¿Que hay dentro de ti, Jedi, o Sith?


otro qui-gon jin ^!

Aunke yoda ser me gustaria xD


Mace Windu.

Yo creo que esto va segun el color de sable que elijas xD


si elijes sable azul y que te gusta el mind control, obi wan asegurado


Qui-Gon Jin

You are the original mentor and the original one who screwed over the galaxy by finding Anakin. Don’t worry, no one’s really holding it against you. You are very monk-like in your demeanor, calm and sure of yourself, but not arrogant. Looking at Obi-wan, you must have been a great master, and you were the one who discovered the secret to immortality. You have to be proud of yourself, but you are probably to humble to do so.


#32 no creas, yo estoy haciendo el test para ir sacando los distintos personajes y depende de qué contestes en sitios como: Qué es más importante para ti, Qué bando eliges, Qué peli te gusta más y la pregunta esa de si sientes amor


Anakin Skywalker

Oh boy, you are a tough one to decipher. You have great evil and great good in you, but your evil is not pure, it stemmed from your confusion and your love for the closest one to you. This same love would eventually pull you out of your dark funk. You are an excellent swordsman, having dealt with Dooku and Mace Windu, your son (the first time) and, dare I say, I dozen ten year old kids tsk tsk*. You are also very arrogant … Obi-Wan told you not to jump, but noooooooo …

Gegegegenial :)


Qui-Gon Jin


Qui-Gon Jin

Nu se quién es :(


Quería que me saliera Lord Vader, y me ha salido el mariquita de Luke :(


Emperor Palpatine

Well, well, well, fancy yourself a bit of a rat-bastard do we? You are the most charismatic of the Sith, well, at least until you got your face burned. You are manipulative and cunning, and your arrogance can be kept in check. Unfortunately, no one else but you can handle the amount of evil stored in that dark heart of yours, so eventually your apprentice can’t handle it and kicks your ass. Oops. Want some irony? You killed your master, and your apprentice killed you. Oh, you are also a nice parallel with Hitler, you’re just missing a moustache. Emperor Palpatine



Qui-Gon Jin

You are the original mentor and the original one who screwed over the galaxy by finding Anakin. Don’t worry, no one’s really holding it against you. You are very monk-like in your demeanor, calm and sure of yourself, but not arrogant. Looking at Obi-wan, you must have been a great master, and you were the one who discovered the secret to immortality. You have to be proud of yourself, but you are probably to humble to do so.


Pues yo me pido a tito chiwi, ni test ni ostias


Anakin Skywalker

Oh boy, you are a tough one to decipher. You have great evil and great good in you, but your evil is not pure, it stemmed from your confusion and your love for the closest one to you. This same love would eventually pull you out of your dark funk. You are an excellent swordsman, having dealt with Dooku and Mace Windu, your son (the first time) and, dare I say, I dozen ten year old kids tsk tsk*. You are also very arrogant … Obi-Wan told you not to jump, but noooooooo …


Qui-Gon Jin

You are the original mentor and the original one who screwed over the galaxy by finding Anakin. Don’t worry, no one’s really holding it against you. You are very monk-like in your demeanor, calm and sure of yourself, but not arrogant. Looking at Obi-wan, you must have been a great master, and you were the one who discovered the secret to immortality. You have to be proud of yourself, but you are probably to humble to do so.

y el translate me tradujo... XDD

Qui-Gon Jin

Usted es el mentor original y la original que follar más de la galaxia por la búsqueda de Anakin. No te preocupes, no es realmente una celebración que en contra de usted. Usted está muy monje-como en su comportamiento, tranquilo y seguro de sí mismo, pero no arrogante. En cuanto a Obi-wan, usted debe haber sido un gran maestro, y ustedes fueron los que descubrieron el secreto de la inmortalidad. Tienes que estar orgullosos de usted, pero usted está probablemente a humilde para hacerlo.


#38 qui-gon es el mentor, el maestro de obi-wan.

screw es cagarla... xD


Which Star Wars Jedi/Sith are you?

Count Dooku


#44 xDDDDD

Obi wan :D


Yo soy el general grevious :D


Which Star Wars Jedi/Sith are you?


Y mira que he dicho que soy humano, jooooder


#49, hay humanos

con un aire a yoda :P


Emperor Palpatine

Well, well, well, fancy yourself a bit of a rat-bastard do we? You are the most charismatic of the Sith, well, at least until you got your face burned. You are manipulative and cunning, and your arrogance can be kept in check. Unfortunately, no one else but you can handle the amount of evil stored in that dark heart of yours, so eventually your apprentice can’t handle it and kicks your ass. Oops. Want some irony? You killed your master, and your apprentice killed you. Oh, you are also a nice parallel with Hitler, you’re just missing a moustache.

Solo por decir que me gustaba el lado oscuro y queria morir con sangre y llamas xD

Luke Skywalker

Vaya frikada...


Qui-Gon Jin


Anakin Skywalker.


Jar Jar Binks... :(


General Grievous

Are not quite Sith, are you? After all, there could be only two, but you do wield a very mean lightsabre, or should I say four? You are totally freaky too, mostly droid, but part living, and the cough and the walk are just terrifying. You’ve got an arrogance to fit an army, but you that’s not what brings you down. It’s the fact that you can’t really use the force that is your downfall. Poser!


Está claro, Boba Fett.

Supongo que nadie se esperaba otro resultado.

Verd ori'shya beskar'gam


Mace Windu, only elite.


¿A tí que te parece? Vamos, la duda ofende.

#59 nigga spotted

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