Skill Rework - Storm Burst


Alongside the new league, a huge number of spells are being rebalanced. A few are also receiving mechanical changes, the most extreme changes being to Storm Burst. Today we're going to go over all of the changes it's receiving.

While you channel Storm Burst, orbs of lightning are created around your target. While you channel, they jump towards your target and release bursts of damage. By moving where you target while you channel, you can direct them to enemies to create a swarm of electric death.

They'll last for a few seconds, but if you stop channelling then the orbs will detonate immediately in a large area, dealing a portion of their remaining damage. This lets short casts deal damage quickly in a sizeable area, while long casts have higher overall damage as more orbs are created and deal their damage over their full duration.

The skill is no longer projectile based, removing the requirement of additional projectiles supports. Instead the skill will focus on being an area and duration skill. It now deals Physical damage with half converted to Lightning, to fit with its new divine aesthetic. Because of these changes the skill now benefits from some changes to the Elemental passives near the Templar that now benefit spells that convert Physical to Fire or Lightning damage.


Un poco "meh"


Storm Brand recolor


Reworkeando skills nuevas cuando hay viejas que dan mucho más asco, pues bien

1 respuesta

#4 Sweep, Shockwave Totem.... La verdad es que estos cambios no me están gustando nada de nada, están haciendo rework orientados a las conversiones en vez de arreglar otras habilidades.


Parece que se han dado cuenta de que la conversión hace fuerte a cualquier habilidad y han tirado por el camino fácil.


Daba asco antes y da meh ahora

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