Update CS2 28-2-2024



  • Spawn position is no longer randomly determined when a player reconnects to a server during freeze time. The spawn point sequence is now configured at the beginning of the map and is saved/restored from round backup files
  • In official matchmaking servers, players who disconnect and reconnect during freeze time will respawn in the spawn point they were assigned at the beginning of the round
  • On community servers, players who disconnect and reconnect during freeze time will be assigned one of the five spawn positions assigned to the team that round
  • When restoring from round backup files (which is recommended in tournament settings after disconnects/reconnects), players will spawn in the positions they were originally assigned at the beginning of that round
  • Fixed a bug where players would see a black screen after disconnecting and reconnecting multiple times during a technical timeout
  • Fixed a bug where players disconnecting and reconnecting to a competitive match would incorrectly interact with bot spawning algorithm
  • Fixed some cases where MVP music would not play or would play over round end music
  • Fixed a bug in Deathmatch where kills during warmup would count towards healthshot reward and Zeus score bonus
  • Fixed players jumping higher than normal when toggling low framerate
  • Fixed an instance of weapon switches sometimes being ignored by the server
  • Fixed smoke shadow rendering issues and improvements to perf
  • Fixed a bug where the game would crash on Linux while alt-tabbing
  • Fixed some cases where a frame rate hitch would occur due to compiling shaders
  • Improved behavior when user input does not arrive on the server in time due to packet loss or client frame rate issues
  • Adjusted various music kit cues in NIGHTMODE Music Kit box (ISOxo, Knock2, and TWERL and Ekko & Sidetrack)
  • Fixed a case where some players in North America would always fail to accept a match on a server in Europe due to SDR choosing an invalid route
  • Players who get kicked from official competitive servers for too many suicides will now be issued a competitive cooldown
  • Adjusted the logic tracking player idle state to exclude round freezetime and timeout periods
  • Chickens no longer interact with dropped weapons
  • Sniper scope overlay no longer appears in tool viewports (such as Hammer)


  • Adjusted spawn location priorities for Premier and Competitive game modes in Anubis, Inferno, Mirage, Nuke, Overpass, and Vertigo.


  • Fixed community reported gaps in map and Trike model
  • Raised plywood at top of Banana to cover head visibility
  • Smoothed ground movement in Banana and Bombsite A
  • Raised Arch exit towards Mid (or "Raised arch in Arch")
  • Removed bench at Arch near Library
  • Removed construction cone at Underpass


  • Fix lightmaps being capped at 4k resolution in CS2 Workshop Tools
  • Updated sticker inspect to support wear in 0.1 increments to match sticker scraping
  • Added roughness texture to foil stickers in the Item Editor
  • Updated help system for new sticker features

Ya que están tocando lo de las desconexiones, a ver si han arreglado lo de poder dupear defuse kits al desconectarte y lo de perder todo lo comprado.


Spawn position is no longer randomly determined when a player reconnects to a server during freeze time. The spawn point sequence is now configured at the beginning of the map and is saved/restored from round backup files

Me estás diciendo, que puedo configurar dónde salir con un fichero? :clint:


esto es importante no?


1 respuesta

#4 menos rng al aparecer, pero han quitado también muchos humos instantáneos, y ya no va a ser posible ir rápido a banana en B de Inferno.

1 respuesta

Parece que a raíz de esta última update, dan micro-freezeos con cpu AMD.... confirmarme o desmentir si es cierto.

1 respuesta

#6 micro-freezeos siempre los tuve hasta que instale el CTR 2.1


#5 porque lo de banana?

1 respuesta

No entiendo a Valve.

Ponen 5 spawns en la mayoría de los mapas (que me parece lo ideal) cargándose una posible aletoriedad.
Pero en Anubis que ya tenía 5 van y te meten 6 extra.

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9 1 respuesta

Pues no se si es placebo pero yo tras esta update noto el juego más fluido y parece que he ganado algo de rendimiento.

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1 1 respuesta

#10 eee ¿que hago yo en esa foto?


#8 pues porque antes había un spawn de B al lado del pilar del arco. Ahora es así:

Aunque no está mal, se acabó lo de aparecer en la furgo xd será más consistente.


#9 imagino que al ser el mapa más nuevo no tienen suficientes estadísticas para ver cómo son más nivelados y han puesto más para pillar datos
Luego igual miden las entrys desde cada punto o vete a saber. O igual no porque me lo estoy inventando sobre la marcha


Otra actualizacion tocha y una mas de nvidia y otra vez el juego injugable, me va todo el tiempo a tirones.


#12 +10% de mejora de un -50% nos da -40%, les toca seguir remando

1 respuesta

#17 no, da un -45%


Da igual lo que actualicen, para mi el juego está en la mierda. Gente matando corriendo o mientras está empezando a parar, se premia el no estarse quieto ni un segundo. La gente con % de headshot en casi todas las partidas entre 60 y 90% en face it en nivel 8, el awp totalmente inconsistente... Da bastante asco el juego.


tiran un molo en cualquier parte del mapa y las fps se van a la mierda, valiente basura de juego xD

Usuarios habituales

  • Auxzap
  • skela
  • SevenOfThem
  • cHR_
  • Nepres
  • Hades13
  • rootbeer