Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

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hey whats up bitches

9 días después

Hey guys, I was kind of bored and I realized this thread hasn't been posted in almost one week, and even if I have never posted before, I usually read since you got interesting info here for people like me who want to improve English skills. So, wazzup dudes?

I got one grammar question, if anybody wants to answer it'll be welcome. It's about either/neither and such. You only use them when you have two subjects, right? (In this kind of situation)


Apart from basic sentences, like "Neither you nor I" and such, do you use them often? If it's so, how? I realized that when it comes I have to use them I always end up using alternatives to avoid saying these words, it's like they panic me XD

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#2282 I do not usually use them either (hahahaha) because I always confuse the meaning and when I have to say "either" I say "neither" and the other way around!So if someone could tell me the exact difference I would me very grateful
btw, I also use those words in this cases: "I couldn't do my homework" "I couldn't either"


#2282 Neither and nor work together in a negative sentence where you want to say "ni-ni". Example: Neither I like football nor I like basket
Either is used to express the same as "or": You can study English either French

They aren't very difficult and I often use them.

How have you learned this kind of English?By watching films, by living in a foreing country...?

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Hi madafakas!

I have the FCE test later this month, on May 30th. Well, it isnt the FCE especifically, it is B2 level at EOI. I am doing this test without going to academy or classes, so in terms of english material I am almost empty handed. I have studied from some books that my friends have let me, but they are huge and i cant afford to spend that much time in doing/reading coursebooks.

Do you know any test book just to do some intensive trainning?

The most troublesome part for me is the gramar part, where i have to write words without any references/hints. OTOH, in the writting section im not very confident too, i have read and listened a lot of english and some structures are common to(for?) me, but i just haven't practiced writting at all.

Any help/tip is welcome! Thank you!

2 respuestas

#2284 I learned with TV series and some films, reading books in English and singing songs like a madman whem I'm alone at home XD Thank you for your answer, I still find it hard to use it in a natural way, but yet I hope I'll get used to it someday.

#2285 It's too close to the exam date and I can't give you any panacea, but a great tool for grammar are the books "Grammar in Use". They are very complete, there's a part of exercices (with answers) and another part that explains the grammar. But it's a huge book as well (300 pages perfectly) and not a test book, but I find it useful as a grammar reference tool. I don't know of any source on the internet, maybe in the post there's already something, and I don't know any books since I haven't studied English in a proper way, sorry!

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#2286 Thanks you for your answer, and congratzs for your English, it is quite good!^^

#2285 Your English seems to be quite good (at least as regards writing), specially taking into account that being ready for b2 without going to an academy nor classes is somehow a big deal. Regarding your question about books, I recommend you to download the FCE Gold Plus Student and Workbook. You can download it freely and print them, and it's a good way to practice. They include reading, writing, grammar and use of English and listening tasks (with a folder with the recordings) and very important, the keys to correct your workbook exercises on your own. So with these books you don't need a teacher to correct your work, and this is a very good point.
FCE Gold Plus is the best book I've ever used. Last year we were told by the teacher to buy it in order to use it in my degree (English Philology) and I reached B2 level by using both books.

p.d: You've made a small mistake. My friends have let me: this verb is not correct to mean this. The correct one would be: my friends have lent me.

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#2287 do you have the link to download that book?

Today I am bloody sad, I haven't achieved the mark that the university is requesting me to do a MSc..

I have achieved an overall 6.5, however I failed in the writing task obtaining a 5.5 where I need at least a 6.0 :S

Speaking and reading: 7
Listening 6 (I though that I was better, honestly, I always watch the tv in English and I work in an English environment)

I am going to start writing a lot in this thread

If anybody want an advice for the IELTS, this is my one, Prepare it!

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Tired of reading about that awkward, loser Harry Potter?

I present to you "Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality":

P.S.: It's fucking brilliant.

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#2288 No, I don't. But as you write in Google "FCE Gold Plus maximiser", you can find it.

I'm interested in this, because I'm moving to Amsterdam next year because I've obtained an Erasmus grant and the University there asks for a C1 level by taking IELTS exam with a 6.5 with a 6 in each part.
Are they going to exclude you for this?Is it really necessary to have at least a 6 in each part?Such a bummer!
What kind of advices would you give me to prepare IELTS?

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Hey it is my first time writing in this thread and I dont know what to say. But let`s try...

Next saturday Im going to do the PET exam, Im sure I have enough level to pass it because the last three months I have been going to B2 classes but I can`t avoid the fact that my speaking is sometimes bad, these days I feel like I were stupid or I had not spoken before.

Phrasal verbs are a problem as well, I can translate all of them easily but I'm not able to use them in a ordinary sentence.

Anyway, probably this text contains a lot of errores, mistakes or anything else so would be great if you cant tell me what they are.

And also I want to ask you some advices for my PET exam.

