Dota: The Spring Cleaning Update


¡Ah, la primavera! Los pájaros cantan, los árboles florecen, Ursa sale de su madriguera y Dota 2 recibe una nueva actualización. En este evento de un solo día, hemos sacado a la luz los ajustes de la actualización 6.81. Échale un vistazo a los cambios venideros para tus héroes favoritos aquí.

Además, hemos llamado a unos cuantos exterminadores para acabar con una gran cantidad de bugs que plagaban el juego. La página de la actualización contiene todos los detalles.

Una vez que la actualización salga la semana que viene, también encontrarás dos nuevos tesoros disponibles. A diferencia de tesoros anteriores, estos se compran directamente en la tienda de Dota 2 y no requieren un sello para abrirlos. Simplemente cómpralos y áberlos para obtener uno de varios sets de héroe nuevos.

Por otro lado, en lo que a torneos se refiere, estamos a unas dos semanas de las clasificatorias regionales de The International. Permaneced atentos para más información sobre los equipos y los horarios de las partidas


-Alt-click on inventory items alerts your team that the item is ready, in cooldown, or needs mana
-Quick Buy shows stock cooldown time for items that are out of stock
-Quick Buy purchase hotkey buys the first eligible item [?]
-Item purchase notifications now show up as a graphical popup on the right
-"Grab All" on stash is now available while the hero is dead
-Alt-click on items that can call for a gather (Arcane Boots, Smoke of Deceit, Mekansm) broadcasts a gather message and pings your location
-Alt-click now works on passive abilities that may have a cooldown (e.g. Wraith King's Reincarnation)
-Added right-click option to inventory items to move them to the stash, available when in range of the fountain
-Quick Buy items show a different border for items that the player can afford but aren't purchasable due to secret shop location or stock cooldown
-All recommended item builds have been updated


-Added a screen effect while dead (can be toggled in Options)
-When a unit under the player's control dies, you no longer immediately deselect it and return control to the Hero unit
-Friend requests can now be sent to players via the in-game scoreboard
-All active battle point and event point boosters are now shown in-game after all players connect
-Show the spectator item popup when the Aegis of the Immortal is picked up or stolen
-Added a buff icon for Ember Spirit's Fire Remnant's timer
-Necrophos's Reaper's Scythe with Aghanim's Scepter will now show that buyback is disabled on the hero bar
-Added a prompt to the tutorial that lets users flip their HUD to show the minimap on the right (this setting can also be changed in Options)
-Added a phrase-based confirmation dialog to important destructive economy operations (such as using a Master Hammer on Immortal/Arcana items)
-Added overhead effect for the Ogre Frostmage creep's Ice Armor ability


-New design for the Settings interface
-All interface elements in League Matches now use Official Player Names instead of their Steam name
-The game client will now ping a sample of servers in each region and display the results in the region selection screen
-Tournament section under the Watch Tab now sorts leagues into Premier, Professional, and Amateur leagues. Amateur leagues are also sorted by location, allowing you to easily find smaller tournaments in your area
-When a party leader creates or joins a private lobby, party members are brought into the lobby too


-Models recently broken up for economy items: Terrorblade, Timbersaw, Venomancer, Treant Protector, Magnus, Lifestealer, Clockwerk, Vengeful Spirit, Elder Titan, Puck
-Facial Flex animations added/fixed for Invoker Hair of Dark Magic, Lifestealer Ravenous Fiend, Faceless Void Ancient Cultist, Lycan Wolf Hunter, Great Grey and Curse of the New Season
-Added wing animation to Puck loadout animation and fixed Puck's misaligned LOD arm mesh
-Fixed misaligned blade animation and idle looping on Timbersaw animations
-Fixed the scale of the Amphibian Kid courier
-Adjusted bounding boxes for Nature's Prophet's Treants, Lone Druid's Spirit Bears, Lycan's Ultimate Form and Summon Wolves, Broodmother's Spiderlings, and Invoker's Forge Spirits to be more consistent with default models
-Adjusted bounding boxes for Warlock's Golems to be more consistent with default Golem
-Adjusted hitboxes and bounding boxes for wards to be more consistent with default wards
-Fixed error when importing Loading Screen images if the preview image on disk is read-only
-Updated Clockwerk's workshop reference SMD files to use the latest bind pose - addresses out of position rocket and weapon
-Updated the low violence Lifestealer model


Two new treasures have been added (Treasure of Sinister Arcanery and Treasure of the Cosmic Abyss) that contain brand new sets with a rare chance to grant a new courier or a new Clockwork set. However, unlike previous treasures, no seal or treasure drop is required. These treasures are purchased directly from the Dota 2 Store or from inside the Dota 2 client. Once yours, all you need to do is open them up to receive one of the sets. The treasures can also be traded and listed on the Steam Community Market.


