Descent To Glory (buscamos grafista)


Aqui estamos, programando un juego 2D estilo Dungeon crawler

El grafista ha desaparecido del wassap y del skype, temo que haya fenecido en el intento
asi que aprovecho la ocasion para ofrecer su puesto por si algun grafista con arte (con arte eh? subrayo)
le gustaria echar una mano con los objetos de juego y personajes, attrezzo etc

como contrapartida por vuestros esfuerzos ofrecemos:

  • Conexion a internet 24 horas con el programador
  • Calcetines usados (los hemos lavado 3 veces) por si teneis frio en los pies
  • Raton inalambrico (el perro del programador se comio el cable pero sirve muy bien de pisapapeles)
  • Cuentas hackeadas de Penthouse Online (si es que estas titis estan pa comerselas)

en fin, no dudamos que con todas estas ventajas pronto habra candidatos dispuestos a ser sodomiz.....a currar alegremente
en nuestro proyecto.

ah si, si el juego genera ganancias, repartiremos beneficios entre el grupo (un clásico en este tipo de mensajes)

como podreis observar, el aspecto Retro en esta capture, alcanza limites insospechados

20 días después

solo informaros que ahora estamos desarrollando de manera indie (o sea haciendo el indio como siempre)

grafistas del mundo, unios a mi, no desaprovecheis esta oportunidad

(joer, 20 dias despues y no me han contestado ni los trolls, habre escrito mal el mensaje??)

(sonrie, es gratis)


Estoy interesado en el puesto, aunque no tengo ni puta idea de lo que pides, pero se hacer el pino aunque no un 100% seguro a veces me caigo pero me interesa lo de los calcetines.


11 días después

hola, noticias en el desarrollo......ya falta poco para la public beta jugable...

os muestro un video de como se ve ya el gameplay


Mucha suerte, te upeo esto ya que nadie dice nada xD


gracias robb.... llevo unos dias de vacaciones playeras bañandome y comiendo en la playa asi que el juego esta un poco parado


Hey hola!, que salao eres Parallax xD

Oye me gusta ese estilo de game retro dungeon crawler, mirando tu video y todo lo que tienes funcionando hasta ahora, la verdad se ve que tienes algo bastante consistente. ¿Puedo hacerte un par de preguntas? :

-¿Estas usando un motor independiente?
-¿Que lenguaje de programacion estas usando?
-¿Cuantas personas estais con las manos en la masa?
-¿Para que tipo de plataforma vais encaminados? (lo digo por los botoncitos para moverse que parecen ir dirigidos a una interfaz movil-touch, en vez de usar las flechas o el recurrente WSAD)
-¿El programador paga el café?
-¿De donde eres o sois?

Respecto a mi soy el hombre multitarea, tengo 28 años. Se hacer un poco de todo, pero destaco en ediccion de graficos, composicion de musica (me gusta mucho el estilo oldschool de la epoca de commodore, sega saturn y DOS, tambien me encanta la musica ambiental para juegos tipo terror, postapocalipticos o scifi) y efectos de sonido, todo esto despues de años de aprendizaje freelance a base de cabezazos xD. He trabajado con motores flash y su arquitectura, comprendo como funciona la mecanica y la estructura de un juego. En lo que se refiere a lenguaje, he tocado AS y ACS (tambien con cuaderno y boli aprendiendo C++ hace tres años, pero lo dejé). Domino el Ingles y estoy ahora mismo aprendiendo ruso en mis ratos libres. He "jugado" estos años con varios engines llegando a crear prototipos de juegos como el Bang! y experimentando con la tecnologia y los limites de dichos programas por pura curiosidad y diversion, lo cual me ha servido para aprender una barbaridad de cosas utiles y practicas. Algunos ejemplos son el FusionDeveloper 2.5 (multiplataforma), Stencyl (orientado a flash y html5) y GDevelop (multiplataforma).

No es la primera vez que me involucro en un proyecto con mas personas y que sale mal, asi que ya vengo escaldado de gente poco comprometida, infantil, mentirosa y cobarde, o de lidiar con jefes de equipo arrogantes y tiranicos que mientras ordenaban a los demas que hacer, ellos se dedicaban a disfrutar de los placeres de la vida, cosa fea. Todos mis avances y proyectos concluidos han sido por mi propia cuenta y fuerza de voluntad, es una lastima que tenga que decir esto. Al final será cierto eso que dicen: "el mundillo del desarrollo es un mar de incertidumbre". Por esa razon quizas en estos ultimos tiempos me centro mas en el diseño y la composicion.


cuantas cosas!!!!

-¿Estas usando un motor independiente?
R: si, estoy utilizando un TCanvas y los sprites en un bucle que recorre la rejilla tiles y dibuja el mapa principal y luego otra funcion situa los items (cofres, comida etc)

-¿Que lenguaje de programacion estas usando?
C++ builder 10.1 Seattle, por puro vicio que le tengo a este entorno

-¿Cuantas personas estais con las manos en la masa?
R: estabamos yo y el tio que hizo el muñecajo del jugador que aun sigo utilizando a falta de otro mejor....el pavo cogia el telefono ni respondia al wassap ni al skype....en fin....

