Dark and Darker #HG | Tarkov de D&D?


#1170 jajajajaja

15 días después

No hay noticias en 2 semanas?


Que solo han pasado dos semanas ?

1 respuesta

#1173 no


Es probablemente de mis juegos favoritos de este "género" en los últimos años, es más, normalmente como mucho jugaría 1 de las betas y esperaría a la salida (Sin embargo, he jugado cada una de ellas)

Y cada vez lo veo más darker :(


Acaban de sacar una edicion limitada de café y un termo o algo así, con tematica Dark and Darker unos 50$

1 respuesta

El anuncio que todos esperábamos xDDDD


#1176 y en el fondo de la taza viene un código para descargar el juego de su propio launcher


Yo he escuchado noticias en reddit, el mejor foro de dark and darker de europa, y seguramente del mundo. Que a mitad de junio van a abrir otra vez la beta , o incluso que puede que sea beta abierta.

22 días después
7 días después

Qué vacío ha dejado en mí el puto juego coño.


A mi si hubiesen cerrado antes de los cambios de mierda que hicieron, spawns - ultimo test mapa con balanceo a clases, me hubiese jodido la verdad. Ahora tras ver la mierda que metieron? Sin mas. Me da un poco igual xd Ya iban dos test que estaba empezando a asumir que el juego acababa mal


Si ya han met ido la nueva actualizacion , y han mejorado bastantes cosas mecanicamente , como de jugabilidad , mejora de hitboxes en el mapa. Reajustes de balance en algunas clases , y alguna cosa mas. Rezando porque aprueben el caso en la corte de EE.UU para que pueda salir pronto.

1 mes después

Pues parece que se les ha escapado la tienda y hay gente que ha podido pillar el juego.
Aunque la han vuelto a chapar.

1 respuesta


Te añado un señor que va al grano explicando y enseñando las fotos.


mama, quiero dark and darker

tenemos dark and darker en casa


Pero al final la movida esa de derechos con Dark and Darker qué pasó? Va a salir sin problemas?


Buena puya a Nexon. Y la verdad que lo que tenian tenia buena pinta, una pena que les guste tanto el dinero y tengan el cerebro frito de tanto ordeñar Maplestory




No me deja comprarlo desde la pagina de chafgames, a alguien más le pasa?




Voy a hacer un copipaste del discord
"Hail everyone!
The Dark and Darker Early Access has finally begun! It has been a long and arduous journey, but we have finally made it to our first major milestone. We would like to thank all our fans who believed in us and supported us through the many challenges.
Through many trials and tribulations, we have toiled ceaselessly to bring the game to our fans. We are happy to announce that fans can now access Dark and Darker through multiple avenues.

We have partnered with the wonderful folks at Chaf Games to make Dark and Darker available on their streamlined Chafgames platform. If you are interested in a platform with access to a large library of indie hits, please check them out! They also want us to note that ChafCash is only used to purchase in-game items. You do NOT need any ChafCash to purchase the Dark and Darker Bundle. Thus, please visit Chafgames to purchase Dark and Darker directly.

We have also worked hard on building our own platform, known as Blacksmith to directly service the game to our fans. Fans who wish to use Blacksmith to access Dark and Darker can purchase the game through our website at www.darkanddarker.com

Korean Game Support
Unfortunately, we encountered some challenges that couldn’t be overcome in time for the Early Access launch. As much as it pains us, we won’t be able to service the game in Korea because we are still awaiting a rating from the Korean Game Rating Board (GRAC). We will do everything we can to expedite this process as we have already been granted ratings from other globally recognized game rating boards, including the ESRB, PEGI, and CERO. We will officially support and service the game in Korea as soon as we can overcome this hurdle.

In-game VoIP
The in-game VoIP feature will also be temporarily unavailable at the start of Early Access. Our legal team wants to make sure all our agreements are absolutely perfect, especially when it comes to dealing with user data and third-party partners. We’ll let the lawyers do their mystical work, and once we get the proper agreements verified, everyone will be screaming through the Goblin Caves in no time.

In-game Shop
We want to address the elephant in the room and talk about the addition of the in-game shop. Our assumption when we started this company was that you could still build a lucrative business while being true to your fans. The in-game shop is our attempt at being realistic with the business of running an online game but trying to find a way to do it without resorting to random loot boxes and FOMO items. We want to offer players a fair way to support us while enjoying the game. Please let us know how you think we’re doing on this front. In addition to the in-game shop we’ve added a founder’s edition/add-on pack to show our appreciation to the loyal fans who’ve stuck with us through this crazy journey available through the platform you purchase the game.

A Work in Progress
Finally, we want to be very upfront and let users know that there will be many growing pains during the Early Access phase. Many key features are still missing and will be added in the upcoming months. We’ll be experimenting with the leaderboard system, and we’ll do our best to be transparent about the ranking schedules so players don’t get too stressed out. Just like our game, our launcher was built from the ground up, and they are both still a work in progress. Although we’ve been putting both the game and launcher through their paces internally, we know that there are bugs that may have slipped through the cracks. We ask for your patience and understanding as we do our best to respond and resolve these issues. Most importantly, we want to say thanks to all our fans around the globe, we couldn’t have done it without you!

See you in the dungeons!


Todos para dentro masivamente.


Parece rara la cosa, no? mucha gente? chafgames down?

1 respuesta

#1194 No puede comprar ni peter se ve.


35€ la versión barata xddddddddd

2 1 respuesta



es el momento amigos


#1196 pobre de ti @tofreak


se han fumado 4 porros con el precio, sobretodo despues de todas las movidas que tuvieron. y lo que veo, no veo grandes cambios, a ver que pasa estos primeros meses


Usuarios habituales

  • Cryoned
  • amenazax
  • Hachu
  • Eyacua
  • squa1o
  • Erpotro
  • Toran
