Ring of Elysium #HG | El hijo bastardo de PUBG

Hilo para los referidos aquí.
Grupo de RoE en MV aquí.

#330 utilizaste un VPN para jugar antes de que saliese el juego oficialmente en Europa?

2 respuestas

#331 Yo utilicé vpn pero para comprar el origin pass, puede que por eso me banearan en el pubg?

1 respuesta

#331 yo la use y que yo sepa no me han baneado, cuando llegue a casa confirmo.. pero dudo que te metan un ban de tanto tiempo por semejante gilipollez

1 respuesta

#332 #333 por meter un VPN en Steam ya os jugáis no sólo el ban en el juego si no en la cuenta entera de Steam,leer los términos y condiciones y veréis que está prohibido.

Tampoco os preocupéis si es vuestra primera vez, Steam no banea a la primera.

1 respuesta

#334 Yo usé VPN en EA pero digo lo mismo pasó algo con el pubg. No sé

1 respuesta

Early Access Patch Notes - 12.9.2018

Dear players,

Welcome to the latest official patch notes for Ring of Elysium’s Early Access phase. Here’s the full details:


Ring of Elysium’s live servers will go down for maintenance for approximately two hours at:
December 9th, 8 AM to 10 AM GMT (UTC +0) (de 9 a 11 en españa)

During the maintenance period, the game will not be available and ongoing games will be interrupted directly. Please be prepared beforehand to avoid this issue. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Holiday related

Christmas is right around the corner, Santa Claus has laid out a variety of Christmas decorations throughout the vast Dione snow mountains, as well as Christmas exclusive helmets, vehicles, player lootboxes, and airdrops filled with festive atmosphere, merry Christmas!


The Store is finally here! The first batch of goods for sale will be:

  • Three adventurer characters' Thanksgiving special styles
  • Three levels of Adventurer Tier instant boosts (+1, +5 and +10 tiers)
    • Players can purchase adventurer tiers at the Store or through the "Buy Tiers" button under the Adventurer Pass interface


  • Significantly increased the safe zone shrinking randomization variations, adding more diversity to games
  • When Ymir reaches the final zone, the visual range of the helicopter will now be displayed as text above the minimap and on the top of the map interface
  • Added a continuous flickering effect on the minimap and the map interface for zones affected by Ymir before reaching minus 30 degrees Celsius
  • Buffed the Climbing pack by:
    • Enabling the ability to shoot on ziplines with SMG and pistols, players won’t feel trapped anymore when someone is camping and shooting at them on the other side of the zipline
    • Enabling the ability to slide down while climbing a rock surface with Ice Axe, by simply pressing the S key, you will drop to safety in style!


  • When switching weapons, the second scope will also be switched to the new weapon, if possible
  • Adjusted the display of MPX's 4X scope when aiming down sight to align with the 4X scope ADS display in other weapons


  • Lowered the gunfire sound volume for players themselves
  • Optimized the gunfire sounds for MP5, we hope to provide a more dynamic sound performance that is also pleasing to your ears
  • Added a fade-out effect at the end of vehicles' burning sounds


  • Slightly lowered the memory usage of the client

PLEASE NOTE: In the Dec. 4th patch notes, we previewed the implementation of “Increasing the Alt+Tab reaction speed when switching between your desktop and the game process under Fullscreen mode”. However, due to some stability issues, we will not be making this change this patch, we sincerely apologize for this.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a client crash under game lobby
  • Fixed an issue where an extra footstep sound was played when characters started their movement
  • Fixed an issue where dragging the 8X scope to weapons' second scope slot in the inventory interface didn't count for progress for the "Equip 8X scope in 3 games" weekly challenge
  • Fixed an issue where the Redeem Code pop-up window didn't lay over the Referral Rewards interface
  • Fixed an issue where the text lines were placed incorrectly in the reward claiming interface
  • Fixed an issue where the “OK” button could not be clicked in the Adventurer tier increase and reward interface occasionally
  • Fixed an issue where certain objects/models obstructed character movement
  • Fixed an issue where certain utility poles floated on ground
  • Fixed an issue where certain windows were rather difficult for characters to vault
  • Fixed an issue which caused camera glitches when characters rotated their camera when being at the edge of vehicles
  • Fixed an issue which caused helmet model glitches for third party Gavin (Graffiti Artist styles) characters
  • Fixed an issue which caused character model glitches while the character was proned, knocked down and turning the camera under first person perspective

Thanks for playing,


#335 Entrarías al PUBG con el vpn encendido??

