado un pm


Haber yo sigo teniendo 1 invitacion kien la kiera que me mande Un privado diciendome su email


Que asco la puta gente que se mete en partidas que pone claramente Noobs 1200 y aun asi van de listos con los que no saben jugar...

Por cierto yo tambien tengo 2 invitaciones, pm


alguien me deja una invitacion? y me explica como hago para jugar?

PD: Soy Dota fan xD


Cuando tengo el legio con 2 vanguard (o helm comosellame ahora), 1 behemot heart, la headdress y la portal key (y las boticas) me pongo palote.

Sólo quería compartirlo.


Yo hace un par de dias ke vengo probando una build para el Wildsoul, y por ahora es uno de los mejores ranged dps que he probado.

La idea es seguir esta build de skills:

1- El buff que da move + atk speed
2- El buff del buff xD (es una pasiva ke aumenta el tiempo que dura el buff)

Subir estas dos skills al maximo y luego todo a stats, metiendo ya el summon del oso y el ulti para los ultimos lvls.

Y de items, las vaporboots de fuerza, dominator, yasha, y slayer lo primero, y despues complementar ya un poco con loa que te haga falta en cada partida, mana burn, la savage mace o el desolator, o un assassin shroud si te hacen focus intensivo.

Estando hasta lvl 14/15 en la linea y curtiendo a los neutrals si tus creeps pushean demasiado lejos, puedes empezar a petar culos desde un prontito midgame hasta el final, creciendo exponencialmente el daño.


yo vi un windsoul que era la pet basicamente,tenia un radiance,botas, y no se que mas(en la pet),el tio no llevaba nada pero nos owneaba la pet sola con su superstun de 15 años y ostias como panes y 522 de speed constante GL


nadie me deja una cuenta?


#760 Es que yo creo que el wild primero farmea para el pet y luego para si mismo. Vamos que para el wild un par de bracers para aguantar algunas leches y luego tochear el pet con radiance botas, le tiras el buf que le hace grandote y gg.


al oso tienes ke hacerle rush a la sacred relic de dota, ke no se como se llama en hon, cuando tengas la sacred relic, le sacas botas, completas radiance, completas treads y le compras hiperstones y gg, si tienes suerte lo tienes en el sitio pegando muchisimo, muy rapido y la radiance dando. Para el wild en si, un dominator , bracers, phase boots ke en hon son la poya y te haces un vanguard o tarrasque y au (si es mucho farmeo, pero el oso se limpia boske como kiere).


plz alguien que me pase una invitacion!

el juego sera gratis siempre?


#764 no
La preorder cuesta 30$


alguien me manda una invitacion? gracias


Me gustaria una invitacion para jugar llevo como 1 semana buscando y no encuentro ninguna :S mi mail.


gracias ^^


Si alguien me envia un invitacion ^.Gracias

Edit:ya me la an enviado.Gracias #771


Buenas, a ver si os sobra por ahi alguna key que de momento me ha decepcionado el "LoL" espero que el HoN reemplace el icono del war3 en mi escritorio xD asias! :)


es cosa mia o para llevar wildsoul hace falta ser rockefeller? joder, hay que comprarle cosas al oso y a ti? la leche xD


#768 enviada , no pongas tu correo en un foro nunca...


Si alguien tiene invi-->MP me plz


nose si habreis jugado de puppet pero os digo que es el pwnage puro y duro, vaya chetada xDD y si encima hay un blacksmith cerca para tirarte frenzy, que se despidan de sus vidas en 5 hits y mucho es XD


La mejor build para el wildsoul / Syllabear, siempre sera este orden.

Jungle lvl 1

  • Vladimirs
  • Treads al oso y a ti
  • Craniun Basher al oso y a ti
  • S & Y a ti
  • Hyper al Oso


Aver si se escapa alguien...

Aunque si, la radiance en el oso mola mucho, pero tienes que tener demasiado micro para que el oso no se te teleporte todo el rato :/.


Ese build de wildsoul... si la partida dura un mes, por que vamos xD

El basher para el oso... bueno, puede ser interesante, pero para ti, ya que los ranged el basher no funca correctamente (o solo funciona a un minimo%, te interesa más pure dmg)


No entiendes la mecanica, el sylla/wildsoul consiste en ir en modo Oso / melee, enganchar a alguien con las roots del oso, meter bufo de +30 damage pal oso y pa ti, y reventarlo.

Partida dura un mes?

Contando que el sylla/wildsoul va a woods a lvl 1 y farmea como quiere...