-¿Para que tipo de plataforma vais encaminados? (lo digo por los botoncitos para moverse que parecen ir dirigidos a una interfaz movil-touch, en vez de usar las flechas o el recurrente WSAD) pues para PC inicialmente aunque podria intentar compilarlo para Android y tablets mas adelante

-¿El programador paga el café?
R: Si y las putas tambien, cuando recaudemos los 20.000 del crodfunding
-¿De donde eres o sois?
R: Galicia

como te veo interesado, te pongo un trozo de codigo para que veas como es por dentro

__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
	: TForm(Owner)

 appPath = ExtractFilePath(Application->ExeName);

  // Hace mas fino el centro de la barra de volumen
SetWindowLong(trkbVolumen->Handle, GWL_STYLE,
GetWindowLong(trkbVolumen->Handle, GWL_STYLE) & ~TBS_ENABLESELRANGE);

if (BASS_GetVersion() != MAKELONG(2,0))
	throw Exception("No se pudo cargar la versión 2 de BASS");

if (!BASS_Init(1, 44100, 0, Handle, 0))
	throw Exception("Error inicializando audio");


  Form1->DoubleBuffered = True;

  sample1 = BASS_StreamCreateFile(FALSE,".\\sounds\\door_open_close.mp3",0,0,0);
  sample_treasure_chest = BASS_StreamCreateFile(FALSE,".\\sounds\\treasure_chest.mp3",0,0,0);
  sample_spiderbite = BASS_StreamCreateFile(FALSE,".\\sounds\\spiderbite.mp3",0,0,0);
  sample_grump = BASS_StreamCreateFile(FALSE,".\\sounds\\grump.mp3",0,0,0);

  reproduciendo = BASS_StreamPlay(stream, false, BASS_SAMPLE_LOOP);



//Global Variables for Actor/Enemies Colour and backup of background tile
AnsiString backup_fondo;
TColor ACTOR_Color;
int nSlot = -1;

// Random map creation classes
class Dungeon
	int xmax;
	int ymax;

int xsize;
int ysize;

int objects;

int chanceRoom;
int chanceCorridor;

int* dungeon_map;

long oldseed;

	tileUnused = 0,

std::string msgXSize;
std::string msgYSize;
std::string msgMaxObjects;
std::string msgNumObjects;
std::string msgHelp;
std::string msgDetailedHelp;

void setCell(int x, int y, int celltype)
	dungeon_map[x + xsize * y] = celltype;
int getCell(int x, int y)
	return dungeon_map[x + xsize * y];

int getRand(int min, int max)
	time_t seed;
	seed = time(NULL) + oldseed;
	oldseed = seed;


	int n = max - min + 1;
	int i = rand() % n;

	if(i < 0)
		i = -i;

	return min + i;

bool makeCorridor(int x, int y, int lenght, int direction)
	int len = getRand(2, lenght);
	int floor = tileCorridor;
	int dir = 0;
	if(direction > 0 && direction < 4) dir = direction;

	int xtemp = 0;
	int ytemp = 0;

		case 0:
			if(x < 0 || x > xsize) return false;
			else xtemp = x;

			for(ytemp = y; ytemp > (y-len); ytemp--)
				if(ytemp < 0 || ytemp > ysize) return false;
				if(getCell(xtemp, ytemp) != tileUnused) return false;

			for(ytemp = y; ytemp > (y - len); ytemp--)
				setCell(xtemp, ytemp, floor);

		case 1:
			if(y < 0 || y > ysize) return false;
			else ytemp = y;

			for(xtemp = x; xtemp < (x + len); xtemp++)
				if(xtemp < 0 || xtemp > xsize) return false;
				if(getCell(xtemp, ytemp) != tileUnused) return false;

			for(xtemp = x; xtemp < (x + len); xtemp++)
				setCell(xtemp, ytemp, floor);
		case 2:
			if(x < 0 || x > xsize) return false;
			else xtemp = x;

			for(ytemp = y; ytemp < (y + len); ytemp++)
				if(ytemp < 0 || ytemp > ysize) return false;
				if(getCell(xtemp, ytemp) != tileUnused) return false;
			for (ytemp = y; ytemp < (y+len); ytemp++){
				setCell(xtemp, ytemp, floor);
		case 3:
			if (ytemp < 0 || ytemp > ysize) return false;
			else ytemp = y;

			for (xtemp = x; xtemp > (x-len); xtemp--){
				if (xtemp < 0 || xtemp > xsize) return false;
				if (getCell(xtemp, ytemp) != tileUnused) return false;

			for (xtemp = x; xtemp > (x-len); xtemp--){
				setCell(xtemp, ytemp, floor);
	//woot, we're still here! let's tell the other guys we're done!!
	return true;
bool makeRoom(int x, int y, int xlength, int ylength, int direction){
	//define the dimensions of the room, it should be at least 4x4 tiles (2x2 for walking on, the rest is walls)
	int xlen = getRand(4, xlength);
	int ylen = getRand(4, ylength);
	//the tile type it's going to be filled with
	int floor = tileDirtFloor; //jordgolv..
	int wall = tileDirtWall; //jordv????gg
	//choose the way it's pointing at
	int dir = 0;
	if (direction > 0 && direction < 4) dir = direction;

	case 0:
		//Check if there's enough space left for it
		for (int ytemp = y; ytemp > (y-ylen); ytemp--){
			if (ytemp < 0 || ytemp > ysize) return false;
			for (int xtemp = (x-xlen/2); xtemp < (x+(xlen+1)/2); xtemp++){
				if (xtemp < 0 || xtemp > xsize) return false;
				if (getCell(xtemp, ytemp) != tileUnused) return false; //no space left...

