Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

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1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


Open the windows.. close the door.


Does anyone in Germany speak English?


IŽm studying in Germany, in Villingen-Schwenningen. It is 100km in the south of Stuttgart :)


Gibraltar spanish???????? for the love of god.........


i am not with sida


#237 Google isnŽt so funny as MV :D


Google is French


So.. how do you guys improve your English?

Because I've got to the point where I have my phone, my computer... everything in English.
I watch every freaking tv show and movie in English without subtitles like a pr0, even thou sometimes I have to rewind the last 5 seconds because I didn't understand what the f some guy said.
Even my mind sometimes only remember how to say some random word in the language of Shakespeare (well, an attempt to be that)

I don't know what else to do!
I would like to improve my converstion skills but I've got nobody to talk to :/ , I'm planning to leave this country but not in the near future (maybe in... 5 years?).
I thought of reading some book out loud, every day for an hour or so, so that my tongue could get used to concatenate words, I don't know.
Maybe I could remove the dust of some old grammar books and review them...

any ideas? what do you do?

#250 That's the problem, nowadays I have no money, I have no job, and I'm not gonna make my parents pay my trips to EEUU because it's not a good time for them either. Trust me I would LOVE to go over there. Just to imagine being there, with everything around me in English, with everyone around me speaking English, it makes my eyes go like this > :qq:


#248 sometimes I see movies in english too with sub in english !! but... I understand nothing, many words :s someday i would like to go out to spain, for to learn english lenguage, yes very well fandango XDD


#248 best way is, meet people, young and old, because they have verry diferent ways to speak and that's the best thing you can do...

I'v been at NY and boston for christamas and it was FUCKING AWSOME! xD It was a great experience and I have improved my english speaking a lot, now my friends tell my I have a wierd way to speak in english, and thats because know how inglish people speaks really at home and with friends, not in movies and that stuff... xD


#248 maybe you can visit frecuently some foreing forums, try to find out one wich fulfill your expectations, i mean, not imgboards like 4chan, something serious.


#248 Here in Valencia there is a bar where you meet people who are studying spanish, you speak for a while in english an then in spanish, maybe in your town is something like that.


i am not with sida but i fuck very well


When I lived in Spain there used to be groups meeting up for Spanish/English exchanges (conversation not... slave trade or something). Also, there's just a ton of people on places like Craig's list that are looking to meet up with new people that can speak some English - just organise to meet up with them and try to avoid the rapists and you'll be fine.

Also yeah don't learn English from movies, no-one speaks like that, additionally to the guy that said he'd been to Boston, that accent is hilarious, no-where else in the world speaks like them so I hope you didn't pick it up too much.

11 días después

did everyone forget their English?


to the horn with the english!


i love laughing in english "hahaha" i feel myself so international...


I laugh in vietnamise but weirdly I cough in cambodian.


what we have to do exactly in this thread?


#259 Speaking English, of course


Aim goin tu si a film. Mai frend said dat guas veri fun and dere guere meni tits.


Nigga estol may car




Nigga stole my english


yo dawg, i've heard you like practising english so i made a thread to practise english so you can practise english while flaming in english




hello, iŽm practising english! LOL, OMFG, FTW, WTF, ROFLMAO!!!


can i go to the toilet?
(first sentence i learned in english)

my english is so leet


nigga stole my nigga slave


I don't believe it!


who is brian?

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