HoN: Parche 1.0.4


Parche 1.0.4


- Tournament mode updated to not allow mods to be used

  • Players with mods installed cannot play in tournament mode games, however they can spectate

  • Tournament mode games are forced invitation-only games, meaning the host must invite the other players into the match

  • Tournament mode will still allow teams to specify who gets first ban so teams can decide between first ban/team pick[/b]

  • Reworked how health and mana lerps work so they are cleaner overall

  • You can now press tab after typing /r to rotate through a list of people who have whispered you recently

  • The score screen can now be toggled (default [ key)

  • Fixed an extremely rare case where a player could be terminated after the game ended (counting as a leave)

  • Fixed an issue causing gold/min and exp/min stats to become inaccurate when game was paused

  • Fixed an issue causing gold/min and exp/min to become inaccurate when a player disconnected/reconnected

  • Removed an unnecessary option from options menu

  • Gold lerping removed

  • Fix to a bug that allowed people to pick a hero during a banning phase or in an all-random game

  • Moved outside tier 1 neutral camps to where the outposts were
  • Moved outposts to where the tier 1 outside neutral camps were
  • Building health increased to be -20% of normal, from -25% of normal

  • Fixed Time Lock not applying to enemies

  • Cleansing Shock can now be cast on self via double-activate

bastante intersante lo del electrician xD


Yo estoi intentado instalar la actualizacion y no me deja, llega hasta el final de la barra no sale ni crash report ni nada i cuando vuevlvo a entrar al juego es como si no hubiera actualizado. Lo he desistalao, me intento descargarlo i se me peta la pagina.
Ahora he conseguido descargarmelo pero al darle doble click al ejecutable no me deja abrirlo....


#3 Buenas, a mi me pasó lo mismo con un parche anterior, lo que hice fue bajarme una version anterior instalarlo y parchearlo entero y me funcionó.


Tambien lo he probado... pero es inutil, el problema me lo da el parche...


mira por los foros oficiales a ver si a alguien mas le pasa y hay solución porque la verdad es que hace tiempo que me van bien todos los parches :\


ya decia yo que el chronos no me stuneaba...


Para la gente con problemas con el parche.


¿Han añadido un modo tournament? o ya estaba?

Lo mismo ya estaba y yo ni me acordaba xD


#9 Ya estaba.

Usuarios habituales