		//we're still here, build
		for (int ytemp = y; ytemp > (y-ylen); ytemp--){
			for (int xtemp = (x-xlen/2); xtemp < (x+(xlen+1)/2); xtemp++){
				//start with the walls
				if (xtemp == (x-xlen/2)) setCell(xtemp, ytemp, wall);
				else if (xtemp == (x+(xlen-1)/2)) setCell(xtemp, ytemp, wall);
				else if (ytemp == y) setCell(xtemp, ytemp, wall);
				else if (ytemp == (y-ylen+1)) setCell(xtemp, ytemp, wall);
				//and then fill with the floor
				else setCell(xtemp, ytemp, floor);
	case 1:
		for (int ytemp = (y-ylen/2); ytemp < (y+(ylen+1)/2); ytemp++){
			if (ytemp < 0 || ytemp > ysize) return false;
			for (int xtemp = x; xtemp < (x+xlen); xtemp++){
				if (xtemp < 0 || xtemp > xsize) return false;
				if (getCell(xtemp, ytemp) != tileUnused) return false;

		for (int ytemp = (y-ylen/2); ytemp < (y+(ylen+1)/2); ytemp++){
			for (int xtemp = x; xtemp < (x+xlen); xtemp++){

				if (xtemp == x) setCell(xtemp, ytemp, wall);
				else if (xtemp == (x+xlen-1)) setCell(xtemp, ytemp, wall);
				else if (ytemp == (y-ylen/2)) setCell(xtemp, ytemp, wall);
				else if (ytemp == (y+(ylen-1)/2)) setCell(xtemp, ytemp, wall);

				else setCell(xtemp, ytemp, floor);
	case 2:
		for (int ytemp = y; ytemp < (y+ylen); ytemp++){
			if (ytemp < 0 || ytemp > ysize) return false;
			for (int xtemp = (x-xlen/2); xtemp < (x+(xlen+1)/2); xtemp++){
				if (xtemp < 0 || xtemp > xsize) return false;
				if (getCell(xtemp, ytemp) != tileUnused) return false;

		for (int ytemp = y; ytemp < (y+ylen); ytemp++){
			for (int xtemp = (x-xlen/2); xtemp < (x+(xlen+1)/2); xtemp++){

				if (xtemp == (x-xlen/2)) setCell(xtemp, ytemp, wall);
				else if (xtemp == (x+(xlen-1)/2)) setCell(xtemp, ytemp, wall);
				else if (ytemp == y) setCell(xtemp, ytemp, wall);
				else if (ytemp == (y+ylen-1)) setCell(xtemp, ytemp, wall);

				else setCell(xtemp, ytemp, floor);
	case 3:
		for (int ytemp = (y-ylen/2); ytemp < (y+(ylen+1)/2); ytemp++){
			if (ytemp < 0 || ytemp > ysize) return false;
			for (int xtemp = x; xtemp > (x-xlen); xtemp--){
				if (xtemp < 0 || xtemp > xsize) return false;
				if (getCell(xtemp, ytemp) != tileUnused) return false;

		for (int ytemp = (y-ylen/2); ytemp < (y+(ylen+1)/2); ytemp++){
			for (int xtemp = x; xtemp > (x-xlen); xtemp--){

				if (xtemp == x) setCell(xtemp, ytemp, wall);
				else if (xtemp == (x-xlen+1)) setCell(xtemp, ytemp, wall);
				else if (ytemp == (y-ylen/2)) setCell(xtemp, ytemp, wall);
				else if (ytemp == (y+(ylen-1)/2)) setCell(xtemp, ytemp, wall);

				else setCell(xtemp, ytemp, floor);

	//yay, all done
	return true;
void showDungeon(){
	for (int y = 0; y < ysize; y++){
		for (int x = 0; x < xsize; x++){
			//System.out.print(getCell(x, y));
			switch(getCell(x, y)){
			case tileUnused:
				nMapArray[y][x] = 10;
			case tileDirtWall:
				nMapArray[y][x] = 1;
			case tileDirtFloor:
				nMapArray[y][x] = 4;
			case tileStoneWall:
				nMapArray[y][x] = 7;
			case tileCorridor:
				nMapArray[y][x] = 4;
			case tileDoor:
				nMapArray[y][x] = 6;
			case tileUpStairs:
				nMapArray[y][x] = 0;
			case tileDownStairs:
				nMapArray[y][x] = 8;
			case tileChest:
				nMapArray[y][x] = 5;
		//if (xsize <= xmax) printf("\n");
bool createDungeon(int inx, int iny, int inobj){
	if (inobj < 1) objects = 10;
	else objects = inobj;

	//justera kartans storlek, om den ????r st????rre eller mindre ????n "gr????nserna"
	//adjust the size of the map, if it's smaller or bigger than the limits
	if (inx < 3) xsize = 3;
	else if (inx > xmax) xsize = xmax;
	else xsize = inx;

	if (iny < 3) ysize = 3;
	else if (iny > ymax) ysize = ymax;
	else ysize = iny;

	//printf("%s %d\n", msgXSize.c_str(), xsize);
	//printf("%s %d\n", msgYSize.c_str(),  + ysize);
	//printf("%s %d\n", msgMaxObjects.c_str(), objects);
	num_Rooms = objects;

	//redefine the map var, so it's adjusted to our new map size
	dungeon_map = new int[xsize * ysize];

	//start with making the "standard stuff" on the map
	for (int y = 0; y < ysize; y++){
		for (int x = 0; x < xsize; x++){
			//ie, making the borders of unwalkable walls
			if (y == 0) setCell(x, y, tileStoneWall);
			else if (y == ysize-1) setCell(x, y, tileStoneWall);
			else if (x == 0) setCell(x, y, tileStoneWall);
			else if (x == xsize-1) setCell(x, y, tileStoneWall);

			//and fill the rest with dirt
			else setCell(x, y, tileUnused);

	And now the code of the random-map-generation-algorithm begins!

