BF: noticias sobre competividad en bc2


DICE on Competitive BC2
@ Spotlights channel
With Bad Company 2 patch news on the tips of most of my peers tongues and with a lot of unanswered questions regarding the competitive future of the game, I felt it was important to try to get some honest answers for the competitive community from developers DICE.

This column is the sole opinion of the author and does not represent the opinion of Heaven Media Ltd or the opinion of any affiliates.

It's been well known for some time now that Bad Company 2 came out of the box with a number of problems client-side and server-side, and after some investigation it was quickly realised that the game is not suitable for competitive gameplay. Many standardized features such as demo recording and spectator mode have been removed from the feature-set which appeared in previous Battlefield titles, as well as other gameplay related issues which made balanced competitive gameplay impossible.

However, with a number of patches released over the last few months, many competitive BC2 player felt it was high time they knew whether it was worth supporting and playing the game any longer in the hope for competitive support. Partly through a sense of urgency, I went looking for answers.

DICE recently employed a new Community Manager, 'zh1nt0', who came onboard and immediately declared his competitive experiences and aspirations for the Battlefield series. With an approachable style and daily updates via Twitter, the Battlefield Blog and the EA Forums, his appointment has been met with a positive response from all sections of the community.

However, many players still felt that there had to be some solid support for competitive gameplay in the near future to retain the majority of players wishing to take Battlefield to that next level. With ESL already rejecting the game for EMS due to lack of competitive support, some tough questions needed to be answered.
With that in mind, Martin 'nKM' Bowman brings you an exclusive interview with the new DICE Community Manager regarding competitive Bad Company 2:

Hi Daniel, thanks for agreeing to talk to me about competitive BFBC2.

Congratulations on your new job as the Battlefield Community Manager at DICE. How are you settling in on your new role and what are your first impressions of the tasks at hand?

My role at DICE is officially called “Community Manager”. This is a very broad term that includes all aspects of interacting with the community in one way or another. It could be from developing projects from information gathered from the community to posting on forums and interacting with the players. I’m settling in really good. DICE is a very large company with over 200 employees in the very heart of Stockholm. 

A lot of the Battlefield Community members have asked find out more about you as you’ve mentioned you’re an active competitive gamer. Would you like to tell me a little bit about your background in competition and how you ended up applying for the role?

Well, I started playing actively when I was in middle school. I mainly focused on RPG games but as Q3 was released I was locked on FPS. Shortly after Q3, UT also caught my attention so I played both of these games for a while and still do sometimes. I later began playing the Battlefield games which were BF 1942, BFV, BF2 and also Bad Company 2. What really appealed to me was the multiplayer mode which was absolutely immense. That is also why i decided to compete in the different games in different leagues.

I actually studied to be a social science teacher, and later moved on to Public Relations and also Customer Relations. I felt the Community Manager role would fit me since I know these games by heart and I also have large plans for the BF Community in whole. It's all about having love for the game and the Community. 

Many BC2 players are intrigued to see a competitive player in a position of responsibility at DICE. What’s your experience on a competitive eSports level and what’s your initial impression of how BC2 performs in that respect? We saw that you were recently in the finals of a tournament on the PS3?

First of all, my experience in competitive E-sports has always been a good one. Seeing as there used to be only a few countries always winning the same ladders, cups or tournaments over and over again, I find it very pleasing that new countries are competing at the same level. Ukraine, Brazil, Portugal, Spain and Estonia are a few countries that have developed into really good teams that I think can give anyone a run for their money.

I actually missed the final that I was supposed to play in. I was lured away by my friends to a cabin on the countryside which I despised from the first sight of it. I returned on Sunday with at least 40 mosquito bites and two ticks on my left leg just to see that the finals had already been played. 

Bad Company 2 has suffered through lack of competitive functionality. Proper competitive support would revitalise the community, but is it too late for Bad Company 2?

Thanks for that info - Let’s get down to the business of competitive BC2 on PC.

I have recently given you a summary of all the feedback I’ve gathered from competitive gamers, many of whom are largely unimpressed with the lack of functionality and ‘console-like’ bugs which are hampering game play and turning away Battlefield veterans from the franchise.

Many players are disillusioned with DICE and are really looking for the new Community Manager to re-kindle the relationship between the competitive players and the developers. What message would you like to send out to all the Battlefield fans and competitive organisations who are already giving up on the Battlefield series due to a lack of support?

