Expectativas de desarrolladoras japonesas para 2019


Como cada año Famitsu dedica una de sus últimas ediciones semanales a preguntar a desarrolladoras japonesas por sus expectativas para 2019. No suelen entrar en mucho detalle y todo suele quedar en "anunciar cosas importantes", pero siempre se puede sacar algo.

Copio la traducción a inglés que ha compartido Gematsu del original de Famitsu.

001. Arc System Works’ Daisuke Ishiwatari

Keyword: Sunrise.

In recent years, I’ve heard the word “eSports” from every direction, but the fighting games that Arc System Works specialize in also target eSports. There may be more opportunities for fighting games now than ever before, and the number of users with newfound interest in the genre might increase. As for us, we will seriously explore how we can contribute to that industry now more than ever. However, we have to polish the fun and essence of our games to ride this wave and not get washed away. Rather than one of many titles, I should concentrate on creating a few noteworthy titles.

Latest Report: Secret.

002. Arc System Works’ Toshimichi Mori

2019 Keyword: Persistence. I want to move forward with a spirit that doesn’t give up no matter the circumstances.

2018 was a year of various troubles. For 2019, I want to clear my head and move forward. So in 2019, I think that I will act with the goal of “doing the things that I want to do.” If possible, I would like to learn methods of expression outside of games. I think that by learning new “ways to play,” I will be able to expand the framework when it comes to expression in games.

Latest Report: Currently, my project(s) are falling behind in various ways. However, I am doing my best to move forward, even if only a little. If I can move closer to a bright future, even if only an inch…

004. Idea Factory’s Norihisa Kochiwa

2019 Keyword: New.

I want to challenge more and more new things since there are suspicions of a new era and new platform(s).

005. Idea Factory’s Naoko Mizuno

2019 Keyword: Broadened perspective.

In 2018, I concentrated on the development of Super Neptunia RPG with an overseas studio. There, I came to understand the things that I saw and that there are various ways of thinking. While maintaining what is important, I want to broaden my perspective and take on challenges.

Latest Report: Super Neptunia RPG will be released on December 20. It’s a title developed together with an overseas studio. I’m currently working on downloadable content and the like.

006. Acquire’s Takuma Endou

2019 Keyword: To announce something “beautiful” for Acquire’s 25th anniversary.

Octopath Traveler became our first million-seller in 20 years following Tenchu. 20 years is of course a long time, so I would like to create popular games on a more regular basis. Also, we’re not just creating big titles, we’re also gradually working on an indie-type experimental game, and I think it’s beautiful that we can do both.

Latest Report: I’m working on a small new title myself. Since it’s being made alongside my other work, it’s moving along extremely slowly, so maybe we can move it into prototyping in 2019…

007. Atlus’ Katsura Hashino

2019 Keyword: The love drama will be taken to the extreme on Valentine’s Day!

With the goal of an official announcement, I’m making an entirely new RPG at our new studio that isn’t Shin Megami Tensei or Persona. I think it will be a game that hasn’t been done before. What is the traditional fantasy these days? Confidence among the team is increasing each day as we move forward. I will continue straight ahead as not to get lost, and have fun while progressing with work. Please look forward to it.

008. Atlus’ Kazuyuki Yamai

2019 Keyword: Nervousness.

Latest Report: Shin Megami Tensei V is in earnest development. I apologize that we haven’t been able to put out any news. Time is necessary to create all the details in Unreal Engine 4. I would appreciate it if everyone could wait a little longer for more news.

014. Kadokawa Games’ Yoshimi Yasuda

2019 Keyword: 2019 is the year I would like to see further activity in the simulation RPG game studio I lead.

In 2019, we will develop our latest simulation RPGs, including the 2018-announced Project Stella, Project Europa, and God Wars 2. While making sure to maintain the enjoyable gameplay that is the core of a simulation RPG, I want to launch titles that are also suitable to current times.

Latest Report: As overall production director, I am focusing on the development of the tentatively titled Root Letter 2. We’re aiming to make it a title suitable to be the concluding episode of a “Shimane Prefecture game,” as well as a quality mystery adventure title, so please look forward to it.

017. Capcom’s Michiteru Okabe

2019 Keyword: My keyword is pioneering. I believe that we have pioneered not only specific fields, but also unexplored lands.

In 2019, I would like to take on new trials more than ever before, and since we’re having discussions with many different people, I would like to work hard to be able to realize that.

Latest Report: On March 8, 2019, we will release Devil May Cry 5. There are things [about it] that we haven’t announced yet, so please look forward to more information.

