Encontre esto sobre el paladin


Is a Paladin a viable class for BG's?

What a Pally can do in a BG?

He can heal.
Pallies has 5 ways to heal people:
2 are common for all pallies

                - Flash Light.
                - Hoy light.

Healing is one of the strongs functions of a good pally in PVP-BG.
healing function should not be restricted to one of them. Flash of light keeps an strong class, generally warriors, surviving for a longer time with not an overrated mana waste. Holy Light is an slow heal, and it cant be spammed, it will be useless in a healing work, but anyway you can heal with holy light in some desesperating times. It requires a good tempo calculations.

Seal and judge of light are explained down.

Lay on hands gives you an instant full- healing skill. It is nice like a present, you could give an extra-healing LOH to your girlfirend :). IMPORTANT: Never cast it on you, it would reinforce your ego and it would be motive of angry allies :P

Holy shock. This spell is not common for all pallies, althought this one is not good at mana efficiency, it have some extra functions, like dealing damage, extra healing and instant, it helps a lot with tempo giving you a second opportunity to heal. It is good when you use it in a correct situation.

He can support. How?

-Blessings 1
- Kings. (If you are prot spec).
- Might.
- Wisdom.
- Light.

they all are for a longer time.
and they are considered general-support, they helps your group, but they won't decline battle, atleast most of times.

-Blessings 2 - Using BoFreedom.
- Using BoProtection.
- Using BoSacrifice

-These one are blessings used with a short time, and needs to be actived fast, Using them correctly you could solve some emergency situations.

  • Seals 1h-supporter:

                           - Wisdom.
                           - Light.
                           - Justice.
                           - [...].
  • Seals 2h-selfuutputdamage:

                           - Command.
                           - Justice.
                           - [...].

In Bg, You can use every seal, and it depends on situation how good seal will be, Bad pala is a pala who use same seal most of time, usually SOC is a lot of used in a self-way "wannabe-warra".
Seal of justice is a seal which interrupts castings when it procs, it's not stupid going to hit with Soj and 1 hand specially if you have a fast weapon, Intention on this is not kill enemy, it 's simply to keep your group alive, with more Hp and more mana for healers. Even with 2hands is good, cause of damage,though you will not be neither as good as supporter nor casts-fucker.
Seals like wisdom or light are not good for support aparently, in fact I always recommend judge them too, the suppor job on this seals which works better in a 1-hand way is recover mana and life, by the way you won't need many healings from other healers, and you'll gain mana, you will be able to longer your class as supporter.
Seals which increases damage, mainly works with 2 hands, rightenous, crusader and command.
Rightenous and crusader increases holy damage but they work in a different way command have a chance to do a burst holy damage, and rightenous adds a continuous holy damage to your attacks ( some notes are obviously but I have to comment most of things). So like an exception, SoR is most of time useless when you have SoC, SoC is good for some burst damage, it is good if you use it when you could merme enemy'lifes or killing him in a single SoC, SoC is not good if you continuously spams it.

Seals are a self-buff for pallies which en

Judging (supporters)

                  - Light.
                  - Wisdom.

It would be good enemies, if most of times enemies had been judged with wisdom or light, light is speccially good for 1 hander-users melee class, or dualwielders ( for hunters too). Wisdom is specially good for hunters and pallies. Judging is not only a press-button skill, deciding which seal is better for judging, it requires to see which allies are attacking the unit who you want to judge and then you can decide which judge you will use.

Judging (Burst-damage)


Its use is not as supporter, but burst-damage is always good, even with pally who shouldn' be to have an specific-closed rol, but many people wanna force them to it.


- Concentration.
- Fire resist.
- Frost resist.
- Shadow resist.
- Sanctity (talents)

Auras are a permanent undispellable, free-mana "buff" for your party. Resistance auras are good in specific moments, to switch on when you or/and your allies and being attacked by one of this elements shows a good paladin. Concentration aura is good, mainly if you are in a healer group, it is nice to resist some earthshocks and silences if you have it improved. Devotion in PVP where magic damage is very common is, IMO, not the best option, as well as retribution (only in a 1vs1 melee encounters). Sanctity could be good in a way to burst your damage. Anyway if you know when you need to change your aura, and which one is the best in every time, you will be a good aura-changer-paladin :).

Ways to remove magics, etc etc...

                    - Cleanse.
                    - BoSacrifice.
                    - Divine Shield.
                    - Corporal trinket.