	//start with making a room in the middle, which we can start building upon
	makeRoom(xsize/2, ysize/2, 8, 6, getRand(0,3)); //getrand saken f????r att slumpa fram riktning p?? rummet

	//keep count of the number of "objects" we've made
	int currentFeatures = 1; //+1 for the first room we just made

	//then we sart the main loop
	for (int countingTries = 0; countingTries < 1000; countingTries++){
		//check if we've reached our quota
		if (currentFeatures == objects){

		//start with a random wall
		int newx = 0;
		int xmod = 0;
		int newy = 0;
		int ymod = 0;
		int validTile = -1;
		//1000 chances to find a suitable object (room or corridor)..
		//(yea, i know it's kinda ugly with a for-loop... -_-')
		for (int testing = 0; testing < 1000; testing++){
			newx = getRand(1, xsize-1);
			newy = getRand(1, ysize-1);
			validTile = -1;
			//System.out.println("tempx: " + newx + "\ttempy: " + newy);
			if (getCell(newx, newy) == tileDirtWall || getCell(newx, newy) == tileCorridor){
				//check if we can reach the place
				if (getCell(newx, newy+1) == tileDirtFloor || getCell(newx, newy+1) == tileCorridor){
					validTile = 0; //
					xmod = 0;
					ymod = -1;
				else if (getCell(newx-1, newy) == tileDirtFloor || getCell(newx-1, newy) == tileCorridor){
					validTile = 1; //
					xmod = +1;
					ymod = 0;
				else if (getCell(newx, newy-1) == tileDirtFloor || getCell(newx, newy-1) == tileCorridor){
					validTile = 2; //
					xmod = 0;
					ymod = +1;
				else if (getCell(newx+1, newy) == tileDirtFloor || getCell(newx+1, newy) == tileCorridor){
					validTile = 3; //
					xmod = -1;
					ymod = 0;

				//check that we haven't got another door nearby, so we won't get alot of openings besides
				//each other
				if (validTile > -1){
					if (getCell(newx, newy+1) == tileDoor) //north
						validTile = -1;
					else if (getCell(newx-1, newy) == tileDoor)//east
						validTile = -1;
					else if (getCell(newx, newy-1) == tileDoor)//south
						validTile = -1;
					else if (getCell(newx+1, newy) == tileDoor)//west
						validTile = -1;

				//if we can, jump out of the loop and continue with the rest
				if (validTile > -1) break;
		if (validTile > -1){
			//choose what to build now at our newly found place, and at what direction
			int feature = getRand(0, 100);
			if (feature <= chanceRoom){ //a new room
				if (makeRoom((newx+xmod), (newy+ymod), 8, 6, validTile)){
					currentFeatures++; //add to our quota

					//then we mark the wall opening with a door
					setCell(newx, newy, tileDoor);

					//clean up infront of the door so we can reach it
					setCell((newx+xmod), (newy+ymod), tileDirtFloor);
			else if (feature >= chanceRoom){ //new corridor
				if (makeCorridor((newx+xmod), (newy+ymod), 6, validTile)){
					//same thing here, add to the quota and a door

					setCell(newx, newy, tileDoor);

	All done with the building, let's finish this one off

	//sprinkle out the bonusstuff (stairs, chests etc.) over the map
	int newx = 0;
	int newy = 0;
	int ways = 0; //from how many directions we can reach the random spot from
	int state = 0; //the state the loop is in, start with the stairs
	while (state != 10){
		for (int testing = 0; testing < 1000; testing++){
			newx = getRand(1, xsize-1);
			newy = getRand(1, ysize-2); //cheap bugfix, pulls down newy to 0<y<24, from 0<y<25

			//System.out.println("x: " + newx + "\ty: " + newy);
			ways = 4; //the lower the better

			//check if we can reach the spot
			if (getCell(newx, newy+1) == tileDirtFloor || getCell(newx, newy+1) == tileCorridor){
				if (getCell(newx, newy+1) != tileDoor)
			if (getCell(newx-1, newy) == tileDirtFloor || getCell(newx-1, newy) == tileCorridor){
				if (getCell(newx-1, newy) != tileDoor)
			if (getCell(newx, newy-1) == tileDirtFloor || getCell(newx, newy-1) == tileCorridor){
				if (getCell(newx, newy-1) != tileDoor)
			if (getCell(newx+1, newy) == tileDirtFloor || getCell(newx+1, newy) == tileCorridor){
				if (getCell(newx+1, newy) != tileDoor)

			if (state == 0){
				if (ways == 0){
				//we're in state 0, let's place a "upstairs" thing
					setCell(newx, newy, tileUpStairs);
					state = 1;
			else if (state == 1){
				if (ways == 0){
				//state 1, place a "downstairs"
					setCell(newx, newy, tileDownStairs);
					state = 10;

	//all done with the map generation, tell the user about it and finish
	//printf("%s %d\n",msgNumObjects.c_str(), currentFeatures);

	return true;

   void cmain()
		int x = 65;
		int y = 50;
		int dungeon_objects = 200;
		dungeon_map = new int[x * y];

	if(createDungeon(x, y, dungeon_objects))


		xmax = 65;
		ymax = 50;

	xsize = 0;
	ysize = 0;

	objects = 0;

	chanceRoom = 200;
	chanceCorridor = 50;

	msgXSize = "X size of dungeon: \t";
	msgYSize = "Y size of dungeon: \t";
	msgMaxObjects = "max # of objects: \t";
	msgNumObjects = "# of objects made: \t";
	msgHelp = "";
	msgDetailedHelp = "";




//	Actor Class Declaration

class Actor


	// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	//  Constructors and Destructors
	// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

	// Default constructor
	Actor( void );

	// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	//	Public Methods
	// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

	// Changes how the actor appears in the game world
	void	SetAppearance( char nDisplayChar, TColor nDisplayColor );

	// Changes the position of the actor
	void	SetPos( int x, int y );

	// Draws the actor to the screen
	void	Draw( void );

	// Periodic update routine for the actor
	void	Update( void );


	// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	//  Protected Properties
	// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

	// Horizontal coordinate of the actor, relative to the level's origin
	int     nPosX;

	// Vertical coordinate of the actor, relative to the level's origin.
	int     nPosY;

