HoN: Por fin un Balance Patch!


Many of you don't know that a HUGE balance patch is in the works but there is! There have been countless messages to go over in general discussion, balance forums, competitor forums, tournaments, IMs, and emails which have all been extremely helpful in creating the upcoming patch. Going through all of these sources takes considerable time (and we try to give attention to every source!) to get a good basis of what needs to change, what could change, and what should not change. Even after making this list we want more then theory crafting, we put our changes into extensive testing to make sure we are making proper balance decisions.

For your patience here's a sneak peak of some balance changes expected to come:


  • Fire and Ice will require both dogs to channel
    There have been many complaints of how hard it is to kill Gemini and we agree! This change alone should help remedy much of that. Other areas to be looked at are movespeed and stats transfer.


  • Lion's Pride will have healing reduced
    Midas is a hero that many people, including us, would say needs a nerf and most agree that the heal is the biggest problem.


  • Reducing the amount zephyr can heal
    Zephyr's survivability is a little too high, as evidenced both by our observations of competitive play and community feedback.


  • Reducing the cast range on Crippling Pollen from 550 to 500
    Crippling Pollen started with a higher cast range when compared similar spells. Although only higher by 50 it becomes much easier to snag those heroes trying to attack from 600 range. This slight touch on the spell seems to put it back into place.

Ring of Sorcery

  • Slightly increasing the manacost to activate
    Typically purchased selfishly this items focus is meant to be a team item (like astrolabe and energizer). Increasing the mana cost will make it less effective for the individual to use.


  • Expect changes to come! A big thanks to everyone who contributed on the balance forums for this one!
    Too effective at all points in the game we're hoping to release a new concept to this item that will keep it's current effectiveness in helping carries farm during the mid game but not make it impossible for other heroes to kill a hero with an early HotBL.

Our expected release date is Jan 27th. Many thanks to all our testers and everyone else who has helped contribute.


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Buenos nerfeos a Gemini,Midas y Monarch, y un pequeño nerfeo a zephyr pinta bien.

Lo quye no se es como afectara ese tamaño nerfeo al ring of sorcery xD aunque supongo que puede tener cierta lógica para darse mana uno a si mismo ya hay items como el chalice o subirte la reg de mana.


La cosa es que con el ring of sorcery, darte maná costaba 25 sólo. La verdad es que iba de puta madre, porque sin apenas maná aún podías engordar el maná de los otros. No lo veo mal cambio.

El cambio del zephyr lo veo mal. Tendrían que hacer éste cambio mejor:
Si consumes más de un tornado por segundo, cada ciclón que consumas en un periodo de más de 0,5 segundos respecto al anterior, la cantidad curada se reduce en un 10%.
Ahora si se come los 8 tornados se cura 8x30 = 240. Si se los come con lo del 10% de penalización son 156.
O cambiarlo como el balphagore y hacer que el daño de los tornados sea igual al del heal y olvidarse de las polladas del 10%

Lo que hay que cambiar del Zephyr creo yo es la posibilidad de cascarte todos los tornados de una tacada y que encima se cure la hostia, no que la cantidad de vida por tornado que se coma sea menor.


Tambien comerte un tornado podria subirte la reg de vida y si te comes mas esa reg aumente, asi no se la subiria tan de una (y que tampoco te cure la hostia).


menuda mierda de nerfeo a monarch.

1 respuesta

#5 Es que lo que tu quieres es que la eliminen del hon y yasta xDDD

1 respuesta

#6 hombre claro XD
es que me parece aberrante, en level 3 ya puede matar al primer noob que se encuentre ... es injusta.


¡Que bien! Sacan el parchecito del fenix del Amun-ra (3000 monedas de plata J3) y joden el MM, y no solo eso, cuando logras entrar en una partida despues de esperar 15 min, a la mitad del juego se pone a 500 de ping a todo cristo y pierdes la partida.

S2'ed again, and again, and again, and again... De verdad, jugar al HoN es como ser del atletic, sufridor nato.


Y el Alchemist Bones bugeado, llegando a dar 930g por un vagabond leader.

2 respuestas

Vaya mierda avatar el del ra...


#9 jajajajajajajaja tengo que probarlo xdddddddddddd


Ya lo han fixeado que yo sepa ¿no?


#9 O_O. holy shit xddd

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