Pal minuto 20-25 ya tendrias los bashers y las treads facil... y de ahi no se te escapa nadie (Aparte de que matar 2k de vida en modo Oso es un tanto dificil)..

Ya pondre alguna replay de Dota-League mia con el sylla si la encuentro..



Alguien sabe cuando se podran guardar replays de las partidas o algo? Me interesa ver como funcionan algunos heroes que no se usar bien, y mirar que items se van haciendo otros.


Mega Post de Patch Notes (Aviso: es un ladrillo xD)

Version 0.1.43 Patch Notes

  • Added Maliken's game files

Version 0.1.42 Patch Notes


* Fixed effects on torches
* Tweaks to the Caldavar map
      o Hellbourne secret shop trees fixed
      o Hellbourne mid tower area tweaked
      o Hellbourne forest changed
      o Legion forest added a tree to the right side
      o Fix the blockers. This will stop heroes from blinking to the edge of the map and running around.
      o Move the tree on the hill near the top rune to fix the ward spot here
* Fixed a typo in the Regeneration Rune
* Kongor out-of-zone leash time set to 6.5 seconds (from 8)
      o Fixes an issue causing Kongor to sometimes get stuck when trying to return to his spawn zone when the neutral-leash code gives him a return command and he didn't stay outside for the 8 seconds needed to get the unit walking buff
* Lots of targetscheme work, makes things like arachna's spiderling, slither's wards, etc immune to buffs (such as the attack damage increase from auras, life steal, etc)
      o Added "Buff" and "DeBuff" effect type to a lot of things that don't use magic effect type
      o Gadgets have magic immunity as well as immunity to several other things
* Forced movements break channeling
* Fixed spectator crash
* Striped down spectator interface to something a lot cleaner
* Fixed fog of war for spectators
* Added Quad Kill and Annihilation
* Added countdown start sound in the game lobby
* Added Rage Quit!
* Added hellbourne destroyed tower, legion destroyed tower, and base under attack sounds
* Added pause/unpause button on the menu screen
      o 100% of the pausing team must vote yes to pause. Maximum 3 successful pauses per team per match. Pausing team can unpause at will, opposing team must wait 1 minute before they can unpause. Pause takes 5 seconds to both pause and unpause to prevent abuse
* Portal Key, Kraken's Charge, Mageblane's Flash, Wretched Hag's Flash of Darkness, Valkyrie's Leap, Zephyr's Leap, and Dark Lady's charge can no longer be used while immobilized
* Updated French string tables
* Fixed effect when someone tries to swap with you on the hero select screen
* Runes will no longer be killed by random splashing effects
* Fixed splash (Hammerstorm and Runed Axe) to not splash when attacking buildings
* Fixed Haste rune to properly give max move speed through snares
* Fix shared cooldowns on items transfered from the stash to a hero not updating (Homecoming stone, etc)
* Update the add friend button in the ingame F10 menu.
* Map pings are now played at the location of the event for the following occurences:
      o Hero kills (by any hero, creeps or neutrals)
      o Tower kills
      o Building under attack
* The following actions can be done and not interrupt channeling
      o Arachna's Webbed Shot toggle
      o Electrician's Shield
      o Changing Steam Boots
      o Shrunken Head
      o Assassin Shroud
* Kill experience is only rewarded to the killing team (Neutrals can once again steal kills)
* Illusions tweaked so spells will work properly on them again
* Language tab nudged slightly to the right
* Fixed team stats on end game screen

New Hero

* Maliken, Hellbourne Strength


* Minotaurs: Increased size slightly
* Minotaurs: Increased stomp radius to from 200 to 250 and lowered damage to from 100 to 25
* Dragons: Removed magic immunity from the smaller dragons
* Hunters: Added Magic Immunity
* Blue Ogre: Added Icy Cold Armor
* Predasaurs: Removed Magic Immunity
* Skeleton King: Added King's Grip, immobilizes targets for 1.5s


