Actualizaciones Counter-Strike: Source


en teoria es al reves xD


actualizando css.....

1 respuesta

#2582 Si, pero a mi todavía no se me a actualizado,, jeje.

He escuchado de gente que lo esta actualizando..Haber que han hecho ahora.

1 comentario moderado

Se sabe algo de la actualización ?


Es del TF2 casi todo, como siempre


Que han cambiado de la actualización?
Llevo 11 días off y no sé si será la actu, mi cfg que tiene algo pero e llegao y me va petadísimooo, de 70 fps a 100 subiendo y bajando constantemente, petadisimo imposible jugar, si alguien sabe alguna solucion... si es la cfg, o algo...


Bienvenido al surce


Porque cuando minimizo y maximizo está en negro? Alguien sabe como arreglarlo?

2 respuestas

#2589 ami me pasa desde que me puse el dxlevel a 81, no se si sera por eso xD

#1591 no, si ami me da igual, pero gracias jajaja

1 respuesta

#2589 #2590 poneros en el autoexec mat_antialias 2 siempre lo he solucionado así.

1 respuesta

#2591 Funciona, gracias :D


os esta actualizando o solo soy yo?


ami se me ha actualizado por lo que e visto es solo una cosa del motor orange box.
a ver cuando hacen un update para el css.


Oferta de un dia : CSS a 3,74 € la unidad


oleada de chetos =/


porque no puedo entrar en ningun server? me pone "al servidor que intentas conectarte esta utilazando una version antigua del juego"

1 respuesta

#2597 tienen que actualizar los servidores supongo que en unas horas ya estaran todos actualizados.


Osea que ya no correrán las demos de antes del 07/07/2011?

#2600 Solo e preguntado:
Osea que ya no correrán las demos de antes del 07/07/2011?

2 1 respuesta

#2599 quién ha dicho eso?

1 respuesta

Acabo de iniciar steam y se me esta actualizando :wtf:

1 respuesta

#2601 ¿Actualizando Steam o CS:S? Son 2 cosas distintas, y parece que aún la gente no se da cuenta xD.

6 1 respuesta

#2602 steam!


Se me esta actualizando steam ahora mismo... son 30,43mb

Latest Update: July 12, 2011

[-]July 12, 2011 - Steam client update released
A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:


Initial client side support for upcoming improved content delivery system (groundwork for future performance/reliability improvements to downloads)
Added find text in HTML pages ( CTRL+F )
Added “copy link” option to web browser right click menu
Added suggested friends from Facebook display in client, if you’ve linked with Facebook
Added the ability to push screenshots to Facebook after upload
Additional HTTP API support for Steamworks partners
Added check so screenshots for unreleased games can only be uploaded as private in the client.
Added Facebook info when receiving a friend invite.

Bug Fixes
Improved responsiveness of loading web pages in the client and in-game overlay browser
Fixed a bug confusing cached HEAD request response with GET requests in Steamworks HTTP interface
Improved fallback to different servers if first client connection attempt is to a down server
Fixed a bug not immediately logging off on shutdown in some cases, leaving your state online until a timeout period was passed
Improved line breaking/wrapping for most Asian languages
Fixed a rare crash on shutdown in the browser control
Fixed the store and community sometimes using English in the overlay instead obeying the user's language setting
Improved Japanese font rendering on the Store and Community for users on Windows Vista or later
The Steam client now detects if you’re not logged into the Steam Community or Store web pages, and automatically re-authenticates
Fix a crash occurring if a multiuser chat got enough participants with long enough names
Ensure user is logged in properly when accessing Steam web sites from the in-game overlay
Facebook suggested friend UI improvements
Fixed media playback using external player
Prevent redeeming gifts of DLC or expansion packs for users who do not own the base game
Fix the friend aliases dialog in the case where it’s the first time you have used it for a given user.
The friend aliases dialog now retrieves friend aliases from the server, and now works for chat participants or group members with whom you are not friends.
Fixed screenshot UI memory leak
Reduced memory usage after ending a game session in which a large number of screenshots were taken
Made the screenshot manager prioritize loading screenshots that are visible rather than just loading them from newest to oldest (so you see what you've just scrolled to if you scroll around while loading)
Fixed steam://openurl and steam://openurl_external links in web pages not only opening the link in the default browser, but also loading a blank black page in the Steam browser.
Fixed screenshots in D3D10/11 games with B8G8R8A8 or R10G10B10A2 backbuffer formats (Fear 3, Dirt 3)


llevo off desde el 30 por lo menos
notare algo de diferencia cuando vuelva ?

1 respuesta

El dia que arreglen el bug de inferno... Dios nos escuche.


#2605 notaras que aún eres mas malo. (Aunque científicamente es imposible).
on-topic: no, de momento no ha habido ninguna actualización así que todo sigue igual.

#2608 no, tu no me conoces, pero tu M_M_ si.

1 respuesta

#2607 como no tendrias que saltar tu jajaja
te conozco ?
yo tambien te quiero

1 respuesta
9 días después

Updates to Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)
Updated the localization files

Team Fortress 2
Fixed a Linux dedicated server crash caused by the Replay director
Crash would happen whether the server was capturing Replays or not
Fixed the Map Stamps Collection bundle missing in the store
Fixed dedicated server ENTITY_CHANGE_NONE console spam
Improved the impact sounds for the Cow Mangler 5000’s projectiles
Optimized many particle effects related to the Cow Mangler 5000 and the Righteous Bison
Reduced the ConVar fov_desired to have a lower bound like the Replay editor
Updated the Cow Mangler 5000 to display the drawbacks in its attribute list
Updated the gamehaptics file
Added recoil/draw/crit/reload forces for the Cow Mangler 5000 and the Righteous Bison
Added charge shot force for the Cow Mangler 5000
Refined the Demoman's Stickybomb Launcher/Pipe Bomb Launcher reload forces

  • Updated the localization files

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)
Fixed a bug in SourceTV that would sometimes corrupt demo data

Team Fortress 2
Cow Mangler changes
Fixed the charged shot sometimes doing more damage than intended.
Fixed a bug that caused the projectiles to stay in the world after a team change.
Slowed reload rate by 5%.

¿arreglado lo de que algunas demos no funcionaban?

1 respuesta

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