

Acaba de salir otra nueva version la 1.13 B


  • Fixed an issue related to copy protection.


We are aware of some new issues that came up with the release of the 1.13
patch. We will be releasing a 1.14 patch in the near future that addresses
some of these issues, including:

  • Custom save games from version 1.12 (including those from Orc Act I)
    incorrectly recognize Hero Agility, causing slow attack speeds after the
    1.13 patch is applied. This will be fixed in the 1.14 patch.
  • Town Portal always places your units to the lower right side of your town
    hall instead of the location you clicked, as it previously did. This will
    be fixed in the 1.14 patch.
  • If you research the Skeletal Mage upgrade, then you will no longer be able
    to use the Raise Dead skill on the corpses inside a Meat Wagon. This will
    be fixed in the 1.14 patch.
  • When a unit with Unholy Frenzy is Polymorphed or Hexed, the unit
    permanently loses 75% of its attack speed. This will be fixed in the 1.14
  • If an Orc player uses the spell Spirit Link, and one of the linked units is
    a Troll Berserker with the Berserk ability active, then all units linked
    with that Troll will take the increased damage penalty associated with the
    Berserk ability. This will be fixed in the 1.14 patch.
  • If a unit casting a channeling spell dies from Mana Flare, the channeled
    spell lingers in the area permanently. This will be fixed in the 1.14
  • The Call to Arms command does not work if you click the button an EVEN
    number of times. This will be fixed in the 1.14 patch.
  • Any other confirmed issues that we can fix in time for the release of the
    1.14 patch.

Regarding balance, we are currently assessing the state of balance of 1.13
based on user feedback, online testing, and the review of replays. Although
we will make some number of balance changes in 1.14, these have yet to be

We appreciate the community’s patience and support in our endeavor to further
tune the play balance, enhance the feature set, and increase the stability
of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.

  • Blizzard Entertainment

Vamos ka la 1.14 si es la k va a ser la bomba, no esta xD


Que han cambiado?Si no me equivoco por todo pone que se solucionara con la 1.14 Oo


proteccion contra las copias dice ...... lo demas para la 1.14 XD ( dicen k ajustaran muchas kosas, moriran los nukes? AOE ? etc.


joer entonces nose pa ke coño se tiran tanto aciendo esta podia haber salio la 1.14 de un tiron :S


Tonces porque no llamarla: 1.13Estupidaquenovaleparanada?


Xq es mu largo y los guiris son vagos :P.

La 1.13 = fallo, la 1.13b = fallo, ¿la 1.14? (a la tercera va la vencida)


maz0 va la vencida, con los de blizzard mejor aplica la de "No hay dos sin tres"


Habra sido por eto???


Ojo al ataque de spam que estan sufriendo los foros de battle.net, me he tenido que ir a la 7 pagina para encontrar el post. ¿Lo setara consintiendo blizzard para hacer que este post se hunda en los foros y que nadie mas lo vea?? Parece razonable si vemos que los ultimos re-post basicamente estan haciendo bumping y reclamando una respuesta por parte de blizzard, ademas me parece muy fuerte que un tio lleve 7 paginas de post-spamming y no puedan pararlo...

PD: Peazo investigador que me estoy haciendo, la verdad esta ahi fuera xDD

Pd: Menudo ataque de spam que estan sufriendo los foros oficiales, ya van 25 paginas de spam puro y duro, y no consigo enterarme de que es exactamente lo que ha pasado, con lo marujo que soy ;)

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  • EnGeLMaN
  • Markius
  • X3ros
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  • warKa