-Fixed a bug where spectating a game in-progress would sometimes show a team score of zero
-Fixed a case where the courier respawn time would disappear
-Very quickly toggling between selection groups was incorrectly counting as a double-click on a group
-Fixed Meepo's net worth not working in the stat dropdown while spectating
Cancelling Nature's Prophet's Teleportation, Boots of Travel and Town Portal Scroll will properly remove the teleport minimap icon
-Fixed alt-click on recipes in the shop not showing the correct message
-Fixed Loading Screens appearing blurry if texture quality was turned down in video options
-Fixed item preview not working with bundles containing both hero and non-hero items such as the Free to Play Collector's Pack
-Fixed a bug so that when all of the items have been received from a Treasure they're shown as available again in peek screen
-Fixed not being able to reset inscribed gem counts
-Fixed hero rotation resetting back to zero when you equip a new item in the loadout
-Fixed equipping an item in the armory not showing the item the first time it displays in the loadout
-Fixed a case where using Hero Showcase view and clicking on an enemy player could show their experience value and stash items
-Fixed armory preview on model replacement items (e.g. Spirit Bear, Warlock Golem)
-Previewing a temporary Prismatic Gem on Terrorblade's Fractal Horns of Inner Abysm in the socketing interface now shows the correct preview color
-Fixed missing roles for Abaddon
-Fixed Dota TV Director prioritizing Ancient Apparition's ultimate too high
-Fixed Drow Ranger's Enemies Silenced inscribed count not working with her new Silence ability


-Fixed issues with Earth Spirit VO not playing during Spawn, or when casting Stone Remnant
-Pugna's Nether Blast precast sound now plays for allies only
-Fixed issue where Ursa's Overpower cast sound would play for enemies if it was still active when he exited the Fog of War
-Daedalus crits now play a sound on target unit
-Fixed some visual effects showing incorrectly in Fog of War
-Fixed sound elements from the following spells ignoring the Fog of War:
-Bloodseeker's Rupture
-Centaur Warrunner's Double Edge
-Clockwerk's Rocket Flare
-Dark Seer's Vacuum
-Death Prophet's Silence
-Earth Spirit's Stone Remnant
-Invoker's Sun Strike impact
-Jakiro's Ice Path
-Jakiro's Macropyre
-Keeper of the Light's Blinding Light
-Leshrac's Split Earth
-Lina's Light Strike Array
-Night Stalker's Void
-Night Stalker's Crippling Fear
-Outworld Devourer's Sanity's Eclipse
-Pugna's Nether Blast
-Shadow Shaman's Serpent Ward
-Silencer's Curse of the Silent
-Skywrath Mage's Mystic Flare
-Spirit Breaker's Nether Strike
-Treant Protector's Leech Seed
-Treant Protector's Overgrowth
-Tusk's Ice Shards
-Undying's Decay
-Witch Doctor's Paralyzing Cask


-[Linux/Mac] Fixed shimmering artifacts when specular reflections were enabled with Intel graphics
-[Linux] Fixed match readiness sound sometimes not playing when 'sound while alt-tab' was enabled
-[Linux] Match readiness sound now plays using the 'aplay' external command when 'sound while alt-tab' is disabled