022. GungHo Online Entertainment’s Kazuki Morishita

2019 Keyword: We are the world.

We’re preparing titles for players around the world to enjoy. As for our already-announced title Ninjala, I would like players around the world to compete and enjoy its gum action. I also would like people to come to know “GungHo” through games.

Latest Report: We’re planning new developments for Puzzle & Dragons, which will celebrate its seventh anniversary. And we will share more information about our new title Ninjala, so please look forward to it!

025. Kazuma Kujo

2019 Keyword: Submerge.

In 2019, I would like to move forward with work as quietly as possible. Since I inconvenienced fans with things like delayed release dates in 2018, I would like to raise the level of accuracy in our work to release a game that can excite everyone and leave an impression on the world. Thank you for your support.

Latest Report: While we will continue to enhance Manga Kakeru and Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories, we’re preparing to be able to share news about a new title in the spring. We’re also planning to release a demo, so please be sure to play it.

029. Koei Tecmo’s Kenichi Ogasawara

2019 Keyword: Deliver the culmination of the current generation!

I think 2020 will be a year of great movement, and not only for the games industry, so in order to get a good grasp on changing needs, I would like to increase our speed and flexibility in dealing with various matters.

Latest Report: First, enjoy Dragon Quest Builders 2, which was developed by Omega Force! I may also be able to announce my own title sometime around Golden Week!

2019 Focal Point: It seems there will be big announcements regarding new hardware and platforms soon, so I will be paying attention. The state of censorship trends in China is also worth checking out.

032. Koei Tecmo’s Kou Shibusawa

2019 Keyword: Global.

I want to deepen our connections with overseas IP holders and creators, and create new IP that can be deployed worldwide.

033. Koei Tecmo’s Akihiro Suzuki

2019 Keyword: Challenge!

We’re considering several new challenge projects for the Dynasty Warriors series. I’m working hard to be able to make a concrete announcement in 2019.

Latest Report: Additional downloadable content for Dynasty Warriors 9 is in development. In early 2019, we will announce further additional downloadable content information.

034. Koei Tecmo’s Akira Tsuchigaya

2019 Keyword: Serious learning.

Latest Report: For Surge Concerto, 2019 will mark seven years since the release of the first title, Ciel nosurge. So I’m thinking about holding a small festival to celebrate the seventh anniversary of the Seven Dimensions. It will also be the two-year anniversary of Augmented Reality Girls Trinary, so I’m hoping that we can celebrate it together with everyone.

036. Koei Tecmo’s Junzo Hosoi

2019 Keyword: Continuation.

In 2019, I hope to announce various titles from the Gust brand, and release them if possible. They consist of various things, like new challenges and expanding upon IP. We will make each one carefully as not to betray everyone’s expectations, and work hard each day to make them surprising and enjoyable.

045. CyberConnect2’s Hiroshi Matsuyama

2019 Keyword: Revenge, start.

CyberConnect2’s self-published titles will finally be sequentially announced and release. First up is Fugue of the Battlefield! It is the latest work set in the Little Tail Bronx world. Please look forward to it!

048. Square Enix’s Tomoya Asano

2019 Keyword: On a new land.

In 2019, I have a bit of a different challenge from what I’ve done previously (Octopath Traveler and the Bravely series). I’ll do my best! The 11th Business Division is developing multiple games. There should be something that makes everyone happy! It will take some time before we’re able to share news, but please look forward to it!

053. Square Enix’s Akitoshi Kawazu

2019 Keyword: Preparation.

The end of 2019 is the start of SaGa‘s 30th anniversary. Since an anniversary comes around every year, I can’t help but be overly conscious, but I would like make preparations for things that fans can enjoy, including a festival-like event. I think that releasing a game is what’s most desired, so I want to prioritize those preparations.

054. Square Enix’s Yoshinori Kitase

2019 Keyword: Long-awaited!

I want to work hard to satisfy the expectations of the fans!

Latest Report: Mobius Final Fantasy currently has a collaboration with Final Fantasy VIII! Of course, development on Final Fantasy VII Remake is moving along well!

056. Square Enix’s Yosuke Saito

2019 Keyword: Support and training.

Latest Report: I’m working hard to make the in-development Babylon’s Fall and several other unannounced titles as good as possible.

062. Square Enix’s Tetsuya Nomura

2019 Keyword: 7.

Various announcements are planned.

Latest Report: Kingdom Hearts III has gone gold, but I’m not entirely relieved [that it’s done].

069. Spike Chunsoft’s Yasuhiro Iizuka

2019 Keyword: Wow!!!

In 2019, we’re preparing to announce unannounced western titles and new projects. I will do my best to make even just one more person interested in Spike Chunsoft, or to hear a lot of people say “Good job, Spike Chunsoft!.”