	// ASCII character code used to draw the actor to the screen
	char    nDisplayChar;

	// Color code for this actor
	TColor  nColorCode;



 // Lista de actores
Actor *p_cActorList [MAX_ACTORS];

bool AddActorToList( Actor *p_cNewActor );
bool RemoveActorFromList( Actor *p_cActor );

// Constructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	This routine initializes all properties for the Actor class.
Actor::Actor( void )
	// Initialize properties
	this->nDisplayChar = '@';
	this->nColorCode = clRed;
	this->nPosX = 0;
	this->nPosY = 0;

// SetAppearance Method //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	This method changes the appearance of an actor.
void Actor::SetAppearance( char nDisplayChar, TColor nDisplayColor )
	this->nDisplayChar = nDisplayChar;
	this->nColorCode = nDisplayColor;

// SetPos Method /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	This method changes the location of an actor.
void Actor::SetPos( int x, int y )
	// Don't change anything if the new coordinates are invalid
	if( (x < 0) || (x >= MAP_WIDTH) ||
		(y< 0) || (y >= MAP_HEIGHT ) )

// Move the actor to the coordinates specified
this->nPosX = x;
this->nPosY = y;

// Draw Method ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	This method draws an actor to the screen.
void Actor::Draw( void )
	// Skip drawing if the actor's coordinates aren't on the map
	if( (this->nPosX < 0) || (this->nPosX >= MAP_WIDTH) ||
		(this->nPosY < 0) || (this->nPosY >= MAP_HEIGHT ) || Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[nPosX][nPosY]== '#' )

// Draw the actor as it wants to be drawn
ACTOR_Color = nColorCode;
Form1->StringGrid1->Canvas->Brush->Color = ACTOR_Color;
Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[this->nPosX][this->nPosY] = (char)this->nDisplayChar;

// Update Method /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	This method is the periodic update routine for this actor, and is invoked once per game turn.
void Actor::Update( void )
	// Generate a new set of deltas for this actor
	int iDeltaX = (rand() % 5) - 1;
	int iDeltaY = (rand() % 5) - 1;

// See if this new position is allowed
if( IsPassable(this->nPosX+iDeltaX, this->nPosY+iDeltaY) )
	this->nPosX += iDeltaX;
	this->nPosY += iDeltaY;


// Functions for game

void NPC_Draw(void)
  DrawMap();  //We Draw the Map First
  int i;
  // Update and draw each NPC
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ACTORS; i++ )
   if( p_cActorList[i] != NULL )

// IsPassable Function ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// This function analyzes the coordinates of the map array specified and returns
// true if the coordinate is passable (able for the player to occupy), false if not.

bool IsPassable( int x, int y )
// Before we do anything, make darn sure that the coordinates are valid
if( x < 0 || x >= MAP_WIDTH || y < 0 || y >= MAP_HEIGHT )
return false;
if(Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[x][y] == 'P')
return false;
if(Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[x][y] == '@')
return false;

// Store the value of the tile specified
int nTileValue = nMapArray[y][x];
// Return true if it's passable
return sTileIndex[nTileValue].bPassable;

// AddActorToList Function /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

bool AddActorToList( Actor *p_cNewActor )
  int i;
// Run through the list looking for an empty slot
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ACTORS; i++ )
// Is this empty?
if( p_cActorList[i] == NULL )
// If so, use it!
p_cActorList[i] = p_cNewActor;
// Finished! Report success
return true;
// Couldn't find a free slot. Report failure.
return false;

bool RemoveActorFromList( Actor *p_cActor )
  int i;
// Run through the list, looking for the specified actor instance.
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ACTORS; i++ )
// Is this the actor?
if( p_cActorList[i] == p_cActor )
// If so, deallocate it!
delete p_cActor;
// Clear the slot, allowing it to be used again.
p_cActorList[i] = NULL;
// Finished! Report success
return true;
// Couldn't find the actor in the list. Report failure.
return false;

void Create_NPCs(void)
  int i;
   // Create a bunch of actors
   for( i = 0; i < MAX_ACTORS; i++ )
	  int x, y;
	  Actor *p_cNewActor = new Actor();
	  do {
		  x = rand() % MAP_WIDTH;
		  y = rand() % MAP_HEIGHT;
		  } while( !IsPassable(x,y) );

  p_cNewActor->SetAppearance( '@', clRed );
  p_cNewActor->SetPos( x, y );
  AddActorToList( p_cNewActor );

void __fastcall TForm1::FormShow(TObject *Sender)
void __fastcall TForm1::StopStream(void)
	if (stream)

stream = 0;
reproduciendo = false;

if (!BASS_Init(1, 44100, 0, Handle, 0))
	throw Exception("Error inicializando audio");
void __fastcall TForm1::FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action)

void dibuja_fondo(void)
 unsigned char num, code;
 char string[8];
 int iteraciones_bucle = 0;

 int XCount = 20;
 int YCount = 20;

 char buffer = 'y';
 int num_tile = 0;
 AnsiString numero;
 int paso = 0;

 int BASE[3220];
 long double altura = 0;
 int CX = 0;
 int CY = 0;

