HoN: Parche 2.6.13


Parche 2.6.13

  • Added new Early Access Hero: Rally

  • Added new Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar: Warlord Rally

  • Added new Premium Rally Alt Avatar: Joan D'Rally

  • Rally is a melee strength hero who creates a new dynamic on the battlefield. Rally can Compel his allies to either save them or launch them into battle. Setting up a Seismic Slam that hits one or more targets will guarantee destruction upon his enemies.

  • Added new Salforis Alt Avatar: Lord Thanatos

  • Limited Edition Jurassic Warden has returned to Newerth for one week!

  • Pets are now deleted when the owner terminates
  • Items that drop on death always lose ownership, even when dropping off a pet
  • Fixed possible editor lockup when editing water

  • Courier: Fixed the courier from being pulled or pushed by abilities when immune

  • Genjuro: Removed the animation from Genjuro so it does not stop any current channeling animations

  • Genjuro: Fixed Harkon's Blade interaction so that the slow state of Genjuro will properly apply if you attack out of Genjuro's stealth state with Harkon's toggled on

  • Null Stone: Fixed the reset effect making the dead hero glow for a split second when Null Stone goes off of cooldown

  • Arachna: Fixed Spiderling so that it won't die if Arachna dies while the Spiderling is in midair

  • Chronos: Fixed Chronofield so that units properly play their idle animation after it expires

  • Empath: Fixed Homecoming Stone/ Post Haste so it won't immediately cancel if Empath uses it while in her " As One " state

  • Nomad: Fixed Edge Counter so that it plays the correct animations for each respective alt

  • Pebbles: Fixed Enlarge from playing the rock skin shed animation when he is invisible

  • Pharaoh: Fixed an exploit with Wrath of the Pharaoh and Staff of the Master. You can no longer cast Wrath of the Pharaoh, pick up Staff of the Master (or get a courier/friend's hero to deliver it to you) and then use the secondary ultimate skill (hotkey "D") immediately after. The cooldowns will now be properly shared.

  • Silhouette: Fixed White Lotus Silhouette's Sky Dance animation so that it uses the alt's model instead of the original's model

Usuarios habituales

  • Skelus
