Brokenshard organizará un Torneo de Scouting en Europa


El trotamundos, trotaequipos y actual coach de eUnited, ha anunciado, en una entrevista a ESPN, que organizará un torneo para buscar nuevas promesas en Europa, similar a lo que ya hizo Schalke 04 en pretemporada, o Riot en NA con los Scouting Grounds.

  • El torneo será del 24 al 27 de Abril.
  • 4 fases, draft el 24, round robin el 25, semis y finales el 26 y el 27.
  • Será retransmitido por streaming.
  • 20 jugadores en 4 equipos.
  • Premios por anunciar, BrokenShard está buscando sponsors.

Former professional League of Legends pro player and current eUnited strategic coach Ram "Brokenshard" Djemal will host a four-day European amateur scouting combine beginning April 24, Djemal announced on Monday.

The first day of the event will focus on the draft. The following day, April 25, will feature a single round-robin for playoff seeding. Semifinals and finals for the event will take place on April 26 and 27 respectively, with each day being livestreamed. The prize pool for the event has yet to be announced, with Djemal still negotiating with sponsors.

"I've always been an advocate of Challenger talent," Djemal told ESPN. "I've enjoyed working with [Challenger players] and helping build them up. I felt like this was just another thing I wanted to do to help build and provide exposure for a lesser viewed region like Europe. There are a lot of players who would thrive in the limelight but just didn't have the opportunity to showcase it to a large audience just yet."

The event will feature 20 players split into four different teams, drafted by Djemal and three other coaches, to compete throughout the event. Djemal intends to open applications immediately, with four players per in-game role: Top lane, jungle, mid lane, AD carry and support.

"If anything, this could just give several players their first opportunity playing in a structured environment or even on stream," he said. "I just wanted to be able to provide an environment for fresh players to see where they stand against some experienced challengers, and a lot of that will depend on the mix of applications I accept. Overall, I have high hopes that since it is a broadcasted event that some players may get traction based on their performance during the tournament."

The event will be the second of its kind in Europe after FC Schalke 04 Esports hosted an event at the end of 2016 to recruit for their amateur team. League of Legends creator Riot Games hosted a similar event in North America, but has not used the same model in Europe, which Djemal said motivated him to host his own.

Prior to the tournament, Djemal worked as a coach for a number of professional and amateur teams in North America, Europe and Brazil, including the likes of Team Dignitas, H2K Gaming, G2 Esports, eUnited and INTZ e-Sports. Before moving into the coaching role, Djemal competed as a professional jungle player, notably playing for League Championship Series teams compLexity Gaming, DragonBorns and Copenhagen Wolves.


Esto creo que lo deberia hacer Riot EU, pero esta bien.

1 respuesta

Muy buena idea. A ver que sale de ahí.


#2 Eso a Riot EU. En NA funcionó genial, muchos de los jugadores de los Scouting de esta temporada estan en CS de sub/titulares, ha sido un buen aparador para ellos.

1 respuesta

Más vale que se parezca más a lo de NA que a lo del S04, que aquello fue un paripé de cuidado


#4 en su momento como se eligio a los jugadores ?

1 respuesta

#6 Los tops de Challenger que no fueran hypertoxicos fueron invitados por Riot a jugarlos, luegos los equipos se hicieron con un draft con los capitanes.


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