HoN: Alt Avatar Contest 2!


With Alt Avatars continuing to blow the doors off the HON shop, we see player appreciation month as the perfect time to announce a new Community Alt Avatar Contest. It's your chance to share your ideas with us here at S2 Games and get your Alt hero added to Heroes of Newerth.

If you submit an idea in the comments below, we'll sort through the best of the best and have a vote on who wins. Out of the top 5 chosen by us at S2, the community will pick a 1st Place, 2nd Place, and 3rd Place winner. The spoils of your hard work are as follows:

1st Place: Your very own complimentary copy of your Alt as well as 1000 Gold coins for the shop.

2nd Place: 500 Gold Coins for the shop.

3rd Place: 250 Gold Coins for the shop

As a reminder, please only submit your own work and feel free to get as creative as you want on this. While only the best submissions will be considered winners, why not take a shot at glory and show us what you'd like to see most from your favorite heroes. Concept art, back-stories, and over-the-top shenanigans are always welcome.

The submission window is pretty much open and we'll close the thread as soon as we think enough of you have given us your best, so get those creative juices flowing and start showing us what you've got!

S2 Staff Member

Fuente: http://heroes-ofnewerth.blogspot.com/2011/10/alt-avatar-contest-2-begins-now.html


imagino que vivi_chester (aka fayde_lover) estara interesado en este tema :3


Con decir la idea vale? o tengo que pintar, porque si tengo que pintar paso xD

1 respuesta

#3 Pon alguna imagen de por ahí para que se hagan a la idea y vale...


Pongo unos poquillos alt avatars que esta subiendo la gente en el foro de hon , la mayoria la verdad lo hace en plan broma que muchisimas son para partirse xD.

Puppet master:



Y la que me a encantao que sea algo parecido , Blood Hunter:




Monkey King:


Doctor repulsor:

Me encantaria algo parecido a esto para el corrupted, aunque la espada ahi no le veria mucho sentido en el xD.


Esto es solamente unas cuantas imagenes de las 9 primeras paginas posteadas en hon y hay ahora mismo 96 paginas ya , asi que los que esteis aburridillos o querais ver simplemente mas imagenes chulas pues pasarse por alli , dejo link por si acaso:


El madman wolverine tienen que hacerlo pero ya. Pero ya.

Usuarios habituales

  • Shide
  • GarhU_
  • danao
  • ReloaD1010
