Entrevista a los desarrolladores: el 5.2 y más allá.


Ayer los desarrolladores concedieron una entrevista, de la cual podéis leer la transcripción entera (inglés) aquí: http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/3226-Live-Developer-Q-A-Patch-5-2-and-Beyond

Algunos puntos interesantes:

About item upgrades coming back next patch-with the Thunderforge "thing" in ToT its realy annoying to have to upgrade items that you MIGHT replace. Everyone in a top raiding guild feels obligated to upgrade all of his items but that feeling that you don't have TF version of something will rankles alot. Can you maybe implement a limit of how many items you can upgrade (limit on how many upgraded items you can have equipped)? It will bring some sort of strategizing and make item upgrading much less annoying.
The major change we're making to item upgrades in 5.3 is drastically reducing their cost. We agree that it felt pretty bad to upgrade a non-best-in-slot item in 5.1 and then end up replacing it. 1500 Valor was a pretty hefty investment. But at 250 VP per upgrade, you can realistically upgrade all your gear over the course of a tier, which should change things a bit.

Los upgrades de objetos en el próximo parche costarán solamente 250 VP.

Hey folks! I have a question concerning the model for legendary items we've seen used this expansion: How do you feel about the way the questline and rewards have come so far? Will everyone who's been working on the item since 5.0 get a legendary in 5.4, or will there be a hard "choice" guilds will need to make concerning who gets the final form?
The intent is that everyone will (eventually) be able to get them. Players who put in more effort will generally get them first.

Todo el mundo que así lo desee acabará por tener una legendaria en el 5.4 si realiza toda la cadena de Wrathion, algunos antes que otros.

Will there be a final legendary weapon in mop? Or will we just get legendary power through many different items?
Oh hellz yeah. You're getting a glorious orange item. Wrathion is true to his word.

Aunque también habrá un arma legendaria!

How many bosses will 5.4 have?
We're pretty happy with the overall size and epic feel of the Throne of Thunder raid. In that ballpark.

La raid del 5.4 será similar a Throne of Thunder en "epicidad" y número de bosses.

Is it possible to make fear,polymorph,cyclone instant cast but with cd to try help with the high amount of CC's ingame atm?
We like the idea of cast time crowd control. Crowd Control should be powerful and come at a cost. Cast times are something players can counter. We'd definitely like to see more cast time crowd control spells. But a problem exists with melee since cast time spells don't feel good as melee.

Se especula con la idea de que el CC sea casteado, aunque para los melés es una opción rara.

Any chance we might see a full fledged PvP zone that's NOT trying to be a BG? Something more like the 5.2 dailies but with the entire zone focused on PvP. Maybe with quest and captur-able areas and stuff like that.
Along with a lot of players, we see the appeal of the large epic PvP experience that a lot of players are pining for. Unfortunately, the nature of server imbalances has made this challenging on a lot of servers in the past. We definitely like the idea of something big huge and epic and we talk about concepts all the time.

Les gustaría que hubiese zonas de PvP abierto, pero los desbalanceos de servidores lo hacen muy complejo.

So with the 5.3 PvP changes it was mentioned that a player in full Tyrannical gear will be able to evenly match a player in full Heroic Raid gear in PvP. Why is it that Raiders will have a somewhat easy time getting into PvP content but PvPers won't have such an easy time getting into Raids due to their ilevel being far behind that of a Normal or Heroic Raider?
In the context of instanced PvP (battlegrounds and arenas), PvP geared players will have a distinct advantage. But the ilevel and itemization on PvP gear does allow players to get a foothold into PvE. The main point on both sides is that your gear should feel useful when crossing over. In the case of PvE gear in PvP, we felt the lack of resilience made the gear almost useless.

Aunque el ilevel del equipo PvP es inferior al PvE, los primeros tienen la ventaja de que tienen resilience, algo de lo que carece el gear PvE y que debería inclinar la balanza a su favor.

Do you feel that delivering the reputation-based story quests as in 5.1 was a success, and will it be used again?
Love this question! We got a very positive response to the way 5.1 story quests rolled out over time as you did dailies. It was pretty time-consuming from a development standpoint but was totally worth it, as opposed to - for example - adding 40 new randomized blue bangs instead. Expect to see more like that in the future.

El sistema de "gating" de las reputaciones del inicio de expansión (Golden Lotus, etc) les ha gustado y es posible que lo vuelvan a utilizar.

I loved the epic feeling to the pre lich king world event where you were involved in it for as much or as little time as you wanted. Is there any plans to bring world events like that back instead of the one shot 15 min events that currently seem to be happening?
A lot of players have responded that they really missed some kind of big world event. We were a little surprised by how frequently we heard that, so we'll definitely try to work in something epic in the future. When it comes down to it, we'd rather invest our time in something players will play for months than for days, which is why it became much lower priority this time.

La gente echa de menos los eventos masivos pre-expansión como el de la WotLK, y puede que los vuelvan a incluir.

Do you plan on addressing the server population issues soon or you just planing on keeping exploiting it to make further revenue off of server transfers?
We do have plans and we are actively (as in I was in a meeting on it yesterday) working on a plan. We don't want to share that plan until we are reasonably confident that it is going to work. We want to be clear that we don't think the experience for players on very low pop realms (which includes very imbalanced factions on otherwise active realms) is a good one. We want to solve it.

Están trabajando para resolver los problemas con los servidores extremadamente desbalanceados, tienen ya algo en mente que creen que va a funcionar bien.

Why the absolute focus on casual gaming
Back in vanilla, a lot of our players were content just to level characters. just leveling was a huge commitment. In later expansions, even though players reached max level pretty quickly, they could still go back and level an alt. But even if you love alts, there are only so many you are willing to level before you're kind of done with it. LK brought achievements, which again provided some amount of content for a lot of players, but just adding new achievements only provides so much additional content. So in Cataclysm and MoP we decided to bring a lot of players into raiding, which is one of the most epic and rewarding experiences in WoW. It was a pretty successful endeavor.

I'm going to assume that's what you meant, but I'll also add that heroic Lei Shen and gold Challenge Modes are as non casual as anything we've ever offered in WoW.

A la pregunta de "por qué enfocan tanto el juego a la parte más casual", responde que quieren que la gente disfrute de las raids aunque no sean raiders hardcore. A la vez, quieren que éstos tengan desafíos a los que enfrentarse, como son las raids heroicas.

Any news on the character model updates for the old races?
That sound you hear is Chris Robinson, our art director, going door to door trying to find what room we are doing this interview in so he can do me great harm for even considering answering this question.

Esto me desconcierta: no quieren decir si están trabajando en los nuevos modelos o no? D:


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