Trabajo de media - publicidad.


Tengo que hacer un trabajo para mañana que trata de publicidad. Basicamente se trata de cojer un ad y hablar sobre el. Son 3 ads.

  1. ad de revista (print ad)
  2. TV ad.
  3. fashion advertorial.

Aqui el trato. Si conoceis de algunos ads que merezcan la pena hacerles un estudio, feel free de postearlo por aqui. Han de ser en ingles. A cambio yo me comprometo a escribir de el para mi trabajo y poner aqui lo que he escrito por si alguien le interesa mi vision de juego y manera de analizar.


Hello ladies,

Look at your man, now back to me, now back at your man, now back to me, sadly, he isn't me.

3 1 respuesta

Sí vamos..vaya trato, te hacemos el trabajo a cambio de un análisis de..tu trabajo?

1 respuesta

El que para mi es uno de los mejores anuncios hechos jamás

1 1 respuesta

no, no me has entendido, quizas me he explicado mal.
pones un anuncio. y yo hago el trabajo.
#2 dioss, ese va a estar jodido, es muy random todo xD

1 respuesta

#5 Este te irá mejor entonces:

po po po po po po po po-wer!

2 respuestas

#6 pero madre del amor hermoso jajajajajajajaja


algun print ad?


estos los usé yo en la carrera xra un trabajo tmb

1 respuesta

#10 quien es el primero?
supongo que los siguientes son bush y hitler

1 respuesta

Llevo rato laaargo riéndome con #6


#11 Creo que es Justin Bieber.


A mi me gusta el de "I am a polower"


Hazlo sobre el ad de moda


Toma uno de revista. Serás el más molón de la clase.

1 1 respuesta

estaba empezando a hacer este

madre mia la guarrilla "you know you're not the first. But do you really care?" jajaja, muy buen ad


aqui va lo que llevo hecho de momento, esta en ingles y habla sobre este ad.

This is a printed advertisement of Legambiente, an Italian non-governmental organisation working on issues regarding the conservation, research and restoration of the environment. The logo of Legambiente is a green swan. There is no such thing as a green swan in real life, yet maybe the connotation behind the swan being green is the willingness to change the world into something of such purity that remains yet unseen. In this advert one can see a park that appears to be taken care of. There are many trees, people walking across the park, sitting down reading the newspaper and there is even someone taking care of the park by removing its visible dirt. One can notice that the people in this advert seem to be ignoring how the woman is lifting the grass and filling it with rubbish, the lady reading the newspaper, the man walking across the park… Furthermore one can see a monument in the advert that is facing the woman hiding the rubbish. There are many connotations in this advert. The image of so having a few people ignoring what is happening is in fact a much larger social critique that what can be seen with the bare eye. It is referring to the millions of people which build up our society which are not taking action on what is being done with our ecosystem and environment. Its not only the fact that they take no action, but also they ignore what is going on because it is the easier option to take. As can be seen by the lady reading the newspaper, she seems very tranquil. The woman lifting the grass and filling it with rubbish gives a sense of “covering the problem” instead of “dealing with the problem”, which could well work in a short term basis, but is not sustainable in a long term basis. The fact that there is a monument facing the lady dealing with the rubbish is very significant. The monument symbolises the shortcomings our ancestors had to get to where we are right now. Life for them hasn’t been easy and all the effort they have put in to survive, and make a better place of this world for their future generations, is being torn down by these “new generations”. These “new generations” seem to be unable to appreciate the efforts of their ancestors and are literally playing with the future of our next generations by being unable of taking care of the environment, therefore increasing the ad’s message.
This advert is not only visually striking and appealing as well as properly executed, it is also instigating the viewer to take action as well as promoting environmental awareness, sustainable lifestyle and encouraging participation in Puliamo il Mondo (Italy) the 25th,26th & 27th of September.

que os parece?
Ahora toca el tv ad, pienso decantarme en el de nike que han puesto arriba.


The following advert is the advert used by Nike during the 2007 NFL (National Football League). It features NFL players Shawne Merriman and Steve Jackson. The advert really consists of these two players running from one side of the pitch to the other trying to score. However there is much more to that in this 1 minute commercial. The advert starts with what seems to be a team call, to take the ball off the opposing team. The camera focuses on Shawne Merriman as he runs through the pitch, sprinting, knocking people down, performing crazy jumps, ducking down. He even runs while it snows. As he gets to the end of the pitch, Steve Jackson takes the ball and starts running towards the other end of the pitch, becoming a brutal and unstoppable force as he is able to knock people down and carry the ball at the same time. Towards the end it can be seen how he dodges other opposing players and as he is about to reach the final line, he is surrounded by 5 opposing players trying to stop him. the action finishes without letting the viewer know whether or not he managed to make it or not. The advert ends with the words “Leave Nothing”, followed by along with Nikes logo. This advert is layed out in such a way that it gives the brand Nike a set of attributes. There are very many clear connotations in this advert. The music that is on during the whole advert is “The Last of the Mohicans – Promentory”. This song is purely instrumental and has very strong warrior like connotations. The music itself is used to represent a battle in the movie “The last of the Mohicans” as well as in this advert. Having star athletes take part in this advert is another effort of Nike to give its brand a touch of uniqueness and excellence. During the ad, one can see these two athletes, jump, sprint, tackle. The myth of this advert is the fact that it is representing key attributes that an athlete should have; endurance, strength, passion, power, fitness, agility, perseverance, ability to work in a team, calmness under pressure, willingness to go the extra mile, vision, etc. The aim of Nike is to have these attributes displayed in the advert linked with its brand. At the end of the advert we see the words “Leave Nothing.” these two words have great symbolism. It enhances the warrior like image Nike gives itself as well as giving the ad a greater meaning. The Nike logo also makes an appearance at the end. Nikes logo being a tick, gives the brand an image of “the right thing”. This logo is particularly powerful because the tick is used throughout many cultures to determine that something is correct.

1 respuesta

#19 sólo una anotación por si quieres ponerlo: la línea que hay al final se llama goal line.

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