-You can no longer see trees being destroyed if they are hidden by the Fog of War
-Fixed the bug that prevented placing a ward where a building recently died
-Fixed a bug where if multiple wards (such as Plague Wards) were told to attack a target that was out of range to some of the wards none of the wards would attack that target. Now the in-range wards will attack the target properly
-Updated various outdated tooltips for items and abilities
-Fixed not being able to walk out of Power Cogs without being hit again
-Fixed Ember Spirit's Sleight of Fist to do no damage if cast while disarmed
-Fixed Hex disabling Bristleback's Bristleback passive ability
-Fixed Magnus's Skewer continuing to pull units after being Relocated by Io
-Fixed bugs that allowed heroes to ignore Axe's Berserker's Call and Legion Commander's Duel
-Fixed Timbersaw's Chakram slowing enemies by 5% less than it should
-Fixed a bug where the projectiles from Witch Doctor's Death Ward wouldn't deal damage or bounce after the Death Ward channeling was cancelled
-Phoenix's Icarus Dive is now properly stopped by Faceless Void's Chronosphere
-Fixed Urn of Shadows to always charge the closest hero with the item
-Fixed bug preventing Lone Druid's Spirit Bear from being able to retrieve items from the stash
-Units that are not owned by the local player (such as disconnected allied heroes) are not included in tab-cycling groups
-Fixed bug with Ember Spirit which could cause him to get stuck and be unable to move
-Fixed Invoker's Chaos Meteor to stack multiple meteors correctly
-Fixed shop stock interaction when purchasing observer wards if you have enemy observer wards in your inventory
-Fixed double damage rune applying to all friendly disconnected heroes if picked up by a disconnected hero
-Fixed bug allowing heroes that were transformed to attack Roshan from outside of the pit (primarily affects Tiny, Dragon Knight, Terrorblade, and Rubick)
-Fixed Spirit Breaker not sticking on auto-attack targets that are hit with Greater Bash
-Fixed Sand King's Epicenter being removed after dying from Ancient Apparition's Ice Blast's shatter effect
-Fixed Leshrac's Diabolical Edict being removed after dying from Ancient Apparition's Ice Blast's shatter effect
-Fixed stuns shortly before death preventing buyback for the duration that the stun would have still been in effect
-Fixed strange interactions with enemy Phoenix's Sun Ray and the Fog of War
-Fixed Sniper's Headshot sometimes triggering True Strike independently from the mini-stun and damage bonus
-Fixed Undying's Tombstone's armor type
-Fixed the visual effect from Tusk's Ice Shards not stopping when the spell hits a close enemy
-Fixed the visual effect from Mirana's Sacred Arrow not stopping when the spell hits a close enemy
-Fixed Timbersaw being interrupted by Return Chakram
-Fixed Timbersaw's Whirling Death debuff not stacking properly
-Fixed Earth Spirit's Magnetize not affecting invisible units
-Fixed Beastmaster's Wild Axes not being able to target units
-Fixed Clockwerk's Hookshot being able to attach to Elder Titan's Astral Spirit
-Fixed Faceless Void's Time Walk not travelling the full distance
-Fixed overhead indicator for Gyrocopter's Homing Missile showing for enemy players
-Fixed a bug where Radiance could deal damage to allied units
-Fixed bug allowing Phoenix to use Blade Mail to reflect it's full health of damage onto a killer during Supernova
-The following auras now properly apply to invulnerable units (e.g. Juggernaut during Omnislash):
-Beastmaster's Inner Beast
-Luna's Lunar Blessing
-Lycan's Howl
-Vengeful Spirit's Vengeance Aura
-Wraith King's Vampiric Aura
-Assault Cuirass
-Drums of Endurance (including active component)
-Vladmir's Offering
-Fixed a bug where the courier would only consider delivering its items every half-second instead of constantly
-Fixed Drow Ranger's Marksmanship revealing that enemies are near her death location
-Fixed a bug causing Broodmother to be revealed when levelling up her Spin Web ability
-Medusa's Mystic Snake now bounces harmlessly off of targets that become invisible while the projectile is in-flight
-Fixed a bug preventing Lone Druid from casting Summon Spirit Bear immediately after using Return
-Fixed a bug preventing Lone Druid from casting Summon Spirit Bear immediately after a Spirit Bear died
-Fixed a bug where Slark's Pounce could interrupt a friendly Rubick's Telekinesis
-Fixed Treant Protector's Living Armor not working on mechanical units
-Fixed Treant Protector's Nature's Guise to have a proper 1 second grace period after it leaves the radius of a tree
-Fixed a bug causing Brewmaster to resume his pre-Primal Split command after Primal Split ends
-Fixed Invoker's Chaos Meteor to deal the proper number of damage instances at 1 and 2 Wex
-Fixed bug with Faceless Void's Chronosphere where damage block (such as Kraken Shell and Poor Man's Shield) was not being disabled
-Fixed Axe's Berserker's Call not being applied to invulnerable targets within the area of effect
-Fixed bug where Beastmaster's Wild Axes would stop when Beastmaster died
-Fixed bug where Bane's Fiend's Grip channeling bar wouldn't show the correct time with Aghanim's Scepter
-Fixed bug where Troll Warlord's Berserker's Rage wouldn't refresh when levelling up the ability
-Fixed bug causing Meepo to lose their kill streak when Aegis of the Immortal prevents death
-Fixed bug with Enigma's Black Hole that was causing it to sometimes do one less tick of damage than it should
-Fixed a bug that caused moving a Teleport Scroll that is currently being channeled from canceling the teleport
-Fixed Sand King's Sandstorm visual/audio effects ending too early when the ability is stopped during channeling
-Fixed a case where Rubick's Telekinesis can get an enemy stuck near the bottom Runes
-Fixed a bug where players would lose an additional 50 gold when repicking after randoming a hero
-The Cyclone effect of Eul's Scepter and Invoker's Tornado can now be purged
