[TEST] ¿Eres de verdad un Gamer?


game: 65%

This means you're: Good Gamer


game: 79%

This means you're: Good Gamer

sente pkt, te gano por 2% :P

y vente a la campusssssssss


game: 69%

This means you're: Good Gamer

What does it mean?

You rarely use guides. You love the satisfaction of beating a game all by your lonesome. You probably have a big imagination and love to use games to escape and have fun. As a result of being this kind of gamer though, you may get a bit angry if someone beats you at a game that you pride yourself at being good at. This isn't always the case though. You're the kind of person that probably beats all of the people at games that come into gamestop and brag about their uber gaming skills but have nothing to show for it. People enjoying playing games with you. I salute you.


game: 90%

This means you're: Rare Gamer

What does it mean?

You're a gamer that everyone respects. You're very good at games and play a wide variety of games. And have high standards as far as keeping away from game guides and cheat codes. You're everything a gamer should strive to be. The only downside, is that you probably play a little too much games, and maybe take it a little too seriously.. You may need to get a life. But this isn't always the case.


game: 96%

This means you're: Rare Gamer

What does it mean?

You're a gamer that everyone respects. You're very good at games and play a wide variety of games. And have high standards as far as keeping away from game guides and cheat codes. You're everything a gamer should strive to be. The only downside, is that you probably play a little too much games, and maybe take it a little too seriously.. You may need to get a life. But this isn't always the case.


game: 83%

This means you're: Rare Gamer


Menos mal que lo estoy dejando...


Game: 77%

This means you're: Good Gamer

Curioso Test...

Salu2 :D :D :D


game: 67%

This means you're: Good Gamer

What does it mean?

You rarely use guides. You love the satisfaction of beating a game all by your lonesome. You probably have a big imagination and love to use games to escape and have fun. As a result of being this kind of gamer though, you may get a bit angry if someone beats you at a game that you pride yourself at being good at. This isn't always the case though. You're the kind of person that probably beats all of the people at games that come into gamestop and brag about their uber gaming skills but have nothing to show for it. People enjoying playing games with you. I salute you.

Salu2 ;)


84% Rare Gamer.

No creo que haga falta que copie todo otra vez no?



;\ #38


Lo mismo que LOc0 en #40


game: 94%

This means you're: Rare Gamer



This means you're: Horrible gamer

What does it mean?

You are a sorry excuse for a gamer. Find a differnt hobby. you probably rely on guides and cheat codes to help you win. People probably hate gaming with you and have no respect for your gaming abilities. You most likely hang out at gamestop for 2 hours and brag about how good you are at a certain game, but when push comes to shove, 90% of the people that actually tried could own you horribly. And then of course you'll come up with some lame excuse about a rock in your way. Or that something wasn't fair. You're also the kind of gamer that will claim that Ocarina of Time was an easy game. Why would you say something like this? Oh ya,it's because you had a guide to walk you the whole way through.


game: 81%

This means you're: Rare Gamer

jajaja siempre supe que era algo raro con los juegos


game: 71%

This means you're: Good Gamer


game: 79%

This means you're: Good Gamer

What does it mean?

You rarely use guides. You love the satisfaction of beating a game all by your lonesome. You probably have a big imagination and love to use games to escape and have fun. As a result of being this kind of gamer though, you may get a bit angry if someone beats you at a game that you pride yourself at being good at. This isn't always the case though. You're the kind of person that probably beats all of the people at games that come into gamestop and brag about their uber gaming skills but have nothing to show for it. People enjoying playing games with you. I salute you.



Mentira, lo soy más :D


Vaya ahora me entero de que existe algo asi.. voy y mira q me ha salido...

game: 100%

This means you're: Perfect Gamer

What does it mean?

You're perfect in every way as far as gaming goes. You're probably very good at games, very respected, and have perfect views of what a game should be, and how it should be played. You are humble in every way, and never ever get mad when you lose. The only downside to this rank is that you probably didn't answer the questions honestly to achieve it. Either way, even if it was somewhat close to honest, I solute you.

Pa mi que se lo inventa todo xd.

PD: Ashley_Riot ya te dije yo que jugases al Paper Mario, si me ha dao un 100% es por saber apreciar una obra maestra como esa xd.

3 meses después

game: 60%

This means you're: Good Gamer

What does it mean?

You rarely use guides. You love the satisfaction of beating a game all by your lonesome. You probably have a big imagination and love to use games to escape and have fun. As a result of being this kind of gamer though, you may get a bit angry if someone beats you at a game that you pride yourself at being good at. This isn't always the case though. You're the kind of person that probably beats all of the people at games that come into gamestop and brag about their uber gaming skills but have nothing to show for it. People enjoying playing games with you. I salute you.


game: 54%

This means you're: Ignorant Gamer

What does it mean?

You play games but you're not sure why. You most likely get a false sense of satisfaction when beating a game due to using cheat codes or guides. Though in this case it's most likely more innocent than the hardcore gamer that uses cheats/guides. You are probably more of a casual gamer. There for it's kind of like negligent cheating. You don't see anything wrong with it because you've never gotten into it enough to understand the full satisfaction of going through a game all by your lonesome, with no help. People probably don't mind playing games with you. You probably don't get too mad when you lose.


Solo un Perfect gamer y muy poquitos rare gamers...

Que bien ^^


game: 88%

This means you're: Rare Gamer

es bueno o malo' xd


game: 71%

This means you're: Good Gamer


game: 58%

This means you're: Ignorant Gamer

What does it mean?

You play games but you're not sure why. You most likely get a false sense of satisfaction when beating a game due to using cheat codes or guides. Though in this case it's most likely more innocent than the hardcore gamer that uses cheats/guides. You are probably more of a casual gamer. There for it's kind of like negligent cheating. You don't see anything wrong with it because you've never gotten into it enough to understand the full satisfaction of going through a game all by your lonesome, with no help. People probably don't mind playing games with you. You probably don't get too mad when you lose.


game: 81%

This means you're: Rare Gamer


game: 73%

This means you're: Good Gamer

What does it mean?

You rarely use guides. You love the satisfaction of beating a game all by your lonesome. You probably have a big imagination and love to use games to escape and have fun. As a result of being this kind of gamer though, you may get a bit angry if someone beats you at a game that you pride yourself at being good at. This isn't always the case though. You're the kind of person that probably beats all of the people at games that come into gamestop and brag about their uber gaming skills but have nothing to show for it. People enjoying playing games with you. I salute you.


game: 67%

This means you're: Good Gamer

What does it mean?

You rarely use guides. You love the satisfaction of beating a game all by your lonesome. You probably have a big imagination and love to use games to escape and have fun. As a result of being this kind of gamer though, you may get a bit angry if someone beats you at a game that you pride yourself at being good at. This isn't always the case though. You're the kind of person that probably beats all of the people at games that come into gamestop and brag about their uber gaming skills but have nothing to show for it. People enjoying playing games with you. I salute you.


69% Good Gamer

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