BF: Proyect reality 0.3 para la prox semana


Game Modes included in PRMM 0.3:

a) Extraction (aka XTRACT) – In this original PR game mode, one team works to withdraw a high-tier VIP from one point to another (in his attractive and quite shiny SUV), to a designated extraction point. That team succeeds by reaching the target destination with the VIP, while the defending team scores points by destroying this vehicle (and the VIP), and forcing heavy ticket bleeds on the attackers.

b) Single Objective Mode – In this game mode, one team seeks to destroy a particularly important asset of the enemy’s to succeed. It’s up to brute force, or possibly some stealthy special operations tactics, to win this game mode.

c) Advance and Secure – In this game mode, each team battles over a single flag at any given time. A team must capture that flag before moving on to the next designated flag. One should expect fierce battles erupting over those flags, with very concentrated action.

d) Conquest – The typical Battlefield 2 battle that you have all become accustomed to.

New Maps:


  • CP Abadan
  • Muttrah City
  • Jabal Al Burj
  • Road to Kyongan’Ni
  • Jungle Fever
  • Operation Nightshift

New Assets:


  • Special Purpose Rifle (MK12 Mod 0)
  • Sig Sauer P226
  • Binoculars
  • Night Vision
  • Suburban aka SUV (acts as VIP Transport)

Threat and Worth Scoring:

You might be wondering how we managed to calculate the corresponding point values. The concept is rather simple. The target’s rating is a derivation of a target’s designated threat priority (listed below), and a calculated worth value, (which is calculated based on kills, deaths, and overall score, as compared to an average player in the game).

Simply put, the lower the threat rating of an attacker, and the higher the threat rating of the attacked, then the higher the kill bonus will be.

The current threat hierarchy has been presented below (in descending order, starting from the greatest threat):

a) Fixed-wing aircraft
b) Armored vehicles
c) Helicopters
d) Commanders
e) Squad Leaders
f) Transport vehicles
g) Snipers
h) Air defense installations
i) Artillery pieces
j) Ground defense installations
k) Parachutists (Airborne units)
l) Typical soldiers

The scores for each ascending threat are cumulative, as they build upon the point value of the previous.

However, the new point system is not only limited to the ‘Threat and Worth’ procedures. Below is a list of additional point system modifications:

a) Destruction by the use of a remote controlled weapon. 12 points
b) Killing another player. 4 points
c) Reviving another player. 4 points
d) Receiving a driver kill assist. 2 points
e) A kill assist where you target the victim. 2 points
f) A typical kill assist. 2 points
g) A kill assist when you are in the passenger seat. 1 point
h) Team vehicle damage. -1 point
i) A team-kill by artillery. -1 point
j) Team damage. -2 points
k) A suicide. -2 points
l) A team-kill. -8 points
  • Healing, ammo distribution and repair points will still yield points.

  • If you are in the vicinity of either your commander or squad leader, you will receive a 25% additional point bonus, and if you are in the vicinity of both, you will receive a 50% point bonus!

  • Commanders cannot score from ordinary soldier activities, but rather through commander-exclusive tasks. However, the rewards for these tasks are great.

  • At the end of the round, players will be rewarded based upon their survival rating. The more enemies that were killed, and the less deaths you sustain, the higher your bonus. Victim bonuses vary according to the mode in which they died.

  • Team-killing an objective in the ‘Extraction’ or ‘Objective’ game modes will result in a -25 point penalty.

  • Flag capture values have been modified, and are displayed below:

    a) Flag Capture 16 Points
    b) Neutralize Flag 8 Points
    c) Flag Capture Assist 8 Points
    d) Neutralize Assist 4 Points
    e) Flag Defense 8 Points

  • When a teammate scores a point, you will receive 25% of its point value.

  • When a squad member scores a point, you will receive an additional 25% of its point value (50% total).

  • Penalties, however, are not shared to teammates.

