Notas de la Versión 9.14


Un diez al curro del hilo #1


List of 9.14 Patch Bugs

  1. Baron doesnt take any damage
  2. People cant properly connect
  3. Electrocute, manaflow, phase rush bugged (wont work at all)
  4. Chat doesnt work
  5. People get random crashes from abilties
  6. Minions Ai is broken and their hitbox changes for w/e reason
  7. Ezreal W cant be procced by E or R
  8. Annie has stun up permanently (from beginning to end of the game)
  9. Zeds W doesnt throw shuriken
  10. Death Recap doesnt work but who cares right ?
  11. Galio E cant hit enemy
  12. Lux Shield wont apply Aery properly
  13. Morde is unable to deal damage with Q and ignite in Death Realm
  14. Voice Lines are bugged like Jhin (Dark Cosmic Jhin)
  15. Zed R doesnt do damage either (ZED IS GRIEF HAHAHA)
  16. Azir Towers dont do full damage to minions
  17. Morde can E enemies outside of Death Realm
  18. Kalista can throw 2 autos at once if you click on 2 targets rapidly
  19. friendly Minions fully ignoring enemy minions
  20. Sivir W sometimes wont bounce
  21. If you ult with morde there is a chance neither team can damage structures or enemys at all
  22. New bug that wards sometimes dont show enemys even in radius
  23. The Support Items sometimes wont give gold even if allies are nearby
  24. If you stand really close to enemies as Kalista, you are unable to attack them
  25. Evelynn Q sometimes doesnt deal damage after ult
  26. Daisy hitbox broken
  27. Kata e reset mechanic doesnt work
  28. Dianas Third auto wont apply bonus damage but the next attack does
  29. Aurelion W and many other champs abilities wont work in Death Realm
  30. Qiyana Elemental Effects wont apply properly, besides the Brush one
  31. Qyiana Q deals 0 damage
  32. Syndra abilties are all bugged
  33. Yasuo wall doesnt work
  34. Glacial augment cannot be activated
  35. Gragas cannot use Q
  36. Ryze cannot use Q
  37. Yorick cannot use Q
  38. Sometimes when your Press Alt + Tab you will crash and cannot reconnect to the game
  39. Akali R travel speed seems to be off
  40. Death Recap shows that allies dealt damage to you (just like old version)
    I forgot that Pyke Ult can Kill teammates this patch, so beware its like new disco nunu
  41. Cassio E can sometimes cast twice with the mana cost of 1 cast
  42. After reconnecting to the game, you have false vision on the map
  43. Elise gets stuck on wards, if she transforms on an enemy ward
  44. Champions sometimes unable to be picked in champ select (or not showing)
  45. Jayce abilities can freeze the game
  46. Xerath Q laggs out
  47. When morde is in the game and ulted, Rift herald if killed will drop no item to use
  48. Camilles second Q no longer converts sheen to true damage
  49. Accepting a game can stop your from entering champ select, auto dodging the game
  50. Shaco cant use abilties without breaking stealth
  51. Varus Q doesnt work
  52. Zoe E doenst work
  53. Swain loses stacks randomly
  54. Rakan doesnt charm with R
  55. Varus W stops stacking randomly (can be semi fixed by buying runaans)
  56. Kindred W doesnt heal occasionally
  57. Transcendence wont work at all
  58. Yasuo Q or E cant hit enemy targets
  59. Irelia E can briefly freeze your game
  60. Aery seems to be broken totally (not only on Lux)
  61. Vladimir Q seems to not work when lasthtting enemies
  62. Pyke Q sometimes doesnt pull the enemy closer to you
  63. Trynda ult can sometimes not be cast at all (only sound occures)
  64. Morde can deal damage with his passive after dying
  65. Kled sometimes wont reset tower aggro, when he gets off from skarl
  66. Qyiana ult wont always stun instantly, when throwing an enemy at the wall
  67. Tham Kench Passive wont Stack correctly
  68. If a Sylas steals Mordekaiser ult, both Players will keep the Death Realm Visual

Muchos bugs ya los han arreglado, por mi experiencia en las partidas que he echado, pero tiene cojones lo que han hecho con este parche.

1 1 respuesta

#32 Que pudo haber pasado para que salieran tanta mierda con el parche? El TFT?

1 respuesta

#33 lo mas seguro, desde que lo han metido el lol va de pena


Telita, vaya desastre.


Han cambiado una barrita de las kills y ahora ni se puede jugar xd


Creo que el TFT esta rompiendo el LOL, asi como paso con Clash :O !!!


Por cierto...

Ahora Pyke se hace una doble en bot con su ultimate y gana 1200 de oro. Porque, total, no es un campeón que snowballee y el oro en este juego no es nada, nada importante.

Joder, cómo se nota que le están haciendo una skin nueva y quieren venderla a toda costa.

Usuarios habituales

  • ErChuache
  • Hazzard
  • Ragest
  • Ozonoo4
  • n3krO
  • SergioLS
  • Yandros09