We are sorry that not all competitive gaming options made it into BC2 like we had in previous Battlefield titles. We however bare this in mind and really do evaluate all information sent to us via any branch of the community. The competitive scene is important to DICE and we are currently reviewing all input we are receiving. We also listen to the non competitive community. 

There’s a general consensus that BC2 has been de-prioritized in favour of other DICE projects like MOH, with rumours that there is just one programmer working on patches. Many players are unhappy that Associate Producer Gordon Van Dyke stated that Bad Company 2 would have the largest post-release support team DICE has ever had in Battlefield, however the opposite seems to be the case.

Can you tell us how many people are actively working on BC2 at the moment and what priorities they are working towards at this stage of development?

There is a team called Operation which deals with Bad Company 2 after it was released. We are a dedicated team that work with the patches, community updates and other things related to the game. There are many different priorities such as technical issues, community managing but also to see how Bad Company 2 develops as a game and how it is received after the release. The Medal of Honor team is a separate team and are not connected to the BF team. Also, BC2 is a highly prioritized game at DICE. 

You will no doubt know that the latest BC2 patch for PC has been fraught with numerous delays that have upset the community and led to the idea that DICE is not concerned with post-release support. Can you tell us where you stand on this?

Is there anything you can tell us about the frequency and direction of future support for this game as many of my peers have told me that they would happily pay a subscription or fee in return for proper competitive support in this game and future games from DICE?

Well, everyone at the office is working very hard to get the patches out in time. I am actually stunned by the level of dedication towards the game and the community. We must not forget that most of the people working at DICE play Battlefield on a regular basis. Post-release support for DICE is high priority and the support for all BF games are important. 

Now that that’s cleared up – let’s talk about the competitive aspects of the game itself.

As a player, you will surely be aware of the lack of functionality that most FPS players in many games expect as a standard, including the likes of an end of round scoreboard, round timers, server-side admin functions and other major features to support the competitive game. Many Bad Company 2 players come from BF2 and BF2142 and are accustomed to a certain level of functionality.

Can you tell us if you plan to introduce a scoreboard to the PC version of Bad Company 2 which includes a ticket score, and whether DICE is open to feedback on what kind of support competitive players need server-side (on unranked servers)? I’m referring to basic requirement including a round timer, map restart function and other customizable global variables such as time limits, spawn delay/time, and limitations for kits – can you give a comment on these? Similar variables are standard in other games including Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2142 which allowed leagues and ladders to iron out competitive rulesets, so can we expect to see similar features in BC2?

Well, some of the features were added into the latest R8 Patch. As I mentioned previously DICE reviews all feedback from the Community no matter what part of the Community the requests are coming from. 

alguien si puede que traduzca


No voy a traducir nada porque es una chorrada.

nKm entrevista al nuevo community manager que dice que ha sido pro en el gaming, muy buenas preguntas y muy definidas de nKm y el tio no contesta NADA, solo dice que estan trabajando en todo (como vienen diciendo desde hace meses) pero nada concreto. Tambien dice que estara encantado de recibir feedback de la comunidad.

Vamos, que es un buen politico y no se moja en nada, lo que me da que pensar que siguen exactamente igual que hace 2 meses con la diferencia de que han metido a este pobre infeliz para dar sensacion de que hacen algo.

19 días después

haces tres meses era la beta de la beta de la beta,ahora estamos jugando la beta xD.



Este thread tiene 20 dias. Anormalic0.



el rollo


Esto es lo utlimo que yo escuche ...

nKM wrote:
To translate....

MattX thinks you'll go down in Battlefield history if you manage to get the devs to work on proper support.

LANs = We mean LAN events across Europe, some of which are planned, one of which has been cancelled already.

EMS = ESL Major Series. The game was considered but rejected for EMS due to lack of competitive functionality. They have 'seasons' during the summer and winter for teams to compete for cash prizes and generally there will be sponsorship, live coverage from rushTV and the like, and the chance to play at LANs in tournaments and offline events.

EPS = ESL Pro Series. The top tier for competitive gaming at ESL, with bigger prizes, and entry into the Intel Extreme Masters and other Global Events. Don't see this game getting to those heady hieghts in it's current format, though ;).