* Wards of Sight now have a 6 minute shop cooldown and only a max of 2 stacks can exist in the shop at any one time
* Order of items in the shop tweaked slightly
* Fixed Flying Courier stats. Movespeed from 300 to 350 and vision from 350 to 400
* Ability tooltips show the changes in green
* Stormspirit updated to let you cyclone yourself
* Symbol of Rage is now listed under Morph instead of Protective
* Savage Mace is now listed under Morph instead of Combative
* Geometer's Bane is now listed under Combative instead of Morph
* Bound Eye can now see wards and range increased to 1100
* Barbed Armor now returns pure damage
* Brutalizer's stun duration changed from 1 to 1.4
* Portal Key tweaked so DoTs will now trigger the blink cooldown
* Doombringer fixed to now give the damage to the hero that holds if you kill the previous owner
* Abyssal Skull aura fixed to not affect enemy units
      o Lifesteal effect fixed so it doesn't play if you're ranged
* Frostfield Plate updated
      o Changed to 744 AOE for the snare and 1000 for the aura while slowing down the pulse to ~300 unit speed
* Staff of the Master updated
      o Recipe change to mirror dota. Now takes 2/3 of either Mighty Blade, Quickblade, or Neophyte's Book, a Glowstone, and a recipe which costs 1100. Total cost: 4300
      o Changed the tooltip of any ability that is boosted by Staff of the Master to clearly show it can be upgraded. The name of the Ability will now change to reflect the boost
* Nullfire Blade reworked
      o Can now be upgraded once
      o Nullfire Purge now instantly kills Summoned Units
      o Charges lowered form 10 to 8
      o No longer enters targetting mode if out of charges
* Geometer's Bane reworked
      o Changed recipe and removed manaburn
      o This item can now be disassembled in your stash.
* Puzzlebox Fixed
      o Fixed Mauler to properly burn 25,50,75 mana per level
      o Fixed Wizard to properly deal damage to the target burned proportional the amount of mana burned
* Savage Mace tweaked
      o Now grants True Strike to heroes, making none of their attacks miss
* Enhanced Marchers fixed
      o Can no longer pass through fissure or mummies
* Added a "NEW" tag on items in the shops that are new this patch so they can be easily located
* Logger's Hatchet added to the Weapons Shop and Outpost. Increases hero damage against non hero units
* Snake Bracelet added to the Relics Shop. Grants 25% evasion
* Mana Battery added to the Relics Shop. Gains a charge when enemies cast a spell, can consume charges to restore health and mana
* Power Supply added to the Initiation Shop. Gains a charge when enemies cast a spell, can consume charges to restore health and mana
* Tablet of Command added to the Supportive Shop. Pushes target hero forward 500 units.
* Void Talisman added to the Relics Shop. Makes a hero immune to physical attacks and take bonus magic damage when used
* Iron Shield added to the Protective shop. Smaller upgrade to the Iron Buckler
* Barrier Idol added to the Supportive Shop. Places a shield on all allies within 500 units that absorbs 400 magic damage


* Flame Consumption is now boosted by Staff of the Master


* Tooltip added to her aura
* New story description
* Model scaled down by ~10%
* Applied a Disjoint to Swap so projectiles will not follow a swapped target
* Added a few seconds of sight to Aurora


* Fixed Spider Sting to not drop target if the target becomes Invulnerable for a fraction of a second
* Changed her attack action time from 300ms to 400ms
* Harden Carapace now lasts 6 seconds at all levels


* New story description


* Increased Shockwave's initial damage slightly
* Cleaned up running animation


* Fixed Chronofield not stopping Invulnerable units or Towers
* Chronofield is now boosted by Staff of the Master
* Time Freeze will now go through Magic Immunity
* Time Freeze now deals magic damage, not physical

Demented Shaman

* Storm Cloud is now boosted by Staff of the Master
* Reworked Arcane Hide, it now also reduces damage from abilities (details below)


* Devour is now boosted by Staff of the Master
* Added a delay to the "You're MINE!" yell so players can cancel the animation before the sound goes off
* Lowered the projectile grab hit box by 10
* Lowered the casting range on hook so the actual projectile extends past the 'click point' properly
      o Cast range will say 900, but hook itself will travel 1000 units still


* Now fights for the Legion
* Changed the aura values to 0.5/1/1.5/2
* Remade Tundra Blast
      o Removed target requirement, added larger AOE, changed to static damage across the AOE, slow increased by 1 second, manacost changed


* Remade Hammer Throw
      o Range increased, damage increased, added AOE to the stun, and the stun will still stun enemies where it 'hits' even if the first target blinks away
* Removed aura
* Added new ability and animation that on use gives armor and movement speed to units near Hammerstorm
* Fixed attack animation timing


* So, apparently jeraziah was mispelled the whole time JerAziah with an A, not an e. fixed

Keeper of the Forest

* Fixed the tree check on Camouflage to properly check the target, not the Keeper


* Whirlpool will no longer teleport gadgets (such as wards)


