The Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 5


Hello people, I need help to complete that raid! I would like to have help by exprerienced people who knows to complete. I am a DPS (samurai) so I need 3 more DPS, 2 healers and 2 tanks.
I really love to enjoy by myself the game and its lore or history, altough my english is not very good. But I cannot find anyone to do that raid in the game.
I'll be very gratefull if someone help.

2 comentarios moderados

Datacenter, server y usuario?

2 respuestas

Data Center: European - Light
World: Raiden (EU)
User: Antmessi


#4 si eres español y podrias ayudar seria genial alguna tarde-noche


Si, agregame a discord, tengo el mismo nick.

1 respuesta

Cuál dices que es tu nick?
No se usar muy bien discord, es para hablar a traves de esa app?

Por cierto yo juego en PS5 y tú? Es que no sr di hay crossplay.

Usuarios habituales

  • Antmessi
  • JCamara
  • Heysen
  • Savantyair