Qué programa es este?


alguién me puede decir que programa es el que utiliza este tio para entintar? pone que es MS EX pero he estado busscando y no encuentro na.


PD: Pon un Mandrill en tu vida.


No puede que el nombre Inking with MS EX o Inking sea un pen para dibujar, y el programa sea photoshop?


Added September 13, 2006
From Spubba
A quick video of me inking a picture ... A quick video of me inking a picture of a demon with Manga Studio EX, Wacom Intuos II 6x8 and Nostromo n52 speedpad. Manga Studio EX can "straighten" your lines as you draw them; you're not imagining the small automatic adjustments taking place as I draw. Of course you can also turn this feature off if you want to.

You see me changing the brush size before I begin drawing. That's me using the Nostromo (it binds your hotkeys to a set of easy-to-reach buttons; gamers use 'em a lot) to change the brush size, using the thumb arrow button. On your keyboard, most of the MS hotkeys are similar to Photoshop, and the ones that aren't can easily be reprogrammed. MS Debut doesn't have reprogrammable hotkeys.

This was a very small detail of an 11x17 cover page that had a dozen or so figures in it, and this was one of the smaller figures, so I didn't sweat the details too terribly much.

This page will be featured in "Rapture #3" published by Class Comics probably available spring 2007. (more) (less)
Category Film & Animation
Tags comics inking digital manga studio wacom (more) (less)



soy ciego y manco y me doi asco xddddd

#2 photoshop eh?

PD: Pon un Mandrill en tu vida.

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