Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

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1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
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Epic Thread, show me the money. Snorky will come here and he will kick your nigga ass


#434 It's a luck Britain is so full of Polish slags, I'd rather shag'em than shagging a Brit, most of them are either fat or ugly... During the year I was living in the UK I started to understand why they drink so much, I remember seeing lots of drunkards hugging a fattie like if they had the hottest woman in their arms.

#444 By "my brother aren't allowed me using my French", I guess you mean "my brother doesn't allow me using French", it doesn't make a lot of sense using the passive voice there :P

PS: #450 Have you visited the Museum of Science and Industry? Quite a curious place, I enjoyed seeing some set-ups that were like old factories, you know what I mean if you've been there. Anyway, it was a pity I never stayed for the night, I've heard night-life in Manchester is awesome. Gotta go back some day :P

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In this place a lot of people has written "Listen to music"

I always I've seen "are allowed to" The passive form. "you aren't allowed to go to the party"
And in affirmative I didn't know "doesn't allow me" was correct. Thanks.

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#453 well, the correct infinitive of that verb is "be allow to" if I'm not wrong, so you can change the time for whatever you want to.


#453 But I don't think the passive form makes a lot of sense in that sentence. You are the one not being allowed, not your brother. If you wanted to use the passive form you should've been the subject rather than your brother...

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#448 Oh, c'mon, hammer me halfway through my chair's surface and back for behaving like a bilingual one in a thread where #452 talks like a genuine rapper. I want my place in here too :(.

#455 Are you now attending to a BA in English studies? I find you very well up in this.

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#456 Wtf? I'd wish to talk like a rapper, lol, but c'mon, if you excuse my French, in Britain you "shag a whore", you don't "fuck a bitch" :D

By the way, I'd thank any correction or pro-tip :3

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#457 maybe you can start saying words like, "Swag" "Juice" "Nigga" "MOB" etcetera...

ya catch ma nigga?

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#458 But I want to talk like a London rapper, not like an American one O.o

No, seriously, I don't think it's even possible for a Spaniard to learn how to speak proper London :\

#456 Nay, I'm not studying any English at the moment. Teaching some of it to kids, that's all :P Although I intend to get some Cambridge certificate someday... If I gather the money.

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Yes.. in sharedtalk.. sometime a lot of people speak very fluent the first performance but I add
them in msn or skipe day dissapeared after we were chatting for hours.

Yes I undestood you. My sentences was wrong. But I've always seen "be allowed to" "aren't allow to" like passive form. And I was confused about to make the sentence.

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#459 real rappers are from the states dude, london rappers are like spanish ones.
I'm from da h00d ya know what it izzz

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#459 But you can try to practice your own 'Londolusian' accent. I use to =).

#459 Then try IELTS certificates. They are very well considered in EU-based companies and institutions (though more difficult too).

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#456 It was you, Mr. X, who took the rapper to the city. Now you must fight him in a bilingual duel.



I hate getting into this thread because everytime I do it, I want to kill myself.

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#460 As far as I know, you can write any sentence in a passive form, just as you'd do in Spanish.

If you want to turn "My brother doesn't allow me to speak French" into passive you'd write "I am not allowed to speak French by my brother". The only difference is that in the second one you are the subject because you want to highlight that you are the one "receiving" the action.


#462 But you are a pro able to mix several dialects :P I tried to practice some London slang with a Londoner once and it was even worse than my usual "Spabritish" accent :D

#461 My lads in the projects wouldn't say the same. If I had any lads at all, of course...

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Now HalfLife is full of English teachers!

Come to learn bitchiz!!! And the best of all:




Why? What's up?

Sorry. I think that in my particular case I won't have oportunities in countries where people speak English due to the highest rivalry in my degree.

I've always wanted to live abroad. Maybe one day or not...maybe I will die before.

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#460 I'll take a look onto it, I'd like to practice as much as I can since I want to leave this country as soon as possible, so I'll be prepared for everything coming to me!

#460 the point is you can go to almost any country if you know english, so if you learn english once you are on that country, you can learn the language that you are really going to need. I had thought somethink like Denmark, I've always liked it, Sweden is nice too, I dunno where I will end but there's something sure, not in Spain!

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#467 It's just the way you speak english

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#467 Nice then :P

#462 Why do you think IELTS's are better than Cambridge's. Here in Salamanca I can take the Cambridge exams but I don't know about IELTS at all. I was thinking about Cambridge's Proficiency (CPE). Although I should study a bit at least... Specially the grammar.

#469 C'mon, everyone can improve their English, it's quite an easy language... And if you don't know how to say something, just make it up. That's what most of the people do around the world anyway.

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I learnt French long time ago but I have been 5 years in stand by. Nowdays I am learning French again...A2 level :(

Ok. Always anyone have to say me bad words. Sometimes I see bad words where there aren't


you = plural.

But it helps..In english groups there are several people who are like if it was mandatory.
I have gone to an English Academy the last months:
-October = 24 persons fist day. 15 days later, 9 persons more or less..and not always the same people.
-November= 4 persons.
L-V ---- 5 h /week.

Mostly people didn't go to class on Fridays. And If the teacher ask us "you have to write about this topic/exercise the next 2 days you have to send me it"

ANYONE....anyone use to made it. It was very frustrated to me because I losted the interest in going class or doing homework. Why? Because if you just go 2 days but pay 5/week. You can hear about the homework or not...or people who don't want do homework... etc.

And the end I leave the academy and I am searching another one.

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#471 I'm not saying I'm better than you, and the you from #469 was not just you ;)

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#472 everyone speaks as good as he knows :/

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#470 It's just a matter of recognition. IELTS qualification exams are tougher than any other else. That's why they are better considered in inner circles.

In any case, both options are valid in order to officially prove your English skills.

#471 I only lived abroad for six months (Erasmus). It's not mandatory to go abroad to learn a language.

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#474 I'll check both of them... But I'm not willing to pay a lot of money to take an even more difficult exam that I might fail. I just want to certificate that my level is a C2 (or it's supposed to be a C2, lol).

About travelling abroad... I think it helps a lot to acquire a language, specially the speaking skills. It might not help a lot with the grammar, but you'll learn a lot of slang and how to pronounce properly (at least if you go to the UK :P ). But you can get a lot of grammar basis without the need of travelling abroad.

Now I'm off to bed. I'll add this thread to my favs and I'll check it tomorrow ^^


#452 the night-life of Manchester at night its amazing, it's like another world. Here the week-end concept doesn't exist as we know, you can always find parties everywhere every day of the week

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hi, anyone can speaks in nigga english? its very funny ;D


#476 Well, as an Erasmus that's the same in every city. In Salamanca you can find party any day of the week, specially if you are an Erasmus. :P

But I hear there are specially nice clubs there in Manchester, and never went there while I was in the UK. If you enjoy indie music and you ver go to Birmingham you can go to The Rainbow club there, quite a nice place, although there are not so many clubs in B'ham. I've been at Fabric club in London too, but I suppose you've already heard about that one ^^

By the way, I already supposed that the night-life in Manchester would be at night. :D

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Hi guys. I'll need our help. I'm going to do an exercise like this:

He likes discos because he enjoys __________ (dance)

What's the correct answer? dance or dancing ?! i think both answers are correct

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#479 It's dancing.

And now, something curious: Was it a rat I saw?

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