Cups and Tournaments = There's many cups and tournaments usually in 4v4 Squad Rush, 5v5 Infantry Conquest and 6v6/8v8 Conquest with vehicles. Those are the basic formats of most tournaments at ESL, Clanbase and ESports Heaven. Initial interest was very high, with hundreds of teams signing up to play events, but the difficulties with the game itselfs and the problems admining it effectively has caused big organisations to drop out of supporting the game, and the numbers to dwindle.

The game needs:

Demo Recording:


The ability to record in-game demos of matches for anti-cheat purposes, as per default requirements of professional gaming leagues, offering enhanced abilities to server admins to keep out cheating and glitch abuse by way of verifiable demos playable in-game. This also provides the community with the ability to record movies of gameplay, thereby enhancing the interest and longevity of the game as was seen with previous Battlefield titles.

Without demo recording, we cannot monitor matches for unfair/rulebreaking play and check for people using cheats not yet caught by Punkbuster or 3rd party anti-cheat stream, which undermines competitive play.

Notable predecents
COD series (especially COD2 and COD4), most Quake engine games (Quake 1-3, Half-Life series, Unreal Tournament series, CounterStrike Series), ETQW, many RTS games (Starcraft series, HoN, etc).

1st and 3rd Person Spectator Mode (freecam):


The ability to stream live matches to the community is a cornerstone of the competitive scene (see rushTV, QuadV, H2k-TV, ESLTV + many more across the world), and 1st and 3rd person spectator mode makes this possible. There are many organisations who use this functionality to bring the competitive game to the masses, and is the basic feature which allows new games to be broadcast at expos and across the internet for thousands of interested gamers out there, helping develop esports for experienced gamers and those new to gaming. It also provides server admins the opportunity to monitor suspect gameplay 'live', thus enhancing the gameplay experience and providing a solution when anti-cheat measures fail. Combined with demo recording, huge communities have been built in the past for gamers who wish to make game movies, as can be seen with COD2, COD4, Quake series, Counter:Strike series, Battlefield etc. It's important to state that demo recording is not the same as recording with a 3rd party tool such as FRAPS or Wegame or using a capture card.

Notable predecents
COD series (especially COD2 and COD4), most Quake engine games (Quake 1-3, Half-Life series, Unreal Tournament series, CounterStrike Series), ETQW, Team Fortress Series, many RTS games (Starcraft series, HoN, etc), Battlefield series.

Functionality for competitive play:


Primarily to promote balance, and enhance functionality with customizable features such as a scoreboard with ticket count, round start, round pause, round restart, global messages, 'ready-up' mode, kit/weapon limits, round timer, ticket bleed and the like. Such basic options were standard in previous BF titles and are standard in most other multiplayer FPS (CS, CSS, COD, UT, Q3, ET, TF2 etc). Important to state that competitive games are on unranked servers for this reason. Giving better support for managing games allows competitive organisations to set out fair and balanced rulesets, allowing more players the chance to play matches with friends and against teams in a usable environment and the development of the game as a whole.

Removal of revive protection:


Needed to stop medic-revive abuse, which hinders gameplay balance by rendering groups of medics virtually invulnerable as revivees can concentrate on reviving teammates rather than shooting enemies, thus causing major issues in all game modes. Possible server side switch would be ideal as would retain the balance for public servers but allow competitive play to flourish where such features are deemed unnecessary. Most competitive gamers believe this a relativly small fix which will restore the gameplay balance and make the game far more enjoyable as it restores need for tactical discipline, positioning and teamwork which underpins competitive play.

Client-side improvements:


Extra options for all players such as: extra options to customize sensitivity of vehicle turrets and helicopter maneuverability, option to bind individual keys for picking up kits and planting/defusing bombs (common complaint), key bind for new squad, key bind for in-game weapons/squad menu, better in-game menu behavior (squad menu should dissapear on key-off), possiblity of faster kit switches (artificial delays for switching weapons are too long) and complete removal of mouse acceleration would be a great boost. Also, server browser improvements allowing for all-case search strings, and better filters are much needed and appreciated. Competitive players are used to performing multiple tasks and thinking ahead in team-based gameplay and relatively minor improvements such as putting these options back on the keyboard will restore the fluency of gameplay and be beneficial for everyone playing the game who wants to concentrate on the game instead of constantly looking at the squad menus to switch weapons and squads.

Overall, it's impossible to cover every point in enough detail with reasoning on a forum but I hope this covers it as a condensed summary.

more discussion here - Competitive BC2 Summary on EA Forums:

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