Fixed a bug with Ancient Apparition's Ice Blast where self-damage would cause suicide on shattering, instead of awarding the kill to Ancient Apparition
-Fixed a bug that allowed Meepo to buy back after being killed by Necrophos's Reaper Scythe -with Aghanim's Scepter upgrade
-Fixed a bug where Pudge's Rot skill could be quickly toggled allowing him to suicide quickly
-Fixed a bug with Shadow Fiend's Requiem of Souls where the effect was being treated as an aura instead of applied to all units hit by the ability
-Fixed Chilling Touch's interaction with multi-attack abilities like Gyrocopter's Flak Cannon
-Fixed bugs involving Meepo clones' interactions with the extra buy back revive timer
-Fixed a bug that would cause a Meepo clone to spawn if Meepo acquired an Aghanim's Scepter while dead
-Fixed not being able to buy items while a non-prime Meepo clone is selected
-Fixed Truestrike working against non-tower buildings
-Fixed Sniper's Assassinate channel being interrupted if the target becomes temporarily invulnerable
-Fixed hidden units being unable to gain charges for Urn of Shadows
-Fixed Legion Commander's Moment of Courage extra attack lasting longer if she cannot lifesteal off of the target (e.g. when attacking buildings)
-Fixed Rubick stealing Bane's Nightmare End not giving you the main Nightmare spell
-Fixed Earthshaker's Fissure range not being properly increased to 1400
-Fixed some cases with Phoenix's Icarus Dive not stopping when ordered
-Fixed Ember Spirit's turn rate being slightly too high
-Fixed the Satyr Tormenter creep's Shockwave projectile ending slightly too short
-Tinker's Laser debuff is no longer partially disjointable
-Fixed Dark Seer's Wall of Replica dealing damage first instead of creating the illusions first
-Fixed a bug where a courier delivering an item to a hero who has a full inventory would cause the courier's inventory to combine with items in that hero's stash, even if the courier was not in range of the stash
-Fixed a bug where buying a stackable item after dying would allow the whole stack to be sold while dead
-Fixed buffs that were applied shortly before death sometimes not being properly removed by dying
-Fixed a bug where Broodmother's Insatiable Hunger would not lifesteal from Lone Druid's Spirit Bear
-Fixed Wraith King losing his Aegis of the Immortal and Reincarnation if he died while a Duel was active anywhere on the map
-Fixed Sand King to support simultaneously active Epicenters (e.g. via Refresher Orb)
-Fixed Legion Commander's Overwhelming Odds not updating movement speed properly when cast while the previous buff is active
-Fixed Juggernaut's Omnislash being able to hit units inside of Tusk's Snowball
-Fixed a bug where Meepo would drop Gem of True Sight and Divine Rapier when Aegis of the Immortal prevents death
-Fixed a bug where Rubick stealing Legion Commander's Duel and losing the duel would not result in the enemy gaining the damage bonus from winning
-Fixed a bug where Juggernaut wasn't invulnerable in Omnislash until after the first attack
-Fixed Witch Doctor's Voodoo Restoration not consuming mana added by Soul Ring
-Fixed Leshrac's Pulse Nova not consuming mana added by Soul Ring
Fixed a bug where Spirit Breaker could cast Charge of Darkness while rooted
-Drow Ranger's Precision Aura, when activated, will now properly apply to units created after its activation
-Fixed a bug where Lone Druid's Spirit Bear wasn't affected by passive abilities such as Tiny's Craggy Exterior or Meepo's Geostrike
-Faceless Void's Chronosphere no longer reveals allied invisible heroes
-Necrophos's Sadist buff icon now properly shows the remaining duration
-Fixed a bug where Legion Commander could sometimes cancel a Duel by leveling up an ability
-Fixed a bug where heroes would visibly respawn at their death location and then teleport back to the fountain
-Disruptor's Glimpse will now send Meepo clones to their previous location (instead of the location of the prime Meepo)
-Fixed a bug where disjointing Templar Assassin's Psi Blades out of Meld would not cancel Meld
-Templar Assassin's bonus damage from Meld no longer applied to Undying's Tombstone
-Templar Assassin's Psi Blades no longer spill through attacks on Undying's Tombstone
-Bane's Fiend's Grip and Pudge's Dismember now properly cancel channeling if purged in the first tick
-Fixed the angles that Power Cogs pushes you towards
-Fixed a bug where any disconnected player's units could move freely within Faceless Void's Chronosphere if the caster is also disconnected
-Fixed magic and pure damage sources triggering Medusa's Mana Shield while magic immune
-The Troll Priest creep's aura now properly stacks with the aura from Ring of Aquila/Basilius
-Fixed Elder Titan's Astral Spirit not stopping immediately when Echo Stomp was issued while the spirit was returning
-Fixed a bug where Ember Spirit wasn't invulnerable in Sleight of Fist until after the first attack
-Rubick's Telekinesis's stun will no longer be interrupted if Telekinesis is interrupted
-Leshrac's Lightning Storm is no longer entirely blocked if it is cast on a unit with Linken's Sphere
-Courier abilities will no longer give magic stick charges
-Fixed Visage's Familiars causing a hitch when they are first created
-Fixed Lycan's Summon Wolves to no longer summon into inaccessible terrain
-Ranged units can now properly deny invisible friendly units
-Units can no longer be damaged by negative lifesteal
-Fixed Keeper of the Light's abilities getting shuffled around if he's killed by Pugna's ward when casting Illuminate
-Fixed incorrect messages when the Aegis is picked up at the same time as it is being denied
-Fixed a bug with multiple instances of Windranger's Focus Fire
-Axe's Culling Blade when cast on a target with the Reaper's Scythe debuff will now correctly credit Necrophos with the kill
-Dragon Knight's Dragon Form splash attack will now do half damage to nearby units if it misses the primary target
-Fixed Counter Helix proccing when attacked by a friendly unit
-Fixed Chakram going slightly too far then jumping back once it arrives at its location