 FILE *stream;
   char ch;
   AnsiString linea;
   int cont = 0;

   if ((stream = fopen("castillito.csv", "r"))
	   == NULL)
	  ShowMessage("Cannot open map file.");

   fseek(stream, SEEK_SET, 0);
   strcpy(string, "+");

   for(int cc=0; cc<3220; cc++)
	BASE[cc] = 0;

 while(buffer != EOF)
	buffer = fgetc(stream);


	if(static_cast<int>(buffer) >= 48 && static_cast<int>(buffer) <=57)

		  case 48: code = 0x30; // ASCII Code for 9 in Hex
				   num = 0x30| 0; strcat(string, "0"); break;

		  case 49: code = 0x31; // ASCII Code for 9 in Hex
				   num = 0x31| 1; strcat(string, "1"); break;
		  case 50: code = 0x32; // ASCII Code for 9 in Hex
				   num = 0x32| 2; strcat(string, "2"); break;
		  case 51: code = 0x33; // ASCII Code for 9 in Hex
				   num = 0x33| 3; strcat(string, "3"); break;
		  case 52: code = 0x34; // ASCII Code for 9 in Hex
				   num = 0x34| 4; strcat(string, "4"); break;
		  case 53: code = 0x35; // ASCII Code for 9 in Hex
				   num = 0x35| 5; strcat(string, "5"); break;
		  case 54: code = 0x36; // ASCII Code for 9 in Hex
				   num = 0x36| 6; strcat(string, "6"); break;
		  case 55: code = 0x37; // ASCII Code for 9 in Hex
				   num = 0x37| 7; strcat(string, "7"); break;
		  case 56: code = 0x38; // ASCII Code for 9 in Hex
				   num = 0x38| 8; strcat(string, "8"); break;
		  case 57: code = 0x39; // ASCII Code for 9 in Hex
				   num = 0x39| 9; strcat(string, "9"); break;

		   default: break;


		//ShowMessage("Sumando Numeros");

	if(buffer == '-') {
						buffer = fgetc(stream);
						if(buffer == '1')
							num_tile = -1;
							BASE[paso] = num_tile;
							num_tile = -2;


	if(buffer == ',')
	  if(num_tile != -1)
		 if(atoi(string) > 0)
		   BASE[paso] = atoi(string);
		   numero = "";
			strcpy(string, "+");
			//ShowMessage("CADENA BORRADA");


   BASE[paso++] = -2;
   paso = 0;
   num_tile = 0;
   int lineY = 0;
   int lineX = 0;

   //Dibujamos el mapa de pantalla cuadricula
   Form1->g = 0;
   Form1->g = Form2->sImage3->Picture->Graphic;
  //Form1->Image_fondo_mapa->Canvas->Brush->Color = clNavy;
  //Form1->Image_fondo_mapa->Canvas->Rectangle(0, 0, 664, 441);
  Form1->Image_fondo_mapa->Canvas->Draw(0,0, Form1->g);
   for(int cont1=0; cont1<3200; cont1++)

num_tile = BASE[cont1];

if(lineX >39) { lineY++; lineX = 0;}

	altura = floor(static_cast<float>(num_tile) / 30);
	CY = altura * 32;
	CX = (num_tile - (altura * 30))* 32;

	//first rect is destination
	TRect(lineX * 32, lineY* 32, lineX * 32 + 32, lineY * 32 + 32)
	//second is canvas of source
	//third is rect of source that you want to copy
	,TRect(CX, CY, CX + 32, CY + 32)

num_tile = 0;


  Form1->Image_fondo_mapa->Canvas->StretchDraw(TRect(128,128, 128 + 64, 128 + 64), Form2->sImage2->Picture->Bitmap);


										,TRect(0,0,Form1->Image_fondo_mapa->Width, Form1->Image_fondo_mapa->Height));



void MAZMORRA_A_CC(void)
 int cc = 0;

 int cont1 = 0;
 int cont2 = 0;

  for(cc=0; cc<3136; cc++)
	if(Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[cont1][cont2] == 'P')
	  BASE[cc] = 1;
	else if(Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[cont1][cont2] == 'X')
	  BASE[cc] = 5;
	else if(Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[cont1][cont2] == '<')
	  BASE[cc] = 6;
	else if(Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[cont1][cont2] == '>')
	  BASE[cc] = 7;
	else if(Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[cont1][cont2] == '+')
	  BASE[cc] = 8;
	  if(first_door == false) { first_door = true;
								 nPlayerX = cont1; nPlayerY = cont2;}
	else if(Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[cont1][cont2] == '#')
	  BASE[cc] = 9;
	else if(Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[cont1][cont2] == '.')
	  BASE[cc] = 0;
	else if(Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[cont1][cont2] == '@')
	  BASE[cc] = 2;

else if(Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[cont1][cont2] == 's')
  BASE[cc] = -1;
else if(Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[cont1][cont2] == 'h')
  BASE[cc] = -2;
else if(Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[cont1][cont2] == 'c')
  BASE[cc] = -3;
else BASE[cc] = 0;
if(cont1 >64) { cont1 = 0; cont2++; }

if(cont2 >49) break;


 int cc = 0;

 int cont1 = 0;
 int cont2 = 0;
 int casillax = 0;
 int casillay = 0;
 int item_selected = 0;
 int count_objetos = 0;


for(int cc=0; cc<200; cc++)

casillax = rand() % 64;
casillay = rand() % 49;

if(Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[casillax][casillay] == '.')
  item_selected = rand() % 3;

	  case 0:
			  Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[casillax][casillay] = 's';
	  case 1:
			  Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[casillax][casillay] = 'h';

	  case 2:
			  Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[casillax][casillay] = 'c';


else {
   casillax = rand() % 64;
casillay = rand() % 49;

if(Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[casillax][casillay] == '.')
  item_selected = rand() % 3;

	  case 0:
			  Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[casillax][casillay] = 's';
	  case 1:
			  Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[casillax][casillay] = 'h';

	  case 2:
			  Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[casillax][casillay] = 'c';




void dibuja_Mazmorra_en_pantalla(void)

 int cont1 = 0;
 int cont2 = 0;
 long double altura = 0;
 int CX = 0;
 int CY = 0;
 int paso = 0;
 int num_tile = 0;
 int lineY = 0;
 int lineX = 0;
 int loseta = 0;

   for(int cont1=0; cont1<3136; cont1++)

num_tile = BASE[cont1];

  case -1:
		   CX = 0;
		   CY = 0;


  case -2:
		   CX = 0;
		   CY = 64;


  case -3:
		   CX = 192;
		   CY = 256;


  case 0:
  case ' ':
  case '.':
		   CX = 64;
		   CY = 0;

  case 9:  CX = 320; CY = 64;


  case 1:  CX = 320; CY = 0;
  case 5:  CX = 256; CY = 0;

  case 8: CX = 256; CY = 64;

  case 6: CX = 256; CY = 128;
  case 7: CX = 256; CY = 192;
  case 2: CX = 256; CY = 256;


if(lineX >64) { lineY++; lineX = 0;}

	 if(CX == 256 && CY == 0)


