que significa *.ogg vorbis?


Pues eso la pregunta es muy simple alguien sabe realmente que significan las siglas de ogg ? me lo han mandao para un trabajo y no lo encuentro en ningun lao..




ya pero lo que me interesa es que significa o el por que de cada letra de ogg ¬¬


"Coincidentally, Nanny Ogg is another Discworld character, a witch who appears in several books including Witches Abroad, though the Ogg format was not named after her. "Ogg" is in fact derived from ogging, jargon that arose in the computer game Netrek"

Y si miramos "Ogging" en la Wikipedia...

"Ogging is term for a tactic developed for the online multiplayer game Netrek. The "ogg" is a kamikaze-style attack, frequently coordinated between multiple ships, with the goal of eliminating a target of high importance, generally with the idea that destroying the target is strategically more valuable than the survival of the attacking ships. It was typically used to destroy enemy ships carrying armies or as a coordinated multi-ship ogg against a starbase."


oki muchas gracias :D


Santa wikipedia que estás en los cielos..

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