Turing.com opiniones


Pues eso, me llegan correos de esta empresa.

Hi Daviid, ,

I saw your profile online and wanted to reach out! You might be a great fit for many of the remote software engineering roles that top U.S. companies are hiring for on Turing.

Turing is based in Palo Alto, California, U.S.A., also known as “Silicon Valley”. We connect exceptional software engineers from around the world to top U.S. and Silicon Valley companies that are hiring for full-time remote software positions.

Si, Daviid, a saber de donde han sacado mi correo.

Alguien ha intentado trabajar para ellos?


Mirando las opiniones en google y en indeed me da a mi que todas las opiniones son de cuentas falsas, a mi me huele muy mal.


Usuarios habituales

  • iNerZiA
  • Daviid_5