-Roshan base armor increased by 1
-Attack Speed now always continually adjusts based on the latest modifications applied to the unit [?]
-Melee illusions created by a Rune of Illusion take 200% instead of 300% damage

-Random Draft hero selection pool increased from 22 to 24
-Captain's Draft hero selection pool increased from 24 to 27 (8 per type to 9)
-Captain's Draft hero bans increased from 4 to 6
-Meepo is no longer available in Ability Draft


-Aghanim's Scepter Borrowed Time now redirects 35% of all damage dealt to nearby allied heroes to Abaddon when active [?]

Ancient Apparition
-Chilling Touch attack speed reduction increased from -15 to -20

-Mana Void's area of effect increased from 450 to 500

-Counter Helix now uses Pseudo Random chance [?]

-Flaming Lasso mana cost increased from 150 to 225

-Base damage increased by 4

-Bloodrage cast point improved from 0.6 to 0.4
-Bloodrage can no longer be dispelled [?]

Bounty Hunter
-Track cast range increased from 900/1050/1200 to 1200

-If you have not attacked for 10 seconds, your next attack will always activate a Drunken Brawler critical hit
-If you have not been attacked for 10 seconds, Drunken Brawler will cause you to evade the next attack[?]

-Warpath no longer has unique values for the first movement speed stack[?]
-Warpath movement speed stack bonus increased from 1/2/3% to 3/4/5% [?]

-Spiderling's Poison Sting damage per second increased from 4 to 8
-Spin Web's free pathing no longer deactivates when enemy has vision on Broodmother
-Spin Web's free pathing is now disabled for 3 seconds when Broodmother takes damage [?]
-Insatiable Hunger lifesteal increased from 40/60/80% to 60/80/100%

Centaur Warrunner
-Hoof Stomp mana cost increased from 85/100/115/130 to 130

Chaos Knight
-Phantasm now has a 50% chance to create one extra illusion when cast

-Penitence cooldown reduced from 14 to 14/13/12/11

-Death Pact cooldown reduced from 45 to 45/40/35

-Poison Touch no longer causes a ministun[?]

-Kinetic Field cooldown reduced from 14 to 14/13/12/11

-Doom damage no longer ignores magic shields [?]

Drow Ranger
-Gust knockback duration increased from 0.2 to 0.5

Earth Spirit
-Stone Remnant recharge time reduced from 35 to 30

-Creeps no longer try to path around Fissure; they will wait for it to disappear
-Echo Slam no longer ignores units that are invisible or in Fog of War

Elder Titan
-Echo Stomp mana cost reduced from 100/115/130/145 to 100
-Echo Stomp physical and magical damage increased from 80 to 80/85/90/95 each

Ember Spirit
-Searing Chains duration reduced from 2/2/3/3 to 1/2/2/3 [?]
-Sleight of Fist bonus damage reduced from 30/60/90/120 to 20/40/60/80

-Untouchable slow duration increased from 3 to 4

-Midnight Pulse area of effect increased from 400 to 600

Faceless Void
-Base agility increased from 21 to 23
-Turn rate improved from 0.5 to 1

-Homing Missile now hits invisible units
-Homing Missile hits required to destroy increased from 3 to 3/3/4/5

-Burning Spears is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier

-Ghost Walk slow no longer affects magic immune enemies
-EMP delay increased from 2.6 to 2.9

-Dual Breath range increased by 50
-Liquid Fire level 4 cooldown reduced from 5 to 4
-Aghanim's Scepter Macropyre duration increased from 7 to 14
-Aghanim's Scepter Macropyre range increased from 1350 to 1800 [?]