	//first rect is destination
	TRect(lineX * 64, lineY* 64, lineX * 64 + 64, lineY * 64 + 64)
	//second is canvas of source
	//third is rect of source that you want to copy
	,TRect(CX, CY, CX + 64, CY + 64)

num_tile = 0;


  Form1->Image_fondo_mapa->Canvas->StretchDraw(TRect(PLAYER1X * 64, PLAYER1Y * 64, PLAYER1X * 64 + 64, PLAYER1Y * 64 + 64), Form2->sImage2->Picture->Bitmap);
										,TRect(0,0,Form1->Image_fondo_mapa->Width, Form1->Image_fondo_mapa->Height));


  //Form1->Image_fondo_mapa->Canvas->StretchDraw(TRect(PLAYER1X * 64,PLAYER1Y * 64, PLAYER1X * 64 + 64, PLAYER1Y * 64 + 64), Form2->sImage2->Picture->Bitmap);

void CENTRA_MAPA(void)
  Form1->sScrollBox1->HorzScrollBar->Position = nPlayerX * 64 - (4 * 64);
  Form1->sScrollBox1->VertScrollBar->Position = nPlayerY * 64 - (4 * 64);

void __fastcall TForm1::sButton1Click(TObject *Sender)
 Panel1->Visible = false;



 //Timer1->Enabled = true;


void Bucle_Juego(void)
   int i =0;

 for(i=0; i<20000; i++)

										,TRect(0,0,Form1->Image_fondo_mapa->Width, Form1->Image_fondo_mapa->Height));

   Form1->sLabel1->Caption = i;
	 if(SALIR_FLAG == true)
	 else if (i == 19999) { i = 0; }




void Turno_JUGADORES(void)

	case 1:
			MOVE_PLAYER1(); break;
	case 2:
			MOVE_PLAYER2(); break;
	case 3:
			MOVE_PLAYER3(); break;
	case 4:
			MOVE_PLAYER3(); break;
	case 5:
			MOVE_IA(); break;


void MOVE_PLAYER1(void)


void MOVE_PLAYER2(void)


void MOVE_PLAYER3(void)


void MOVE_PLAYER4(void)


void MOVE_IA(void)


void __fastcall TForm1::sButton2Click(TObject *Sender)
  SALIR_FLAG = true;

void __fastcall TForm1::trkbVolumenChange(TObject *Sender)
  volumen = 100 - trkbVolumen->Position;
  BASS_ChannelSetAttributes(stream, 0, volumen, -101);
// DrawTile Function /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Draws a map tile for the map coordinates specified.
void DrawTile( int x, int y )
	// Is there an item present at this location?
	TColor nColor;
	char nCharacter;

if( nItemArray[y][x] != ITEM_NONE )
	int nItemType = nItemArray[y][x];
	nColor = sItemIndex[nItemType].nColorCode;
	nCharacter = sItemIndex[nItemType].nCharacter;
	int nTileType = nMapArray[y][x];
	nColor = sTileIndex[nTileType].nColorCode;
	nCharacter = sTileIndex[nTileType].nCharacter;

	  case 's':
			  nCharacter = 's';
	  case 'h':
			  nCharacter = 'h';

	  case 'c':
			  nCharacter = 'c';

// Draw the tile to the screen
 Form1->StringGrid1->Canvas->Brush->Color = nColor;
 Form1->StringGrid1->Canvas->Font->Color = clBlack;
 Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[x][y] = nCharacter;

// DrawMAP Function //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void DrawMap(void)
  //First of all, we erase the Grid for empty start
  //for(int y=0; y<MAP_HEIGHT; y++)
  //	for(int x=0; x<MAP_WIDTH;x++)
  //	 {
	   // Draw the tile
  //	   Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[x][y] = "";
  ///	  } // end of for loop
  //   } // end of for loop

  for(int y=0; y<MAP_HEIGHT; y++)
	for(int x=0; x<MAP_WIDTH;x++)
	   // Draw the tile
	   Form1->StringGrid1->Canvas->Font->Color = clBlack;

   //This lines is for debugging at showns the loop rides
   //Form1->Edit2->Text = x;  Form1->Edit2->Refresh();
   //Form1->Edit1->Text = y;  Form1->Edit1->Refresh();

  } // end of for loop
  } // end of for loop

//Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[nPlayerX][nPlayerY] = "P";
void __fastcall TForm1::sButton3Click(TObject *Sender)
 if(MUESTRA_MAPA == true)
   Form1->StringGrid1->Visible = false;
   MUESTRA_MAPA = false;
  else {
   Form1->StringGrid1->Visible = true;
   MUESTRA_MAPA = true;

void __fastcall TForm1::sButton4Click(TObject *Sender)
  TICKS_MOV_PLAYER = (rand() % 8) + 1;
  apoints1->Caption = TICKS_MOV_PLAYER;


void __fastcall TForm1::sButton7Click(TObject *Sender)
void Movement_Player(int Key)


case VK_F10: KeysDown[VK_F10] = true; break;
case VK_UP: KeysDown[VK_UP] = true; break;
case VK_LEFT: KeysDown[VK_LEFT] = true; break;
case VK_RIGHT: KeysDown[VK_RIGHT] = true; break;
case VK_DOWN: KeysDown[VK_DOWN] = true; break;
case VK_ESCAPE: KeysDown[VK_ESCAPE] = true; break;


	 char numero[4];
	 AnsiString mensaje_final = "Numero de Habitaciones Totales en Mapa = ";
	 AnsiString ROOMS = itoa(num_Rooms, numero, 10);
	 mensaje_final = mensaje_final + ROOMS;

 int nDeltaX;
 int nDeltaY;