* Removed Range:500 from the Taunt tooltip. It did nothing and was confusing seeing as the range is 300.
* He can now properly spin while stunned, hexxed, or any other status effect


* Changed attack impact time from 0.6 seconds to 0.3 seconds
* Manacombustion now combusts 16/32/48/64 mana, from 13/25/34/51. Damage dealt per mana burned increased to 0.8 (from 0.75)


* Fixed an issue with Eruption
* Eruption is now boosted by Staff of the Master
* Fixed Volcanic Touch to assign the blowup damage to Magmus
* Lower the "in-air" state of magmus's ult to 450 ms from 500 ms so that the stun starts on the frame that the targets land

Moon Queen

* Updated Moon Finale to have a static 160s cooldown

Night Hound

* Corrected casting point on Cloud to be 400ms instead of 500ms


* Reworked Grace of the Nymph. This ability now restores 75,150,225,300 mana to the target.
* Staff of the Master now grants her a new ability: Nymph's Call


* Ophelia's Touch is now boosted by Staff of the Master


* Fix to Chuck so units cannot blink or leap out of it while in midair


* Changed Swarm to be able to be cast on Magic Immune targets
* Gore will now go through Magic Immunity
* Gore's bonus damage increased to 40/50/60/70, from 25 at all levels
* Updated the Gore tooltip to be more accurate

Pollywog Priest

* Morph duration reduced from 1/2/3/4 to 1.25/2/2.75/3.5 seconds
* Modified Voodoo Wards
      o The number of wards with level 4 ultimate is now 11 and the placement of the wards was fixed
* Fixed attack animation timing
* Reworked Electric Jolt to deal damage in a cone. This allows the damage spread to be less localized to the main target
* Voodoo Wards's attack is no longer blocked by deflection (such as helm of the black legion)


* Venomous Leap can now be used on Magic Immune units (The predator will leap but neither the damage nor snare are applied)
* Lowered cast action time on Terror to 0 seconds
* Lowered cool down on Terror to 120 seconds from 150
* Terror's reactive buff will no longer apply to gadgets (such as wards)


* Remade Fervor
      o Now gives passive casting speed all the time and attack/movement speed after casting a spell for 5 seconds
* Ultimate with Staff of the Master damage reduced by 100


* Placing an Electric Eye will no longer break Vanish's stealth
* Each Electric Eye now has an ability to allow you to destroy it. This allows the scout to choose which Electric Eye is destroyed before placing a new one.


* Fixed ultimate to not slide around with him


* Increased his turn rate from 320 to 400
* Default hotkeys now changed to Q W E over D F G


* Changed Succubus' Hold to be able to target Magic Immune targets (targets still lose the mana, just take no damage)
* Magic Immune targets are no longer put to sleep if they attack a slept target
* Allies can now attack each other to break the sleep (and transfer it to themselves)


* Attack animation is now disabled during Swift Slashes
      o This smooths out the animation, he still attacks between hits
* Items can now be used during Swift Slashes
* Swift Slashes is now boosted by Staff of the Master
* Counter-attack now works against ranged heroes


* Stun duration from Glacial Blasts changed from .6 to 1 second
* Reworked Elementals so that they will only split once, allowing a maximum of 6 elementals


* Corrected casting point on abilities from 300ms to 400ms.
* Fixed attack animation timing and projectile speed


* Fixed Call of the Valkyrie to no longer hit invisible enemies
* Tweaked Javelin to stun for the correct amount at the correct distance (Fixing a typo)
* No longer can use items while Leaping

War Beast

* Changed Metamorphosis to always give max move speed


* Fixed Wind Control
      o Should now properly slow enemies
* Fixed Melee Evasion Tooltip

Segun tengo entendido los replays se van a almacenar todos en la base de datos, con la id que te sale al acabar el partido o en el nombre del canal de chat del partido al salir, pues con eso se buscaran. Yo tengo unos cuantos apuntados en un papel, pero no se si actualmente los estaran almacenando o si los van a borrar al terminar la beta.

A ver si no tardan mucho en implementarlo, se echa mucho en falta.


Chicos, los españoles o mediavideros os reunis en algun canal de chat especifico en el HON?

Decidme cual :)

Y como jugais entre vosotros? creais games con algun nombre especifico?


PD: 30$ por un dota copy paste con mejores graficos cuando el LoL es gratuito.. es pasarse un poco no?

Tema cerrado

Usuarios habituales

  • _Akiles_
  • miLo_
  • danao
  • guito
  • Kaneas
  • kOnOrZ
  • JonaN