  • Snipers receive bonuses based on the distance that the kill was made, with the specifics listed below:

50m = 50%
100m = 100%
150m = 150%
200m = 200%
250m = 250%

Note – Bonuses will continue to stack by 50% for every additional 50 meters added to the kill range.

Individual Changes

Class Changes

- Added delays to hand & smoke grenades to avoid "nade spam"; you now have to wait a couple of seconds before using a grenade after selecting it, it takes longer to throw one and grenades take about 8 seconds to "reload". There is no reloading animation for grenades, but a reloading bar is displayed.
- Changed medic defibrulators to work on a battery charge system. Each Medic carries a battery capable of 6 revive charges. These can be re-supplied at any supply point.
- Changed medic kit to require that Medics are within 1 meter of the person they are treating. You will have to stay very close to the person to treat them.
- Added Sig P226 weapon to US Spec Ops.
- Sniper rifle adjustments: increased M24 damage; reduced Draugonov and T88 mag count to 3; increased T88 recoil
- Added Ammo Kit and Ammo Ability to Assault Class; note that a maximum of 3 ammo kits can exist at any time from a given soldier, a 4th kit thrown will expire the first one. Also note that there is a delay in tossing subsequent ammo kits, the soldier must reach into their butt pack to get another kit. There is no animation for this.
- Removed Ammo Kit and Ammo Ability from Support Class
- Reduced Support Class sprinting ability slightly
- Reduced Assault Class sprinting ability slightly
- Added SIMRAD w Range Finder to Special Ops Class. The laser target designation you might expect with a SIMRAD does not work, they are only binoculars. Note they can be used for spotting, both enemies and artillery by using the zoom and the comm rose.
- Added Binoculars to Sniper and Anti Tank classes
- Added NVG to all classes. Accessed with the "7" key. Only available on Night Maps; there is a charge indicator in the HUD when NVG enabled, they take some time to recharge when they run out.
- Added SLAM to Special Ops classes. This is a timed explosive device on a 15 second timer, less powerful than C4, quantity 3.
- Rearranged the Anti Tank class weapon slots to be more like Vanilla BF2. Slot "2" is pistol, Slot "4" is AT weapon; Changed AT ammo to 2 rounds; Added binoculars to AT Class.
- Changed Assault Class to only have 3 ammo bags; assault class now gets 4 grenades for the grenade launcher.
- Changed ammo kits so that they do not have reloading properties when held, the only way to get more ammo is to toss them and then pick one up.
- Removed Claymores from Snipers, added 1 smoke grenade to Snipers, added binoculars to Snipers.
- Added 1 smoke grenade to Medics, removed frag grenades
- Added Claymores to Engineers; removed frag grenades; Added 1 LARGE C4, detonated same as normal C4, note this C4 is mapped to key 8 ; limited AT mines to 3

Vehicle Changes

- Increased the armor on all heavy jeeps (Hummers, Vodniks, and Nanjings). They will now be more difficult to destroy with all weapons.
- AT rockets now effect different areas of tanks differently. To kill a tank with an AT rocket: Front 3, side 2, tracks/rear/top 1
- Tank HEAT shells more effective against APC and jeep rubber
- AT rockets more effective against APC and jeep rubber
- AT rockets more effective against jeep glass
- Airstrips, Helipads and Carriers will take much longer to rearm and repair aircraft. You will need to land to repair and rearm an aircraft.
- Adjusted APC armor
- AT rockets now more effective against APCs
- Added drivable Civilian Pickup. It's a white pickup on some maps (referred to as civiliancar2 in the Editor).
- Wreck fires added to all land vehicles. Wreck Smoke added to boats and all aircraft.
- Added ammo re-supply capabilities to APCs, Transport Helos and Heavy Jeeps (Hummers, Vodniks and Nanjings). This only works on soldiers, not vehicles. Note that ammo re-supply persists after the vehicle is destroyed, but there is a limited supply of ammo available from these vehicles. If the vehicle is not re-supplying you, it is out of ammunition supplies.
- Added ammo re-supply capabilities to UAV trailer. This only works on vehicles, not soldiers. Note that ammo re-supply persists after the trailer is a wreck, but there is a limited supply of ammo available. If the UAV trailer is not re-supplying your vehicle, it is out of ammunition supplies.
- All Heavy Jeeps now carry 6 passengers (Hummer, Vodnik, and Nanjing)
- added 50% increase in blast radius, 50% increase in explosion force and 30% increase in bomb damage to mk82 and MEC/PLA 250 bombs (F18, J10, Mig29)