1 respuesta

Ya se puede entrar al juego :)

(Iré actualizando con más screen según vaya viendo)

1 respuesta

#337 Seguro que no. Voy a probar a enredar a steam a ver si por lo menos me dicen el motivo

El parche: Buffed the Climbing pack by:
Enabling the ability to shoot on ziplines with SMG and pistols, players won’t feel trapped anymore when someone is camping and shooting at them on the other side of the zipline

Sólo he probado el set de escalada una vez y nos pasó a los dos lo mismo. Un tío por detrás y tú en mitad de la nada colgado sin poder hacer absolutamente nada. Ni saltar al vacío creo que pude

1 respuesta

#339 Al vacio se puede saltar con la F sin problema, y tambien te puedes dar la vuelta en el aire pulsando S.

Yo he probado todos y las últimas 10h las he jugado con el set de escalada y ahora con el buff mucho mejor ( ya he matado a 1 desde el zipline con una mp5 :D )


Estoy aburrido y sólo, alguien para echar unos duos/squads?

1 respuesta

#341 Yo justo ahora me voy, pero esta tarde si sigues, sin problema :)

1 respuesta

#342 es más que probable que siga por aquí lo que queda de dia salvo un ratito para comer xD

1 respuesta

#343 yo si quieres le doy


Alguien mas se une?¿


Si no tenéis grupo entrad al discord de roe españa, hacemos grupos todo el día.

PD: 30 fps menos con este parche, a alguien mas le va mal?


Quien le da ahora, nos falta 1, estamos en el discord roe españa


#338 ostia que guapo que ahora la zona cierre por varios sitios


nos falta 1 o 2: https://discord.gg/eTMTjFT


Otro video del nuevo modo de juego (mismo mapa, nocturno), en el que no se aprecía absolutamente nada xDDD

El próximo ( y último ) video lo pondrán el 14 de diciembre

1 respuesta

#350 Parece que va a ir de recoger cajas (?)

Me alegro que vaya a ser un nuevo modo de juego de verdad y no solo el mapa de noche sin más. Pero que lo pongan ya, joder tanto vídeo... xD Se echan muy en falta más modos de juegos y mapas.


MAdre mía las cajas de la darkzone del Division. Mis amigos del ROE lo copian todo jajaj

1 respuesta

#352 Explica lo que es para los que no han jugado al Division :P

1 respuesta

El mosin es una basura macho jajajaja. El aladelta es top, como se caza peña sobrevolandoles y cayendoles en ma espalda.


#353 Nada que la forma y la textura eso es igual (como se llame). En el division llevas una llave y dentro hay loot wapens.

Hoy he echado un par rápidas para ver qué tal y lo que tienen que mejorar es la física del muñeco ya. Me ha parecido que las armas ya no son tan láser eh? Puede ser que hayan tocado el recoil o es que llevo dos o tres días sin jugar y ya estoy manco otra vez


Ayer había un ping injugable, 200+ todo el rato. Espero que metan pronto la posibilidad de elegir servidor, o que al menos te empareje con gente con ping parecido. Porque awita...

2 respuestas

#356 Hay opción de elegir la region de los servers.

1 respuesta

#356 como sabes el ping que llevas en el juego ?

1 respuesta

Early Access Patch Notes - 12.12.2018

Dear players,
Welcome to the latest official patch notes for Ring of Elysium’s Early Access phase. Here’s the full details:


  • Added HRTF (Head Related Transfer Function) support, this feature will provide better spatial sound positioning. This feature can be turned on in the sound options under game settings (the default is off)
    • Please note: This feature is not completely stable, turning on HRTF will have a small possibility to cause the game client to crash, we will fix this issue in the future patches as soon as possible, thank you for your patience and understanding
  • Optimized the gunfire sounds for M4A1, R700, Vector, and MK12, bringing a more dynamic sound performance that is also pleasing to your ears
  • Optimized the fade-out effect at the end of vehicles' burning sounds, making it sound more natural


  • Increased the Alt+Tab reaction speed when switching between your desktop and the game process under Fullscreen mode


  • Credit related interface is no longer displayed in the character creation interface

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the game will freeze after entering a game with dual-core CPUs
  • Fixed a client crash under game lobby
  • Fixed an issue where knocking down/eliminating teammates will also trigger the Adrenaline Rush effect
  • Fixed an issue where the MPX's iron sight position was slightly off
  • Fixed an issue which caused weapon and pulley model glitches when getting on a zipline while holding SMGs and pistols
  • Fixed an issue where the referral code input box disappeared when returning to lobby after leaving the "Customize Face" interface
  • Fixed an issue where both the newspaper and the end-of-game statistics interface popped up after being eliminated in Solo mode
  • Fixed an issue where Referral Rewards interface didn't show time
  • Fixed an issue where players were able to see snow inside of the convenience stores
  • Fixed an issue where the ice bear model would flicker at far distances
  • Fixed an issue where items in the tent changed to the same red color as the carpet
  • Fixed an issue where certain tree trunks would be misplaced when switching LODs

New Weekly Challenge open


Tampoco estaría mal que añadieran lo de inclinar. Joder ya que copian el pubg que copien lo único bueno que tiene xD

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