[Quake] AGP Tour


Hace como una semanilla un compañero de batallas quakeriles (Omen xD) me pasó una web que tiene muy buena pinta. Os hago un copy-paste del about:

The AGP Tour is an international series of professional video game tournaments consisting of the best players in the world. The players are all part of the AGP (Association of Gaming Professionals). Following Quake 3 and its 10 years of history as a pro sport, Id Software’s Quake Live has been released as its successor. It will be featured and focused on by the AGP Tour as the next major sport and will be presented online as it has always deserved.

The AGP Tour will feature a number of international tournaments called the Majors as the highest in prize money and ranking points. When possible, more tournaments will be added. The AGP Circuits will be an additional series of small, non-pro tournaments, where players below a certain rank will be able to compete for cash and prizes and AGP Ranking points. These points will qualify them to play in the pro tournaments.

The AGP Rankings will be based on points given to players based on their final standings in each tournament. These will decide the seedings for each tournament.

Resumiendo: Esta web se va a encargar de darle muchísimo bombo a Quake Live como e-Sport de aquí a un futuro próximo. Supongo que querrán dar el mejor "coverage" que se pueda de "eventos quakeriles" de peso xD

PS: Por cierto, a ver si colocamos a algún español aquí http://www.agptour.com/pros/ xDDD



nos os perdáis tampoco http://quakelife.gameriot.com


La lista de pros tiene detalles cuanto menos absurdos.
Lo curioso del AGP tour es que con el tiempo (muchisimo) que lleva anunciado y tal, lo unico realizado ha sido una web que aun encima esta incomplete, y la total "inseguridad" de no saber si finalmente se va a llevar a cabo o no.
Espero que definan un poco mas la cosa por lo menos.


#3 Pues yo he leido las descripciones de los que "conozco" y son bastante acertadas :P


Me refiero a quienes estan en la lista, p.e KM flame y zaccubus no es que sean la "releche", por citar a un par.

Usuarios habituales

  • zashael
  • S1L3nCe
  • OmeN
