Tengo un problema con el DOD cuando lo ejecuto en modo opengl no me sale la pantalla de inicio de nueva partida y servidores. TEngo una Ati RADEON 9600 PRO 256 Mb con lso ultimos drivers. Y no se porke le ocurre eso se keda pillada en la imagen de los dos soldados. Alguien me ayude por favor.






800 por 600 pero ahora no peudo cambiarlo no ves ke no puedo acceder a pociones de video ya ke se me keda pilado en la pantalla de los dos soldados. Los Drivers son lso Ultimos los 9 esos. Puede ser eso?


No creo q sean los drivers, x q yo he usado los ultimos (4.9) y no me ha pasado eso, d todas maneras t recomiendo q t bajes los omega basados en los ultimos catalyst, q son los omega v2.5.76 , ya q viene la opcion al instalarlos d poner los drivrers para open gl d juegos antiguos como el cs y el dod u open gl normal para juegos d ahora.


I'm having Video problems, how do I fix it when I can't get to the Game options?


If you set a video mode and now can't see the screen to change it back, you need to force a video mode and resolution to fix this.

Here's How to Force a Particular Video Mode:

Run steam, open games, right-click your game, click on "properties", then click on "launch options"

You might have some options in there already, but all you need to do is add " -gl " at the end of the line, be sure to have a space before the "-" and anything before it.

You also will need to force a resolution if you set one too high and your monitor can't handle it (we've all done it).

"-w #" sets the video mode width where # is the width in pixels of desired video mode.

Supported video modes are:

640 (640x480)
720 (720x576) - this mode seems to be missing some files)
800 (800x600) - best mode for most cards/performance
1024 (1024x768) - great mode for high-end cards
1152 (1152x864)
1280 (1280x1024)
1600 (1600x1200) - you need a really good monitor for this

NOTE: The larger the resolution the slower the FPS (800x600 & up)

NOTE: On good modern cards, running at 640x480 is sometimes slower than running at 800x600.

Here is a Summary of all the Video Switches (HL1 only):

-d3d selects the Direct3D engine

-soft selects the Software engine

-gl selects the OpenGL engine

-width # sets the video mode width where # is the width in pixels of desired video mode.

-w # sets the video mode width where # is the width in pixels of desired video mode.

-height # doesn't appear to do anything right now

-h # doesn't appear to do anything right now

-fullscreen selects full screen mode

-full selects full screen mode

-win selects windowed mode

-window selects windowed mode

-windowed selects windowed mode

-startwindowed selects windowed mode

-sw selects windowed mode

-novid sets no video mode? tbd

Then click on "OK" and "close" and you should be good to go.

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  • TenienteDan
  • vinilester
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