		  PERMITIR_MOVER = true;

  if(PERMITIR_MOVER == true)

 // Process the input

			   // Move up
							 nDeltaX = 0;
							 nDeltaY = -1;

			   // Move left
							 nDeltaX = -1;
							 nDeltaY = 0;

			   // Move right
							 nDeltaX = 1;
							 nDeltaY = 0;

			   // Move down
							 nDeltaX = 0;
							 nDeltaY = 1;

			   // Escape key
							  // Quit the program
				ShowMessage("ESC Key Pressed!!!");

// Check and see if we're allowed to move in the direction specified

   if( IsPassable(nPlayerX + nDeltaX, nPlayerY + nDeltaY) )
	  // If allowed, move in the direction specified

Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[nPlayerX][nPlayerY] = backup_fondo; //Put the background character
backup_fondo = Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[nPlayerX+nDeltaX][nPlayerY+nDeltaY]; // Save new position background

//Stablish new coordenates for the Player and draw the player

nPlayerX += nDeltaX;
nPlayerY += nDeltaY;
PLAYER1X = nPlayerX;
PLAYER1Y = nPlayerY;
if(Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[nPlayerX][nPlayerY] == '+')
	BASS_StreamPlay(sample1, false, NULL);

 if(Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[nPlayerX][nPlayerY] == 'c')

 Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[nPlayerX][nPlayerY] = '.';
 TotalCoins += rand() % 300;
 Form1->Label_Coins->Caption = TotalCoins;
 backup_fondo = Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[nPlayerX][nPlayerY]; // Save new position background
 BASS_StreamPlay(sample_treasure_chest, false, NULL);


 if(Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[nPlayerX][nPlayerY] == 's')

 Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[nPlayerX][nPlayerY] = '.';
 Form1->sGauge1->Progress -= 5;
 backup_fondo = Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[nPlayerX][nPlayerY]; // Save new position background
 BASS_StreamPlay(sample_spiderbite, false, NULL);


	 if(Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[nPlayerX][nPlayerY] == 'h')

 Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[nPlayerX][nPlayerY] = '.';
 Form1->sGauge1->Progress += 10;
 backup_fondo = Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[nPlayerX][nPlayerY]; // Save new position background
 BASS_StreamPlay(sample_grump, false, NULL);


Form1->StringGrid1->Font->Color = clBlue;
Form1->StringGrid1->Cells[nPlayerX][nPlayerY] = "P";

Form1->apoints1->Caption = TICKS_MOV_PLAYER;
Key=NULL; fflush(stdin);
nDeltaX = 0; nDeltaY = 0;


for(int i = 0; i<255; i++)
   KeysDown[i] = false;


   else {
		Key=NULL; fflush(stdin);
	nDeltaX = 0; nDeltaY = 0;

for(int i = 0; i<255; i++)
   KeysDown[i] = false;

void __fastcall TForm1::sButton8Click(TObject *Sender)

void __fastcall TForm1::sButton9Click(TObject *Sender)

void __fastcall TForm1::sButton10Click(TObject *Sender)

void __fastcall TForm1::Timer1Timer(TObject *Sender)
 if (contador_anim_paredes == 32) {
 contador_anim_paredes = 0;


Vaya que cosas, yo ahora mismo estoy cerquita en Asturias. Lo que menos me esperaba es que me pegaras medio codigo aqui en el foro, me he quedado planchao xD

Propongo si te parece bien, ¿por qué no me comentas que tipo de graficos te hacen falta por mensaje privado? Si vemos que es viable nos podemos buscar otra forma de contacto. Necesito un poco de inspiracion tambien, me gustaria que me contaras un poco sobre el "alma" del juego y que tipo de ambientacion buscas proyectar con los graficos: retro, mas crudo, minimalista, mas serio para adultos, mas clasico, desenfadado etc.. Parecen detalles absurdos pero en lo que refiere a la creatividad esto es un punto. La tematica del juego tambien es otra cosa que me interesa saber, si buscas algo mas realista, fantasia, cyberpunk, sci-fi y demas. Quizas te pueda ayudar tambien con la inferfaz/HUD ya hice algunas en el pasado de varios tipos.


puess....algo sci-fi podria quedar bien..... me gustaria algunos gráficos mejor hechos pero ya te digo que si nadie echa un cable ya voy yo probando algunos, despues unicamente seria cuestion de reemplazarlos en el bitmap donde los coge

1 1 respuesta

#11 Bueno, yo lo que he visto en muchas estudios, es lanzar el proyecto con una estética, y luego el mismo con 4 cambios y una estéttica totalemnte distintia.
Aún así pinta bien, suerte y ánimo con el proyecto.


c1ru: si, de hecho no descarto utilizar diferentes esteticas que vayan cambiando dependiendo de que nivel alcances de profundidad en la mazmorra o de un nivel dado que cambie la estetica.... podria resultar interesante combinar 3 o 4 esteticas de escenario para hacerlo mas variado a la vista

os pongo un video con sonido del juego


probando unos tiles nuevos que ha hecho AnotherLamme

estilo sci-fi

las puertas he tenido que hacer un apaño......necesito alguna tile de puerta mejor que estas

Usuarios habituales
