Reggie y Miyamoto, presentación pre-E3 de Nintendo


Reggie Fils-Aime y Shigeru Miyamoto serán los encargados de la presentación pre-E3 de Nintendo. Como ya sabemos, la gran N no hará una gran conferencia este año,sino pequeñas presentaciones. Aun no se sabe si se retransmitirá al gran público.

Let your bodies remain ready.

Before the E3 show floor opens, Reggie Fils-Aime and Shigeru Miyamoto will host a presentation to the media prior to E3.

Previously, Nintendo had announced that it would not be holding its regular, worldwide-focused pre-E3 press conference, instead hosting two smaller presentations, and using the expo to focus on upcoming software for North America. Despite this, Nintendo still plans on letting everyone know exactly what games are going to be on the show floor.

Nintendo will be holding the presentation on Tuesday morning, before the floor will be open up for all. After the presentation is concluded, the press members will be able to try the new software before everybody else. It is unsure at the time of writing if the presentation will be viewable for the public as well.


Presentación a puerta cerrada y Nintendo Direct para todos es lo que me imagino que van a hacer


lo prefiero así, aguantar el inglés-japones del saludo de miyamoto y el careto de reggie no me entusiasma


Konichiwa mina san, Nintendo no Miyamoto desu

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