BF: - Forgotten Hope 2.26 -


Este viernes se libera una nueva actualizacion del mejor mod de BF2 de la WWII

Se incluyen mapas, armas y modelos nuevos etc... ademas de fix para algunos bugs de varios mapas.

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today we are very happy to announce the release date for the latest FH2 patch: 2.26. We also have a large amount of in-game screenshots of most of the new content you will find in 2.26.

Forgotten Hope 2.26 Release Date!

Firstly, the announcement you've all been waiting for! After several months of development, we are proud to bring you the news that Forgotten Hope 2.26 will be released on Friday, May 14th, 2010 at 18:00 UTC. We will be releasing the torrent and server files on Tuesday, May 11th.

We would also like to give a special 'thank you' to our beta testing team. We've spent almost an entire 5 months fixing bugs and glitches, and without the dedication of our testing team to find those bugs, and test the fixes, this release would not be possible. In addition to a large number of 'squashed' bugs, we are also releasing some brand new content for all of you to enjoy. You can read a quick list below.

-New Port-en-Bessin map
-BF1942-style spawn waves
-Team specific spawnpoints on many maps
-Two new planes (Bf-109 F4; P-47D)
-M-18 Hellcat and SdKfz 231
-Several new handweapons
-Fixed Operation Cobra/El Alamein/Supercharge crash

And now for your viewing pleasure, we have several in-game screenshots of already shown off content, as well as a few items that never made it into the news updates.[/i]

Se puede ir bajando ya pero hasta el viernes no se libera la password ni se arranca en los servers.



Pues buenas noticias, aunque llegara muy tarde no está para nada muerto.


esta bien eso de ver dos nazis gayolos irse pal pajar a echarse el aliento en la nuca....xD


#2 Para nada, cada dia se suman mas jugadores. Lo proximo creo que es el frente oriental ^^

#3 Si, es un paseo romantico antes de la batalla xD


hace falta tener el battle2 o no?


Cuenta atras

Hoy a las 20.00

Grandisimo juego !¡


#5 es un mod, el bf2 actualizado es necesario.


en q servers jugais? q no encontrado ni uno!



En los q hay, yo juego en el hslan o los 762

Lo maximo q tengo de ping suele ser 80. En otros tengo solo 40 o 70


Awesome trailer

Usuarios habituales

  • Heixx
  • Kaiserlau
  • aqem
  • Scerin
  • Baptiste
  • vinilester
  • Danrex