All of these has its own use, Cleanse is the mosto-common and sohuld be used to cleanse you and your allies. Bosacrifice, divine shield and corporal trinket removes some magics.
Divine shield removes everything. Corporal removes all fears, poly and stuns effects....
Bosacrifice is specially good when you are afflicted by ont-hit-and-break-spell. Cause damage caused your linked unit will affect you in part, and you will be awaken again, it is the way to self-cleanse this spells, in addtion to divine shield and corporal trinket.

Me and my friends .

Going with...

  Warriors- Good partner, you should work removing from him all things that he can't dispel, Blessing of freedom helps to him a lot and spamming Flash of light, keeping him alive makes this couple a good team.

  Rogues- You can't keep alive as well as a warrior, but your dps could increase considerably at cost of more mana, considering enemies will be stuned, disorienteds most of time. Blessing of freedom heps a lot here too.

 Casters- Generally, concentration aura helps a lot here, cleansing his debuffs, blessing of protection, flaslight and holy light with tempo calculations makes a caster perhaps double damage which he had been if he were alone.

 Druids- Druids are hybrids like us, in a different way, they are good friends, like everybody, unique exception is adapting what rol are they doing at current moment.

But BG, generally you should be in group, paladin is not specially good healing lots of people so you could decide to heal one or two units exclusively but removing all cleanses, and using blessings and seals correctly, it means you have to looking carefully for everbody and everything!


In this semi-guide, I won't include any template in. I will only specific some differences.

Holy paladin can heal more HP, and reserving more mana, they can judge and go far away for a longer time, they have an instant heal which helps you with tempo in holies, crit-free heal, and consecration, not powerful damage skill but a very annoying skill. IF you combine it with prot, you will reinforce your skills like healer supporter, but if you go for retribution, you will get some power attacking, and you could change your rol and variety.

Protection pallies are not as good as retribution dealing damage, and they can't heal like a holy one, but they can support groups excelently, they gives imp. con aura, they can absorb a lot of damage (normal type), they have 2 exclusive blessings and holy shield, this talents, seems to be a little stupid PVP talent. In addition to its common function good dps vs rogues, It is an excelent damage mitigator, even you can move with it around the bg increasing your survivality.

Retribution Paladins, are paladins with connotative offensive apects who doesn't forget his support functions, in other way they are noobs not retribution paladins, they will be not so good as supporter like other kind of pallies but they can cover his lack with a major DPS. they have repentance, althought it could be like another Judge of command opportunity, In practice it is an awesome support skill too.


i que? XD


A kejarse menos. xD


#3 Tu todo lo k hable de paladin son quejas no? XD.

No es ninguna queja. Es como una guia :S


No xD a mi los paladines me parece que bien usados ownean y mal usados son paketes. xD


La del rogue/hunter seria mas resumida...

What a rogue can do in a BG?

Guard Stables/LM/BS/Farm


La cosa esta muy clara y lo resume facilmente.
Un ejemplo mas claro.

Un warrior hace charge a una multitud de gente desprevenida con el blessing of freedom puesto, se pone sweping strikes,berseker instance reckneless, y empieza a WW CLEAVE MS...y se llena toda la pantalla llena de numeros amarillos enormes ocupando toda la pantalla que no puedes ver nada.
Un pala detras de el que en un momento determinado se puede llegar a echar el divine seguira curando y la de dios, es un destrozo asegurado.

Pero que hay esta, explica como el paladin se limita a curar en las bgs, y en pve por descontado.Clase support orientada al heal.
Explica que hay clases hibridas o clases que tienen orientadas sus funciones a los dps como magos warriors rogues etc...


La verdad es que el artículo es bastante bueno, pero me extraña que los paladines no se hayan quejado ya "qué dices?!?! curar yo?!?! que curen los priests!!! quitarme el SoC?!?! y cómo mato?!?!" A ver si salta el Spybreak.

La cosa es que yo probé una vez ir a un AB con un pala que me ayudaba, y era genial, era exactamente la diferencia entre llevar o no llevar set de rank 11. Entre los dos casi pudimos bajarnos a un cafre de estos de épicos de PvP (vinieron a ayudarle). El mismo pavo que casi nos bajamos luego mataba warriors de 3 en 3, casi, sin problemas.

El paladín potencia MUCHO al grupo, los blessings y seals son pasivos, luego solo ha de concentrarse en curas y apoyos, el problema es ese, que los palas todos quieren ser warriors-priests en uno, y eso tampoco es...

Pero eso sí, como priest de campaña, el paladín es genial, al menos no muere de 3 leches.