Latest Report: In early 2019, I think I will be able to share various information about Kazutaka Kodaka’s new title AI: Somnium Files.

070. Spike Chunsoft’s Yoshinori Terasawa

2019 Keyword: Planting seeds.

2019 seems like it will be a year to plant seeds and grow little by little. While there is not much movement at the moment, I wonder if I’ll be able to do something like make an announcement. Also, I’m thinking about events and the like for the 10th anniversary of Danganronpa in 2020.

076. Sega Games’ Yokoyama Masayoshi

2019 Keyword: Long short festival.

Latest Report: Please support Yakuza Online! Also, development on the new console game starring protagonist Ichiban Kasuga is well underway. Please look forward to more news!

081. Sony Interactive Entertainment’s Keiichiro Yoyama

2019 Keyword: Comeback.

While the thought never occurred to me during the year, 2018 was a troubling year where one thing after the next didn’t go as expected. We had the opportunity to speak with Siren fans of 15 years at the “Siren Exhibition,” and I was able to get motivation for making games in the future, as well as big hints. In 2019, I want to turn over a new leaf and go full power from the very beginning!

088. Nippon Ichi Software’s Gen Suganuma

2019 Keyword: Offense is the greatest defense.

I’m making preparations to release new console games in 2020, in 2021, and even in 2022! Or maybe I should say, I’m working hard to release them forever!

Latest Report: I will announce one of them… Look forward to it!

092. Nihon Falcom’s Toshihiro Kondo

2019 Keyword: Restart.

In 2018, the Trails of Cold Steel series concluded, and the Trails series that I’ve worked on for many years reached a big pause. In the future, I’m thinking I would like to continue supporting the series while giving it a fresh start. Additionally, perhaps daringly, the Ys series will depict Adol’s adventure in an atmosphere different from what we’ve seen before. Positioning 2019 it as a year of various restarts, I will do my best.

094. Bandai Namco Entertainment’s Keita Iizuka

2019 Keyword: Restart.

My first goal of 2019 is to deliver Code Vein to everyone. We have kept everyone waiting since the delay, but I would like to resume activities worldwide as we head towards release. At the same time, I would like to make preparations for what’s next. Also, this is personal, but I’d like to restart the game I stopped halfway through and clear it…

101. Bandai Namco Entertainment’s Katsuhiro Harada

2019 Keyword: Restart.

We were supposed to start up an enormously large-scale project in 2018, but it unexpectedly vanished due to event that no one saw coming, so we’ll recharge and start fresh again from scratch. I foresee the seemingly long journey that is 2019 as having new experiences and trials, but I have no choice but to prepare. I would also like to reduce my overseas business trips in 2019. For 10 consecutive years, 50 percent of my work days were overseas, it’s pretty strange to begin with. Also, since Hajime Tabata settled on the specifics for his new JP Games, Inc. office location and opening date, I’ll be going to the office ahead of opening to stick and leave strange charms everywhere.

106. Platinum Games’ Atsushi Inaba

2019 Keyword: Pioneering.

It seems that 2019 will be a really intense year, and that we’re going to tread unexplored territory. There are also many things I need to learn that I don’t already know, which is difficult, but I’m excited for it. I want every year to be an intense year.

Latest Report: We will release various new news in 2019. But I can’t say anything yet.

108. Platinum Games’ Takahisa Taura

2019 Keyword: Evolution and challenge.

I’m continuing to work quietly on game production. I’m working hard with the goal of being able to debut something.

110. FuRyu’s Fuyuki Hayashi

2019 Keyword: Headfirst.

Latest Report: Although this is only a partial announcement, Crystar will be released overseas in 2019. I hope that many overseas users can play it.

115. Mistwalker’s Hironobu Sakaguchi

2019 Keyword: Turning over a new leaf.

I’m starting a new project. I want to do my best to turn over a new leaf.


Yo entiendo inglés pero seguro que alguien se te queja por copiarlo todo sin traducir.

Square Enix’s Yoshinori Kitase
2019 Keyword: Long-awaited!

I want to work hard to satisfy the expectations of the fans!

Latest Report: Mobius Final Fantasy currently has a collaboration with Final Fantasy VIII! Of course, development on Final Fantasy VII Remake is moving along well!

A ver si es verdad.

1 respuesta

#2 Y me parece correcto, pero es que tenía sólo 10 minutos libres para hacerlo. Quería meter algún video o imagen pero es que me voy ya a mi casa XD

  1. Sony Interactive Entertainment’s Keiichiro Yoyama

2019 Keyword: censura


Esto significa que se vera algo de FFVII:R para el año que viene?. Buenas noticias

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