Game Play Changes

- Changed supply crates to require that players are within 1 meter to re-supply
- Set AAS as default game mode
- Enabled commander by default for all game modes; this can be adjusted in
- Added attrition spawning system; for each death 1 second is added to your "you were killed" time (aka respawn time), to a maximum of 30 seconds. This does not affect your "man down" time (the time which you can be revived).
- Altered the UAV Trailer and Radar Dish so they can be destroyed. Note these will not respawn on most maps, so if they are destroyed they will not come back.
- Lowered the amount of ammo supplies from supply crates by about one third
- Added a squad hopping penalty system. When a DEAD player changes squads their respawn time will be increased by 30 seconds the next time they respawn.
- Enabled AAS CP scaling by default again. This had been disabled in 0.25. CP capture radius will scale, but it will be about half of what it was with 0.21
- You will see a kill message when you kill an enemy squad leader, commander or sniper
- Removed Artillery and Supply drop capabilities from Commander. These can ONLY be granted at the request of a Squad Leader. The buttons still show in the Commander HUD, but are only there to show the reloading status of these assets.
- Removed the "spotted" menu item from the Commander HUD. Commanders will still be able to zoom in on the Battlefield, but can no longer "call contacts" for their team.

Map Changes

- Audited most maps for play balance purposes (starting CP ownership should now be evenly distributed)
- Replaced Light Jeeps with Heavy Jeeps on most maps as the light jeep vehicles represented in BF2 are not typically used in real work military operations
- On most maps all CPs can now be captured, including Aircraft Carriers. The last CP owned by a team will take a long time to capture and the radius is very large.
- Removed F35s from most maps; Removed Fighter Bombers (F15, Su30, Su34) from most maps and replaced them with Fighters (F18, J10, Mig29)
- Audited a list of vBF2 maps to optimize them for PR: Strike at Karkand, Mashtuur City, Sharqi Peninsula, Dragon Valley, Dalian Plant, Gulf of Oman
- Set most 16 player configurations of maps to be primarily infantry combat with limited Heavy Jeep support and in some cases transport helicopters

Miscellaneous Changes

- Removed more "you scored points" messages from the HUD
- Rearranged the server configuration to give a more "Project Reality" experience with the default configuration
- Moved all server configuration variables to /mods/pr/python/game/ These are documented within the file. Server admins can edit these values to configure servers.
- Added sv variable definitions into PR game mode files to ensure consistent configuration by server admins. Editable values are in
- Audited hit points of UAV and Radar stations. UAV requires 5 SLAM or 2 C4 to destroy. Radar requires 3 SLAM or 1 C4 to destroy.
- Adjusted UAV and Radar so that they can be completely destroyed with enough C4 or SLAM, removing them from the map.
- On most maps UAV and Radar will never respawn once completely destroyed. When they are completely destroyed they will disappear from the map.

e visto la web i me gusta


Me lo he leido casi entero, y la verdad es que esta muy currado.

La clave esta en que la gente lo juegue o no..


pero que es un mod del bf2? o un juego aparte? :S


Ese Txalo siempre en la senda del OF xD. Este release parece mucho mas serio q los otros, lo probare.


#4 un mod

a mi lo qe me gusta lo del vip eso me encanta xd



Es que la cabra tira al monte... XD

No, en serio, los modos nuevos de juegos parecen interesantes, seria cosa de quedar algun dia unos cuantos para probarlo :)

14 días después

Is Out!! :)

Ale, bajando!!

Usuarios habituales
