Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#1680 You mean lazy, not dog.


#1668 It's just a joke, not big deal...
#1672 I think the same, it's just a joke but anyway, you never know how offensive can be for somebody

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#1682 Mmmm i didnt get it, blow a rod?

blow means a lot of things... and rod means "palo" right?
"soplar un palo?" whats the relation with the mph? xD

Meanings of blow

Also, "blow up" = explotar

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To cause to fail or break down, as by operating at extreme or improper conditions: blew the engine on the last lap.

and rod is just a part of the engine. So, blow a rod= break that part of the engine...and the second meaning is 'suck off a penis.' (rod -> penis (slang))

You got it now, right?

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#1675 Haha, I'm from Almería, and we also say "la has embarcado" when a player throws the ball on a roof!I don't know what people inside the country say XDD

I think that watching English films without any subtitles is a great idea, and your listening English will improve a lot, because your ears will get accustomed to English way of speaking :) .

About your doubt, when a word finishes in vowel, we only put '. For example: Ivlas' computer. You don't need another "s" ;) .

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#1685 a player throws. But especially, people, not THE people.

It's a common mistake made by spanish speakers, and it may take a while to correct it.

Also, not very sure about becoming accustomed. I'd rather say get used, it may be a bit more informal but it sounds much better here

#1687 You're welcome! by the way, why I've made, not the other way around, and these :p

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#1686 You're right, my post has some mistakes. I forgot to add the "s" in the third person, and I know that when we talk in general, we don't put the article (people, not "the people"). I don't know why I have made these mistakes, I'm gonna edit right now.
About "becoming accustomed", I think "get accustomed" would be better, as "get used".

Thank you!^^

p.d. thank you againg!Your English is great!

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#1687: "These mistakes" :P

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't see #1686 :(


#1684 hahhaha ok ok thanks xDDD
Now I understand the joke xDDD

Do you know proverbs?
I knew a few in french, but not in english xD Just curious xD

#1690 ... well ... mmm xD would you tell us at least one? XD

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#1689 I do.
#1689 No sorry, I don't have the enough time right now xDDDDDDDDD

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People are great in here :)
I think this is the sole thread where people don't flame xD

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#1689 Proverbs? There must be thousands of them.

A couple of examples:
-Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. (Said of a kid who looks like his father or mother)
-Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

But I like better this version: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice and I'll put you on the ground. :D

There was a funny G.W. Bush video saying the 'Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.' but forgetting the last part and making it up.


A todo esto, que nivel de inglés tenéis?

What level of english do you have? estaría mal dicho? Me suena muy raro.

Es que ahora enserio, me encanta el inglés y este año quiero apuntarme a alguna academia para sacarme el First... sabéis de alguna pág. o algo así para aprender inglés? osea que sea un poco repaso y cosas así?

Thank you so much :P.

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#1691 I think the correct form is Here without that IN cause it will be "en aquí", if it isnt, someone that corrects me!

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#1693 I dont know my level.

I understand almost everything, reading and listening, but speaking and writing are not my best as you can see xD

Mmmm I think I have a B1 level, because my father has a B1-low, and I know more than him... xD

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#1693 You can enrol in "EOI" to get the first and/or other levels for example. As for a web for learning English, why don't you search some English grammar and start learning from the grammar? Also, see movies or serials in English to improve your oral skills.


#1694 'in here' could be correct in a lot of contexts, and it's very very common in English. But in that contexts 'here' alone could be fine too.

For example, in a pub: "I don't like people smoking (in) here." 'In here' is something like 'inside the pub'.

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#1697 I didnt know it, thanks!


#1691 This thread is one of the best threads in MV, and here, people is fantastic!

#1693 Yo diría. "What's your English level?". I have passed B2 level exams this year, but now, I'm not sure about my level, but I'd say it's B2.

#1695 I think you have , at least, B1 high. Your English is quite good :) .

#1693 Mansioningles is the best web for me.


I never know what to say when someone asks me my english level. I'm preparing B2, but I haven't that level at all. Languages are quite hard for me, I rather study maths :\

#1701: I don't think you'll need a high level if you just want to have a beer or ask for a direction :S


I was going to an academy 2 years ago and I learned a lot, but not enough to going abroad!

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#1694 It's right to use that form (IN+adverb) within that context.
You use IN+adverb whenever you want to say: "Being inside somewhere".

22 días después

Is it alive? Would anyone like to practise English?

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#1703 Me, but i don't have idea to speak with other person...

Hmm, i'll "apuntarme" to an academy to get the First certificate, but i think i have a bad english, and I need to learn a lot, I think i'll do intermediate.

I want to get more english than First Certificate, but i no have idea how many certificates exist.

Pd: I don't know if I explained all correctly, ni este PD xD.

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#1704 Hahaha yeah, I understood you absolutely.

There are many certificates, and the best way to get them is through Cambridge.

The list of tittles is:

-A1 (I don't remember the name)
-A2: KET

-B1: PET
-B2: FCE (First)

-C1: Advance
-C2: Profiency

I recommend you to start in a PET level. I have just finished this exam, and I think is necessary to set the basic skills in your mind.

PS: PD in English es PS, from PostScript.
PS2: You could use the verbs "sign in" or "register" to say "Apuntarse".

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#1705 Thanks for the answer!

Through Cambridge? Can you explain me?

And thanks for two PS, i don't know it was PS.
And I know the existence of "sign in" and "register", but i forgot haha.

You can be my personal teacher hahaha.

If there are 6 levels, i want to get maximum! C2! haha.

I love english and I wanna learn a lot, i don't do this for the future, maybe too, but i love this language.

PS (yeah): I don't now again if I writed all good. xD <--- (i think it's bad) <-- (and this too hahaha)


I would like to be an English teacher, but I only have B1, I am still a noob xD.

You will be able to get the level that you want, I am so sure, but English is a language and you will have to study a lot (I am studying a lot :P). You should go step by step, and if you work, you'll get it ^^

"Through" is a preposition and its meaning is "a través de".

Your PS: "I don't now again if I have written all right". (I think all good sounds bad, but I am not sure).

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#1707 You don't have First Certificate? :|
I think you speak really good!

Hmm, i understand what does it mean "Through" haha, but i want to know what's this way to get it through cambridge? It's a school? I'll go to an academy, but huh, i don't understand what did you say me, osea que no entiendo eso de sacarselo por Cambridge. It's a web where you can practice or what? haha, sry again for my "faltas de hortojrafia" (how can I say it?).

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#1708 University of Cambridge. Of course, this doesn't mean you going to Cambridge to take the test xD.

In fact, First Certificate is one of the test that you can take (level B2). You pay the taxes and you have a right to take the Cambridge exam in your own city. There is an official organization in each city that set the date and place for the exam.

If you need an academy or something like that, it's up to you. But it's not include in this taxes. You would have to look for one and pay for it.


#1708 You can also take the test through your local "Escuela Oficial de Idiomas", either attending the course or doing only the exam.

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