Mortal Online


Hello Community - here are today's Patch notes, thanks to the team for addressing so many problems this week!! More soon(tm). We'll be patching in a few hours from now.

Fixed all book icons.
Archery from mounts should now correctly work again.
Clicking the book icon in the lower right will now also show what book you are reading.
Whispers are no longer parsed using ghost parse.
Player keep rename to keep.
Player_House renamed to house.
You can now safely use the new transfer house functions to transfer your house.
You should now be able to sell illegal items to those who want them.
Fixed several icons.
Food effects will now show up in the tooltips it's currently the raw numbers but this will be changed in the future.
You can now correctly use all the slots in potion making given that you have the skill for it.
The quick-menu that comes up when you R something that can be used for several skills should now work as intended.
Changed skill up for taming and domination based on the creature level to use a mod-factor instead of the level of the creature as the input xp.
You should now be able to use all valid items when refining.
Fixed yet another mount crash when mounting a horse.
Fixed name of a librarian from zoo to crafter.
The rare collector in Tindrem should now correctly open a vendor window.
Starting swords should now correctly have an icon.
Torches should now have their correct icon.
Guild chatting no longer gives off a "invalid command"
Fixed several issue with the guild chat.
Guild commands should now work as intended again.
Guild chatting no longer show 2 entries when you talk.
Sorted some UI issues with bags and banks.
Fixed issues where items in banked bags wouldn't correctly calculate their item count.
Size of pickaxes have been decreased.
Increased the aggro drop on all AI.
Rebalanced a ton of mobs.
By popular demand female Tindremic commoners are now in the game (more female npc to be added later).

Many thanks



#2550 ¡Uoh! ¿Y qué hay ahí?


ni idea!

Pero dicen que da miedo!


Parche para descargar.


Oye, ¿y qué tal es la ciudad de Tindrem? Creo que todvía no habéis dicho nad de ella...


Hay alguna manera de hablar con algún gm a parte del irc y por el juego? Es que llevo 4 días mandando peticiones en el juego y no me responde ni dios, y por el irc he intentado hablar con 1 y tampoco. Me parece inaceptable y una vergüenza que te tengas que tirar 4 putos días para poder hablar con un gm para que te resuelva un puñetero problema.

1 respuesta

#2557 que problema tienes solyd? se lo comentare a theia a ver que me dice :)


Era para la cuenta del athilema que estaba baneada hace tiempo, pero él no sabía si se lo habían quitado o no. Entonces claro... no sabía si renovar o no porque si renueva y luego está banned xD. Pero ya he hablado con athanas por el foro y me lo ha resuelto, de todas formas grasis puti :*


bueno voy a poner unas screens que estan colgadas en el foro oficial tomadas por un player :)

Enjoy! :)

2 1 respuesta

No se ven kranick!

1 respuesta

#2561 ¿? yo si lo veo -.-


hay que estar logueado en el foro oficial y con permisos para poder ver esas fotos kranick

2 1 respuesta

#2563 y como lo hago para ponerlas bien?


Bajalas y vuelvelas a subir, a dropbox mismo, carpeta public.

1 respuesta

OStia abrir cerraduras con minijuegos xungo xungo hahaha


A ver si alguien me puede echar una mano :P. Tengo un amigo que se quiere hacer mago pero yo en la puta vida he llevado un mago y no sé si han cambiado mucho a los magos de antes, que skills primarias debería tener??

Ecu spell
Mental train
Mental offense

Y el resto npi.. Cuales debería tener? Merece la pena tener taming al ser varias skill primarias?

También me gustaría saber si se debe subir más inteligencia o psyche?

1 respuesta

#2565 mucho curro javi jajaja creo que pinchando por hay se puede sacar la url o algo xD

1 respuesta

#2560 ahí van

#2569 vago! xD

1 respuesta

#2568 Esas obligadas, luego ya como kieras, taming mas CC, anatomy mas survival etc.. defensive..., gustos colores.

Inteligencia es para el daño.


#2570 gracias wapo :P


Hello Folks,

Latest Patch Notes!

Fixed an issue with spamming the murdercount button.
You now need to the lock picking skill to use lock picks at all.
Fixed a couple of NPC with gravity issues.
Tower sentries should now correctly spawn when the offence of a tower is above 0.

Some changes to the sentries have been made:
-Sentries will attack any blacklisted player if that player is in range of the sentry.
-Sentries will attack anyone attacking it's tower unless that player is a member of the same guild.
-Sentries will attack anyone in their range that is at war with the sentries guild.
-Sentries no longer "upgrade" instead their Ai-Level will be the same as the towers offence, meaning more offence opens up new attacks for the sentry as well as improve its armor and health.
-Sentries in keeps are still split into 3 versions. Each version will also upgrade using the keeps offence as it's level.
-Keeps with old sentries should contact GM's and get them replaced.
Fixed an issue where pets wouldn't grow due to a miscalculations in how much pet points they would cost when levelling up.
Fixed a couple of issues with loyalty not correctly depleting when a player had spent to many pet points.
Fixed skill gain on dual strike.
Dual strike should now correctly give the right damaged based of you skill.
Dual strike should now correctly show up in third person too.
Tripple strike should now correctly calculate its damage and gain xp.
Lock picking have been moved and now has pilfering as it's parent.
You can no longer ride horses that are too young.
Mail should now correctly close when you move away from the mail guy.
Guildstone UI should now correctly close when you move away from the guildstone.
Fixed issue where books that were being read still showed up in the inventory.
Kranesh should now have a Tindremic librarian.
Fixed a couple of workbenches in Tindrem.
You can now correctly trade with the assassin.
Fixed an issue with domination/taming not correctly giving xp.
Taming/Dominations should now give experience in the zoo skill of the creature.
Fixed an issue where some loot could drop twice even thou it was set to only drop once.
Tindremic females now sound like females when they get hit.
Fixed a broker issue that might end up messing up items if they had a space in their item name.
Fixed several issues with broker items not showing up, not being bought or not showing the correct info. Old items that had this bug should now show up again.

More soon!



locpicking!! si ya se que os recuerda a algo jejeje pero mola :P


Pues iba a pagar un mes para probarlo y se me rompio el launcher, pues ale desinstalar e instalar todo de nuevo, pues no, sale un mensade de system error y ni instala, alguna idea??? porque ya reinstale grafica, dirextx, framework y ni instala el muy cabron, mande ticket, pero no contestan, alguno que le haya pasado???

1 respuesta

#2576 prueba aquí :)



Pues la verdad, no me extraña que pierdan clientes, dan pena, ya me busque la vida y consegui que ande el launcher, pero ahora no hay server para descargar, son pateticos.
El game master support esta también tumbado, que pena de empresa, madre mía, me voy con el dinero a otra parte.


Tristemente esto es lo que pasa con casi todo el mundo... Como no hagan un planteamiento, este juego no va a llegar muy lejos por desgracia..

Tema cerrado

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