Error al iniciar..


holas, cuando intento iniciar el ventrilo, me dice esto y no se me abre el programa:

The ordinal 12 could not be located in the dynamic link library DSOUND.dll.

bajo el archivo y lo meto en la carpeta windows, system32 , no va, tambien lo meti en system , tampoco va, alguien sabe que hacer, donde meterlo?



Q: The VENTRILO.EXE file is linked to missing export DSOUND.DLL:12

Starting with version 2.1.1 you will need at least DirectX 8.1 or higher installed on your system for the program to run. You can download the latest DirectX subsystem here from Microsoft.

The first version of this message will appear on Windows NT/2000/XP platforms while the second will appear on Windows 9x platforms.

These messages are generated by the Operating System when trying to load the program, and not by the program it self.

Te viene a decir que necesitas DirectX 8.1 o superior.


gracias Deckard_29, era eso ;>

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  • l3l3l3
  • Deckard_29