-Base attack time improved from 1.6 to 1.5

Keeper of the Light
-Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade: Provides permanent Spirit Form. Additionally, the following effects are active during the day: Keeper of the Light gains unobstructed vision and Illuminate heals allies for 75% of the damage values

-Torrent area of effect increased from 215 to 225
-X Marks The Spot can now last twice as long on allied heroes
-Ghost Ship allied buff duration increased from 8 to 10
-Add Ghost Ship AOE indicator for allies

Legion Commander
-Overwhelming Odds bonus damage per hero is increased from 14/16/18/20 to 20/35/50/65 [?]
-Overwhelming Odds area of effect increased from 315 to 330
-Overwhelming Odds base damage rescaled from 50/100/150/200 to 60/100/140/180
-Moment of Courage now uses Pseudo Random chance [?]

-Lightning Storm now slows its targets by 75% for 0.5 seconds

-Frost Armor can now be cast on buildings
-Aghanim's Scepter Chain Frost no longer has a bounce limit

-Attack range increased from 650 to 670
-Aghanim's Scepter Laguna Blade damage goes through magic immunity [?]

-Hex cooldown reduced from 30/25/20/15 to 30/24/18/12

Lone Druid
-Spirit Bear health regeneration increased from 2 to 2/3/4/5

-Base agility reduced from 22 to 18

-Shapeshift no longer provides 100/200/300 bonus health

-Removed Skewer maximum target limit
-Skewer range increased from 600/800/1000/1200 to 750/900/1050/1200

-Split Shot reworked from 50/60/70/80% damage with 5 maximum targets, to 80% damage with 2/3/4/5 maximum targets
-Mystic Snake no longer requires Fog of War vision to bounce
-Mana Shield damage absorption per mana increased from 1/1.5/2/2.5 to 1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5

-Base movement speed increased from 305 to 315

-Sacred Arrow vision reduced from 800 to 650

Naga Siren
-Mirror Image illusion damage dealt reduced from 30/35/40/45% to 20/25/30/35%
-Rip Tide area of effect reduced from 350 to 320
-Rip Tide negative armor no longer goes through magic immunity

-Heartstopper Aura area of effect increased from 1000 to 1200
-Reaper's Scythe now adds +30% duration to the respawn timer

Night Stalker
-Darkness now also affects the vision of buildings

Nyx Assassin
-Impale cooldown increased from 11 to 13
-Impale can no longer be blocked by Linken's Sphere

Ogre Magi
-Base armor increased by 1
-Cast animation improved from 0.56 to 0.45

-Purification area of effect increased from 225 to 240
-Repel no longer removes positive buffs from allies [?]
-Guardian Angel duration increased from 5/6/7 to 6/7/8
-Aghanim's Scepter Guardian Angel duration increased from 5/6/7 to 8/9/10

Phantom Assassin
-Stifling Dagger cooldown reduced from 8 to 6
-Blur evasion chance increased from 20/25/30/40 to 20/30/40/50

-Icarus Dive cast point extended from 0.01 to 0.2
-Fire Spirits damage reduced from 15/35/55/75 to 10/30/50/70
-Fire Spirits health cost increased from 15% to 20%

-Decrepify mana cost reduced from 100 to 60
-Nether Ward duration increased from 25 to 30

Queen of Pain
-Shadow Strike cooldown reduced from 20/16/12/8 to 16/12/8/4
-Shadow Strike cast range increased from 400 to 435

-Strength gain increased from 1.7 to 2.3
-Unstable Current slow duration increased from 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6 to 0.5/1/1.5/2

-Backstab now works when attacking allied units

Shadow Demon
-Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade: Demonic Purge cooldown replaced with two charges that have a 40 second replenish time

Shadow Fiend
-Requiem of Souls' secondary debuff now affects magic immune units

-Agility growth increased from 2.1 to 3.0
-Curse of the Silent cooldown reduced from 20/18/16/14 to 20/16/12/8

Skywrath Mage
-Base movement speed increased from 315 to 325
-Concussive Shot damage increased from 50/100/150/200 to 60/120/180/240

-Fixed Sniper's acquisition range not matching his maximum attack range [?]

Spirit Breaker
-Nether Strike cast range increased from 400/550/700 to 700 [?]
-Nether Strike cooldown rebalanced from 75 to 80/70/60

-Base damage increased by 6

Templar Assassin
-Psionic Trap sub-ability now has the same cast point as the ability on the trap itself[?]

-Strength gain reduced from 1.9 to 1.4
-Reflection slow no longer persists through magic immunity
-Reflection duration rebalanced from 5 to 2.5/3.5/4.5/5.5

-Anchor Smash damage reduction increased from 40 to 60%
-Anchor Smash now works on Ancient creeps[?]

