Ssumday: "Pienso que ahora mismo podría jugar cualquier campeón"


One of the best top laners in the world, Kim "Ssumday" Chan-ho made the move to North America after a disappointing finish on KT Rolster in 2016.

Despite a 1-1 record after Week 1, Dignitas is looking like one of the strongest teams in the region, thanks to the coordination of Ssumday with his new team. theScore esports caught up with Ssumday to ask him about coming to North America and how he thinks Dignitas will perform throughout the upcoming split.

How do you feel after your first competitive week in North America?

Of course it's a little different from LCK, but fortunately I was not very nervous. I think our gameplay wasn't bad and our team will only get better from now on and I'm really looking forward to it.

What's the largest difference between playing in Korea versus playing in North America so far?

First of all, the booths are open in America. In Korea, they're closed. I do feel like I can get closer to the fans, but it was still pretty different. Also, compared to the LCK, the stage was a bit colder so there were always warmers for the hands and because I couldn't wear a jacket that was a really big difference.

Previously, you had said that you didn't know Chaser all that well coming into Dignitas, but you two seem to be already working really well together. How has your relationship been with Chaser thus far?

Because I am a good player and Chaser is a good player as well, two good players should play well together anyways. Our synergy has been good so far, but in addition to that, all of the members of our team are great players who have played well and we'll only do better next time.

You had also said that you were eager to communicate with your English-speaking teammates. How has your communication with the team been through this first week?

For the game terminology, they're well aware of them and I'm also well aware of them, so we use a simpler version of game terms really well during the game. I can't share too many details since it relates to our team's strategy, but so far, in-game, there haven't been many difficulties.

When you first were picked up by KT Rolster, you were known as a more aggressive Renekton player and now you're known as one of the best tank players in the world. How would you say you improved through the years?

I think a lot of it is just experience. I have so much experience as a pro gamer in Korea, especially in big games and big matches. I think that I can now play a variety of champions and it's decided more by the different things that my teammates can play and what the coaches want me to play. Because I've played so many different champions based on my teammates or my coaches along with the style of the meta, I think I can now play anything.

Before coming into the LCS, you had said that Dignitas would be at least middle of the pack, but be in Summer Finals. After Week 1, do you stand by this prediction?

So far, that plan has not changed, but I think it definitely can be changed to an even higher goal. I now can aim for a higher and higher ranking with my team.


Baja modesto que sube Ssumday xD. Aunque probablemente no solo pueda, sino que parta bocas con casi todos


Ssumday habla así porque lleva poco tiempo allí y aún no le ha afectado el downgrade de la región. En el adn de NA está el Blue Card Twisted Fate de Reginald, los bait-ultis del Ezreal de Corejj, el pelo rosa de Hotshot, las toneladas de fail flash por parte de todos, etc, etc, etc...

Está en el aire.

O las hamburguesas.

Es el Silent Hill del LoL, el vampiro de las manos. A ver a que nivel termina el año allí el amigo Ssumday.


Eso pensaba Huni xd

1 respuesta

#4 lo de huni tenía más mérito que se pilló un lucian top xD


Como le gusta fardar a Ssumday de que le sobra el PI y se puede permitir el lujo de comprarse todos los campeones ;(


Caerás... y es una pena, pero todos los que van allí bajan el nivel, pero es estadística

1 comentario moderado

Yo tambien puedo jugar cualquier campeon


#8 ya lo ha ganado,solo que tu no lo sabes :psyduck:

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