HoN: Parche 2.0.26


Parche 2.0.26

  • Fixed shop stock decreasing even if you had a full inventory when trying to buy a limited quanity item
  • Fixed a longstanding annoyance where on screen health bars that appear above units would occlude other health bars
  • This was most prevalent when a full health creep was standing to the left of a low health creep. The full health creep's health bar would end up occulding the health bar of the low hp creep, making it much harder to last hit/deny
  • Added 4 new Account Icons

  • Added a new Agility hero: Silhouette

  • Introducing a Limited Edition Alt Avatar: Bunny Predator (available for one week only!)

  • Added a new Premium Alt Avatar: Wretched Hottie

  • Added a new Alt Avatar: White Lotus Silhouette


  • Fixed her Emerald Lightning so it will stun the first target even if the target enters fog on the same frame the ability goes off

Blood Hunter

  • Made his Blood Sense map icon have the proper icon when you hover over it on the minimap
  • Made Blood Sense map icon slightly smaller so it doesn't clutter stuff up as much


  • Optimized Boom Dust performance


  • Lifesteal streak effects play again when attacking with his aura. Derp.


  • Made Unholy Expulsion's tooltip list it as a Physical spell
  • Added a 30 second timer to Unholy Expulsion
  • Timer starts when skill is cast, so it will indicate when the spirits start to fade away


  • Made the damage source equal to Empath if Empath goes inside someone and uses Essence Link
  • Fixes your ally getting the kill credit rather than yourself if they die from Essence Link


  • Added cliffwalking, treewalking and buildingwalking to Burning Shadows' illusions
  • Allows them to chase without being blocked by obstacles
  • Sped up her attack time when under the effects of Reflection so you do not stand there after attacking out of stealth


  • Grapple's gadget now doesn't draw on minimap.
  • Fixed a bug where Gauntlet's Grapple was hitting heroes directly behind him if the hero was hugging Gauntlet's back

    Night Hound
  • Fixed Teen Night Hound's Pounce; it now plays its sound + animation when used on an enemy unit


  • Fixed all of the sounds while his Alt Avatar is active


  • Fixed an extremely rare bug with Ophelia/Nymphora teleporting Pharaoh to fountain and Pharaoh teleporting all the enemy heroes to his fountain

Puppet Master

  • Made Puppet Show not issue a stop command on the target if the target doesn't find another target to attack
  • This fixes a hitch if the target never attacks anything
  • Fixed Puppet Show to not cancel when the acquired target goes invulnerable for a split second
  • Magmus able to cancel the ability completely if he is targeted, for example
  • Fixed Puppet Show to not cancel when the acquired target gets fogged
  • Fixing bad and buggy behavior
  • Fixed a server crash with Voodoo Puppet
  • Changed the assist mechanics of Voodoo Puppet
  • Now awards kill credit to Puppet Master instead of the allied hero attacking the Puppet if the allied hero lands the killing blow


  • Fixed a mod-enabled exploit

  • Changed Marksman Shot so it won't be targetable on siege units


  • Fixed Swift Slashes from making his corpse stand up at the end if he dies while using it


  • Fixed Elemental Void so people can use Tablet of Command on allies caught within


  • Dark Swarm damage scaling from 20/40/60/80 to 32/48/64/80
  • Terrorform tweaked so Tremble is now revealed 1 second after an enemy hero enters the same mound as him
  • Linger time when leaving Mounds and retaining the perks is reduced to 1 second from 2 seconds
  • Shudder can no longer be killed by Nullfire Blade
  • Shudder's disable is a now properly a Debuff


  • Tweaked how he gains Intelligence so he can gain an unlimited amount
  • The amount of Intelligence a single enemy can lose is still capped at 125

Lo digo ya con tres partidas de silohoutte, dos en contra de mi y una en conmigo, el bicho gana juegos enteros el solo...

A mi me parece como una arachna pero con supervivencia incluida. En early se va a mid y tiene un auttoattack que riete tu de un melee...

En fin habra que retocarla.


el sil se prioriza la 1º o la 3º?


La 3ª!


Yo me rio de Tremble en medio con silhouette xD


Eeeee ahora que acabo de releer las notas del parche, lo del Tremble es que cuando entra un enemigo en el agujero que tira, le revela un segundo después de haber entrado? Vaya pedazo de nerfeada que se ha comido eso... O.o

Usuarios habituales

  • Shide
  • NailAzuma
  • zildjian
  • ReloaD1010
  • Zendel
  • Skelus
