Bundle PS4 + PSVita


UK retailer Game.co.uk have started taking pre-orders for the next bundle that they will be offering which includes both the Playstation 4 and the PS Vita at a price of £599.96. The pre-order page can be found here.

The pre-order bundle consists of a PlayStation 4 console itself, a PS Vita Wi-Fi (sadly not the 3G version), a 14 day trial for PS+ along with 4 games – Knack and Lego Marvel Super Heroes for the PlayStation 4 and Little Big Planet and Tearaway for the Playstation Vita. A 16GB memory card is also included for the Vita which will be sufficient to download a handful of vita games and don’t forget the free games available with a PlayStation plus subscription monthly. Game have guaranteed the bundle pre-orders for Christmas, although the release date hasn’t been announced.

Todavía no se ha confirmado, pero todo apunta a que es un Bundle de Game UK únicamente.




#3 :clint:

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hola http://www.mediavida.com/foro/juegos/ps4-ps-vita-ultimate-edition-diciembre-2013-496800

#2 Eres rapido :f5:

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