-Heat Seeking Missile is no longer blocked by Ethereal

-Craggy Exterior stun duration rescaled from 1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5 to 1/1.25/1.5/1.75

Troll Warlord
-Melee Whirling Axes cast point improved from 0.2 to 0

-Reworked Snowball into a two-part ability: one which creates the snowball, and a sub-ability to launch the snowball. You have up to 4 seconds to use the sub-ability. The area that automatically pulls allies in has been reduced. [?]
-You can now load an ally into your snowball within 400 range by right clicking on them
-Snowball moves 75 MS faster for each allied hero inside it
-Snowball deals 20/30/40/50 extra damage for each additional hero in it

-Soul Rip area of effect increased from 975 to 1300
-Tombstone Zombie Deathlust's Max % health threshold increased from 5/10/15/20% to 20/25/30/35%
-Tombstone Zombies no longer give any experience or gold [?]
-Tombstone Bounty increased from 70/90/110/130 to 75/100/125/150
-Flesh Golem's Plague Aura now affects magic immune units

-Fury Swipes is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier

Vengeful Spirit
-When Vengeful Spirit is slain, her killer is inflicted with a negative Vengeance Aura, which decreases the damage of her killer and their nearby allies, until she revives [?]

-Grave Chill cooldown increased from 10 to 16/14/12/10

-Shadow Word duration increased from 9 to 11
-Upheaval cooldown reduced from 50 to 50/46/42/38

-Activating Windrun now disjoints incoming attack projectiles
-Aghanim's Scepter Focus Fire damage reduction decreased from -50/-40/-30 to -30/-15/0, and no longer has special rules for procs

Witch Doctor
-Maledict cooldown reduced from 35 to 20
-Death Ward base attack time improved from 0.25 to 0.22

Wraith King
-Mortal Strike damage ratio increased from 1.25/1.75/2.25/2.75 to 1.5/2/2.5/3
Base armor reduced by 1

-Arc Lightning cast point improved from 0.4 to 0.2
-Lightning Bolt true sight range reduced from 900 to 750
-Lightning Bolt flying vision range reduced from 1000 to 750
-Lightning Bolt can now be cast on the ground, affecting the closest enemy hero in a 250 range


Animal Courier
-Ground Courier respawn time reduced from 180 seconds to 140 seconds

-Bloodpact heal increased from 400 HP + 30 HP/charge to 500 HP + 30 HP/charge

-Mana regeneration from 100 over 30 seconds to 135 over 40 seconds

Eul's Scepter of Divinity
-Cyclone now deals 50 damage to enemy units when they land
-You can now cast Cyclone on yourself while you are magic immune

Manta Style
-Mirror Image now resets the current attack and spell targeting priority [?]

-Chain Lightning damage reduced from 160 to 150
-Static Shock area of effect is now centered around the unit with the Static Charge, rather than around the attacker
-Fixed Chain Lightning not functioning properly when it procs while a previous proc is still bouncing [?]

-Necronomicon Warrior's movement speed rescaled from 330/360/390 to 350
-Necronomicon units XP bounty increased from 59 to 100/150/200

Observer and Sentry Wards
-Sharing wards with allies now requires a Control key override.[?]
-Wards can no longer be placed in the fountain areas

Pipe of Insight
-Pipe health regeneration reduced from 11 to 8
-Pipe now provides Insight Aura, which grants 4 health regeneration to nearby allies
-Pipe's active buff is no longer dispellable

Rod of Atos
-Cripple ability cooldown reduced from 12 to 10

Scythe of Vyse
-Hexed units' base movement speed increased from 100 to 140[?]

Shadow Amulet
-Fade no longer requires the target to remain stationary [?]

Shadow Blade
-Shadow Walk duration increased from 12 to 14

Town Portal Scroll
-Added an option to require a halt command to in order to cancel a Town Portal Scroll


Tobi, Bruno y Lumi hablando del parche.

PD: Si os preguntan yo no estoy aquí, estoy durmiendo que mañana a las 9 casteo DH Bucharest. Kappa

1 1 respuesta

#1 Te doy un besito por el curro.

Shadow Amulet
-Fade no longer requires the target to remain stationary [?]

Cambios graciosos.


Dejo puestos los streams de cybormatt y de Luminous que esta con toby y Bruno que andan haciendo analisis elegir el que os de la gana, mañana paso y los quito

1 respuesta

con lo agustico que se estaba con el meta


A ver que builds se montan ahora Ursa y Huskar xD

1 respuesta

#7 Huskar desolator. Ursa satanic.