Bye !

1 respuesta

#2291 Speak to yourself in English. Truly, fill your head with English, make snide remarks in English, watch everything in original version. In a matter of days your speaking will have improved significantly.

Phrasal verbs are hard for everyone. Don't worry too much about it, with some practice you'll find yourself using them. It's a matter of necessity, there are many things that can't be properly or efficiently said without phrasal verbs, and most of those phrasal verbs you'll pick up while practising.

Can't see that many mistakes in what you wrote, and the one's I find are pretty basic typos so not even gonna bother =]

GL on that test!

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#2292 you are right about phrasal verbs, but I think these are a matter of practice because sometimes when you are talking to someone so involved in what you want to say, you may use properly a phrasal verb you didn't even know what exists before you use it, just because your brain got used to that link between verb+preposition, in several cases this doesn't work because it is a very specific meaning like wash up (it doesn't make really sense if you want to say the same skipping the preposition).

Actually the funny fact is that talking with my australian roommates, they didn't even know about phrasal verbs... neither the canadians living downstairs, I just said holy shit! the god damn them being a pain in the neck and you are telling me you don't fucking know what I am talking about.

Guys I know I may make mistakes while talking or writing, but it is a matter of time if you really put some effort daily. Step by step, and you will see you have enhanced your skills when the time has passed by. By the way for a PET test I would be relaxed if I were you, I am not able to sort the people's level in any language by far, because I think this process never ends but come on, without trying to despise PET you should have applied for B2 or B1 at least.

Now I open my umbrella, every spit on my writing is welcome, though it is enough to live abroad despite my skills don't look like astonishing

#2290 One friend of mine took the IELTS test, and in spite to be pissed off with himself, he passed with 65, I believe as long as you go there confidently, no worries will bother you.

Reading your post I realized I have an issue pulling apart my english, and I feel so stupid wondering how shall I know whe to use other or another, whatsoever the case.... anyhow I alternatively use them depending on what sticks in that moment.

other, when you know what it is; another when you don't.. is that right? I already have this strong association depending on the case, but I don't want to appear like a fool, such a bullshit! xD

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Hi guys,

I'm currently taking my 3rd year of BSc in Computer Sciences in Bergen (Norway), and despite all exams I have done and all lectures I have assisted, I feel my spoken/heard English is still VERY improvable. I just have a B1 level, and the next course I'll try to get a B2 level through a university program.

Could you give me any advices to improve it? Such are watching films, or that sort of stuff (what films?).

Thank you :)

3 respuestas

#2294 the fact that you hold a B1 degree doesn't mean you are in that level, try oyurself out, I am sure you know much more than you think.

Just watch whatever you like, so it won't be boring for you while you learn, and make sure you get everything by replaying what you dind't understand. Another thing helps me to pronunciate in the right way, say the tricky words loudly and play them by any native speaker. There are books for pronunciation with tracks attached, if somebody needs it just tell me I will pass it around.


#2294 watch whatever you like, with subtitles in English, so that when you don't catch a word by listening, you'll read it on the subs, and next time you hear it, you'll probably understand it.
About pronunciation, just don't be afraid of imitating the sounds, don't speak like you're speaking Spanish, try to lose your accent. Talk to yourself in English, even in your head, think in English, making an effort to speak without an accent.

And most importantly, try to find someone to talk to in English as much as you can, every day if possible. Practice and more practice.



Hi there!

I've read a little and I have some doubts.

What's this book about?
Before I made a break for studying I was reading "A game of thrones", but after watching the third season I think it's gonna be weird coming back to the first, therefore I'll need a new reading.
Is it finished or not?

See ya!

1 respuesta

#2294 I'd go with the same I said in #2292

#2293 You should form a clearer view of what is the proper phrasing in English and what isn't... Maybe try watching TV Shows that feature proficient English speakers. For instance, House MD.
You need to distinguish between something that sounds English, and those odd sentences that you pulled off. If you can't picture someone saying out loud what you are writing, it's probably wrong xD

Your mistakes don't really scramble the message, but they do make it harder to comprehend.
I'd go over your post if I had more time. Maybe some other day.


#2297 Start reading, you won't regret it: (Starts at "Every inch of wall..." )

It's not finished, but I really doubt you'll make it to the last chapter in less than a month xD

PS: It's about a Harry Potter with a 180 IQ =]

3 respuestas

#2298 Cool, from time to time I think I should figure out what I am saying but most of the times I just put everything together and think fuck yeah... it is a mess how I use to make up the whole thing instead of trying to make it understandable, a bunch of stuff to do ! :D

Looking forward to the last you said.


I'll start reading it when I finish my language exams, but I find it difficult to read in a laptop screen so I'll do it in my ebook. For that reason I asked you about whether or not it was finished, to download it in an .epub file.