La cosa es que la gente se crea el pala creyendo que van a matar como warriors y encima se van a curar com priest, y no es asi, a mi los paladines, en WS / AB me parecen tremendos si los saben llevar.. otra cosa es que la gente se entere de como usar su clase, y de ahi los llantos.. y respecto a la guia, esta bastante bien, a ver si algunos de los que lloran le hecha un ojo (no me refiero a MV) y aprenden algo mas que usar SoC + DS y demas..


El paladin es una clase Sobresaliente cuando el 95% del tiempo esta targeteando aliados
El paladin es una clase Mediocre cuando más del 40% del tiempo esta tarjetando cosas ROJAS (enemigos).

Ahroa vendrán las contestaciones del palo:

  • Y como se supone que mato
  • Que hago commands de 1000 de daño que lo flipaaas!!!
  • Tu no tienes ni puta idea de palas.
  • Mi mana es para curarme yo... buscate una niñera...

Puede llevar muchas veces un paladin full tyer2 con escudo de vael y bloodcaller (esperando que nefi suelte lo que deve soltar). Que mete flash heals criticos de 1200 de vida.

Con 9500 de armadura (10000 y poco con aura de armor) que no la llevo que llevo concentration. Con 5000 de vida y un buen ratio de crit on spells y +healing...

con este pala 31 holy 20 protection... pues voy pullulando en la bg
con 9 tios dentro de mi raid
sigo a la gente que tengo que seguir...
Me despreocupo totalmetne de que me hacen
les curo
cura critica justo despues de holy sock para curar
stuneo al healer suyo
pongo wisdom a los mana dependientes y kings al resto
protection a magos y freedom a warriors...

y el equipo gana...

Pero bueno tb podria dejar esas armas
ponerme la destructora de mundos q tambien la tiene (de zulguruth)... poner tropecientos talentos en retribution y alguno en holy para decir (nooo, que soy PvE).
ponerme crit rate de equipo y liarme a dar mamporros
Y ver como mi raid pierde

Son varias formas de jugar diferentes...


{Polemica Mode ON}Los xamanes son la unika klase ke la uses como la uses tienes mas posibilidades de ganar xD {Polemica Mode OF} Las demas si sabes jugar ganas :D



Muy buena argumentacion lo del paladin, la verdad es que yo he luchado contra muchos paladines... con varias clases, y los veo mas utiles de support que de dps.. pero bueno cada uno usa su keko como le viene en gana
El shaman es un personaje un tanto peculiar... porque.. puedes ganar a todas las razas o todas las razas te puede ganar a ti... personalmente el shaman es un personaje muy jodido de llebar bien... y tb lo considero un gran support, que los totem esos que hay por ahy de todo en general son la poya
Y ya por ultimo esta el clásico Warrior con healboth detras que eso no tiene ni nombre ni apellidos ni nada, (*healboth, dicese de priest holy que va haciendote mimitos tol rato) con un equipo no muy grande por ejemplo el set del valor mas un arma de 53 DPS no digo ya la destructora de mundos, lo digo mi triste warrior que con mi modesto equipo el otro dia por ejemplo haciendo dicha prueba en una bg, pues me trague 2 palas al mismo tiempo, seguidamente un mago, seguidamente un rogue y por ultimo calló un hunter.. despues de esto el priest no tenia mana y evidentemente pues no duré un peo ^^ (rank 11++ todos los enemigos), y te entra una sensacion de poder... que claro luego no te curan y pasas de ser dios a ser un cacho de mierda :P


#11 pues si, un chaman lo uses como lo uses se podria decir k ayuda lo mismo en una raid / grupo, ya k el daño k hacen es mucho mayor k el de un paladin, y no tienen tantas formas de preocuparse por sus aliados (solo curar kitar venenos y hechar totems), por lo cual pueden ir mas a su bola.


sp+pala es lo mas devastador q e visto, donde el pala es el q asiste/escuda al sp un 60% y dps 40% pudiendo matar a 4 tios sin morir, y esperar q vengan refuerzos .

Esta muy bien eso de apoyar, pero de vez en cuando tb gusta hacer algo solo xD


El paladin tiene una función, y esta es asistir al grupo, al que no le guste que se cambie y ya está, si quieres hacer daño, no es tu clase, si quieres ser main healer, no es tu clase, si quieres ser main tank no es tu clase. La cosa del paladin es hacer un poco de todo pero inclinandose hacia la curación.
En resumen, un paladin da de mucho si se sabes como usarlo.

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