Que pena que no tengamos heroe esta vez pero bueno me encantan los agahim de abaddon y keeper. A ver si empezamos a ver a ursa y a huskar más a menudo.

Creo que el parche es acertado realmente ha nerfeado poco solo ha mejorado lo que estaba un poco bajo pero en realidad no veo nada que hayan puesto roto realmente quizas lo de lich pero habra que verlo ingame.


Lo del Lich es demencial.


#5 xDDD ahí dios, la que nos espera en las públicas con los lichs wannabe carry

me gusta que el lycan tenga un nerfeo de ese infumable ultimate. creo que está bien hecho.


Un parche que creo que en el 90% de las cosas da en el clavo, y que en general me ha gustado bastante.

Gracias a Dios le han metido mano a la Siren, tenía miedo de que llegara a TI4 en este estado...

El nerf a Ember lo veo más como un nerf a la build de searing chains + sleight of fist, que al heroe en general, que en late va a seguir siendo jesucristo, pero bueno, ya veremos

El nerf a Invoker me parece poco, pero de todas formas en competitivo se está jugando casi únicamente a quas + exort, asi que supongo que lo mío será hate de pub player.

Lo de Huskar y Ursa puede estar interesante (tengo ganas de jugarme un Ursa con Skadi, Satanic o Diffusal ^^)

Zeus muy pero que muy interesante. Zeus, el anti-invis. Zeus support dewarding with bolts xDDD

Ojito a Undying, esa tumba me da miedo.

El Aghanim en Kotl tiene una pinta brutal

P.D: Como sigan buffeando el Eul's va a ser el mejor item del juego...


Me he jugado un kotl pensando que ya habían metido este parche xD menos mal que me he dado cuenta a tiempo y mi point boster se reciclo en skadi. quiero ese bicho con agah en mis manos ya.


#2 Ahora entiendo porque te has levantado tan tarde xD


Dios el Aghanim en Kotl :O. En lich y shadow demon también pinta genial.

Me gusta lo que leo en el changelog


Doble ulti para shadow demon con aga :3 y por fin podré hacer lo que siempre he querido con lich. Poner armadura a las torres xD


Dios, la de veces que voy a instapickear Lich y posiblemente también Undying.


¿Han metido un botón para mutear "All Chat" pero solo lo hace con el chat del enemigo? ¿Por qué no meten un botón de verdad para mutear a todo el mundo? Valve...

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#18 Qué mas da cuando puedes ignorar a los 9 jugadores? Yo eso no lo veo necesario...


Pues me ha gustado mucho el parche en general. Ese KotL of the Light con Aghanim's puede ser la ostia :D

1 respuesta

#20 Será un buen heroe dentro del Dota of the Ancients


Corregidme o confirmadme, porque creo que no lo he entendido del todo bien...
El ulti del Lich (con scepter) no tendrá limite de rebotes!?!?!

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#22 Así es. Hombre, si estáis un poco espabilados no era difícil separarse y que se pierda antes de dar los 10 rebotes. Pero si antes ya era una locura el "quedarse y aguantar" ahora es simplemente un suicidio.


Osea, que metiendo en el equipo un Disruptor y un Enigma.....

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#24 O con void, o con Treant (y así encima las torres serán inmortales) pero estamos en lo mismo de siempre. No es fácil que un support se farmee un Aghanim. Y si, lich se puede jugar tb offlane, pero en ese caso se le suele pedir un mek o algo con más utility que el scepter...

1 respuesta

Realmente útil puede ser en un roshan o una situación muy similar
Cuando la gente sabe que llevas combo se suele separar bastante mas y meter bien ese tipo de ultis no es fácil

En el caso de Lich es mas habitual ver "fails" que otra cosa. Ya no solo depende de tu habilidad. Si no de que el rival sea malo. o que algun compañero tuyo sea capaz de juntarlos, véase un darkseer, magnus, hasta forcestaff si me apuras

En la teoría suena muy bonito, en la practica creo que solo sera útil en situaciones de defensa cuando un compañero empieza a estar bajo de vida y el equipo rival corre detrás de el para rematarlo, ahí suele ser donde mas fallos de posición se cometen

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#25 Yo siempre tiro primero al Headress y luego a Scepter directo, despues tiempo hay para competar Mek

Edit: Muy de acuerdo con #26

2 respuestas

#27 La cosa es que el Mek marca la diferencia si lo buildeas antes de 15-20 min en publicas si me apuras, luego es un buen objeto que ayuda, pero ya no marca la diferencia

Yo el aga en Lich lo veo mas lategame y con combo, sino me parece tirar el dinero en algo muy situacional


#27 Y para qué quieres un headress suelto? 0 sentido

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#29 Para dar regeneración al compañero de lane, ¿no?

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