Hey hey :DDDD
In 2 months I'll be doing FCE exam after 1 year practise in class, but I don't know how to study "Use of English" section and not having a teacher next to me, just myself.

I don't know if I should practise doing real practises like another exams or just practising any kind of english use, or just taking it like any other subject on School and try to memorize phrasal verbs, grammar, you know...
I think it would be better if in that little time I could read any kind of book, newspaper, or just watching videos in Original English.

#2298 I'm reading this at the moment haha!

At the moment, I practise every single moment, because I try to watch almost any video in English, and during night I use to watch some series like "Castle" and "Once Upon a Time"
I think I have a nice vocabulary, but I'm a bit stuck with grammar. How should I handle it by myself in my leisure time?

Thanks for your attention guys!

1 respuesta

#2301 Hi!If you're searching for tips to improve, I'd recommed you to write texts by using the structures that you've already learnt, and to do real exams. Also, it's very useful to memorize phrasal verbs and collocations in order to show that your level is better than a b1. It's very important in FCE to demonstrate that you can manage with more complex structures and vocabulary than a people who has a b1 level.
As I've commented on above, for the students that are preparing b2, the best book ever is this one: FCE Gold Plus (Student's book and workbook), because it contains real exercises from the exams and an answer key that allows you to correct your own activities. And it contains specific parts of Use of English as well!

Regarding your questions about newspaper, films...I think all kind of materials and chances to practise are welcome. Try to do your best in terms of practising, and for this, all the things that you've mentioned are useful: try to watch series, to write articles as if you were a journalist, read books and magazines in English...After few weeks doing these kind of things all day

And finally, I think it is worth to mention that your writing is quite good. You don't make many mistakes and you grammar and vocabulary are rather good. Keep practising and improving and good luck!

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Hey all! It's been a long time without posting in this topic actually. I just want you to know that I'm taking the advanced certificate of the EOI school in two weeks and I'm getting nervous already.It's like I haven't learnt a lot this year because my teacher was kind of lazy and he didn't do the best but it's a public center so who is supposed to complain about the situation...? Nobody cares to be honest.

To make matters worse, If I pass the examen this year I'll have the same dull teacher next year so that I have to think if it's worth to carry on with my English career at this school. It's is such a difficult decision to make since I won't find anything cheaper to learn English.

Anyway, for those who either are studying in EOI's school or understand Catalan and want to do some practice, here you can find a real examen of Intermediate level and Advanced:

Hope it helps you guys!

By the way, feel free to make any correction, I may have made some mistakes here. See you around guys!

2 respuestas

#2303 The only thing I can say is get ready, keep cool and rock it :D

If I am right the exam for the advanced certificate by means of the EOI school is the same to the freelance exam-takers. If that is true, it would be nice to have already some tip/suggestion before taking the exam, rather better than the ones I'm telling you.

Despite I don't understand catalonian, I will make an attempt... let see whether my skills disappoint me or whether they speak on my behalf. good luck by the way

Jim's wife died in a car crash. Apparently,____________ broke the news to him.

a) a wife's friend.

b) a friend of his wife's
c) a friend of his wife
d) one of his friend's wife

the right answer is b), but why?

1 respuesta

I guess it should b c)
"...Apparently, a friend of his wife broke the news to him"
At least that what seems right to me :)

#2302 I really appreciate your kindness, it's been really hard to get time to get decent practise on English as I'm doing selective exam in nearly 2 weeks, and despite being enough prepared to do it anyway, I'm really nervous about it.

I guess if I keep myself relaxed in both exams, it shouldn't be such a big deal :)
Anyway, I've been practising in 3 practise exams and my average qualification is around 70 out of 100, so as long as I keep doing my job, I will get a great mark! :)

Thanks for your recommendation about "FCE's Gold". I will take a look on it as soon as I can :D


#2304 The correct one is c).


correct answer is c) 100% sure


I was sure on the test until the correction... unless it is a mistake, don't be that sure xD

Here we go... from a proper british english speaker in the wordreference forum:

Ahh. That is one of those little things designed to confuse learners of English ...
It is normal usage, and I cannot think of a very good reason why. It has been discussed before - I'll see if I can find the thread.


here is one to start with double genitive case There is a debate and some disagreement, but some good points towards the end.
Enjoy it

1 respuesta

if b) was correct, I am assuming that 's is used as a contraction of has. A friend of his wife has broke. But it would need the past participle "broken" right after.

therefore, the most correct is c.

Unless "broke" has a special use in that context that I am not aware of xd


hahahahahah don't be stubborn, here is the explanation as I have understood it from forum discussions. Though actually it is ridiculous...

You can say either "is my friend" or "a friend of mine". In spanish "mi amigo" doesn't sound like " un amigo mio" right?
In this case "a friend of his wife" is rather "some friend of his wife", whereas "a friend of his wife’s" means "one of his wife's friends"

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